So I would consider myself a vet when it comes to RP. I have been RP'ing since I was ten I was born in do that math...yeah...I am old. XD Either way, I have a few idea's for an RP. Whether they will be a 1x1 or a group is entirely up to whoever is looking I guess. I have no problem doing either really. I guess a few rules are in order and then I will put down what RP's I am thinking of creating or participating in. I am also a literate player...I can make the long several paragraph posts that some people do, but only if I have something to work with...and for your information its not easy for me to always make a post that long.
1 - At least be semi-lit, if you want to make a short post then all I need is a paragraph...yes six sentences. If you give me nothing to work with or those that your RP'ing with, then its hard to make a good reply.
2 - While I am not object to romance I am not so good with with more....intimate things. So keep it PG-13, because I dont cyber and others that may be in the RP wont either. If you want to, go to PM's and keep it to yourself. A good romance intimate is fine, kissing and cuddling...but no further please.
3 - Action and violence and some gore is all fine. No worries there...just dont make it into some kind of blood bath.
4 - No God-modding...for the love of the I really need to explain this...fine narrator...while I do believe in strong powerful characters it has to be offset, no auto hit and whatnot. And I mean offset like if your character is strong and powerful, give him/her some weak points. Like I have a char that is strong but when near fire he gets weak.
5 - If your gonna be gone for awhile (things happen I know) please notify me or the group that we are in. It helps us to figure out if we are waiting on you...or what.

Now onto my RP idea's...more to come later as I think on them. And if you want a custom one, send me a pm and tell me the details.

1 - Carnival of Horror: I got this idea from a song I heard a long time ago, but the RP never took off since people started leaving. A carnival of evil and darkness goes town to town once a year and opens. Though it looks innocent, once people go in, the carnival will suddenly disappear never to return the patrons. Nobody knows what happens, but you will be the one to be inside it to see for yourself.

2 - Star Wars themed: Yeah yeah, a nerds idea...I got it. But there was always something about the Star Wars franchise that I love. It doesnt need to be part of the story line, there are thousands of years that you can start in. Whether your a lightsaber wielding Jedi or Sith. Or a bounty hunter on the trail of your latest target. The universe is wide.

3 - World of Darkness: The world is not what it appears to be. Creatures of the night do exist, and they are right under your nose. Werewolves, Vampires, Fae, Mages and Hunters exist in a world that does not know of them, because they remain hidden there various ways.

4 - Warcraft: Yes its another nerd type one...but I always loved the rich lore and various races of the world of Azeroth. If you dont know what that is or how to participate in it, ask and I will inform you...unless its a group RP, then it should be put down. XD

Thats it for now, more will be coming soon when I think of them, tell me what you think or if your interested in either a group or 1 x 1.