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Annuska had never really thought herself to be all that... feminine. She wasn't exactly one of the boys, either. However, most of her time was occupied with apprenticing herself under her uncle Amjad. She spent most of her days around males (and a few females), absorbing information and learning all she could.

Annuska had always had this streak running through her, even when she was just a cub. She prided herself on being protective of her siblings, especially her sisters. Mother Nature hadn't blessed her with the soft, delicate hues that graced the others. Nor indeed was she given those lovely little wing markings. The combination of both had made her family look like a flock of cherubs, laughing and full of mirth.

Instead, she was given the mask. Some would say it was the mask of a monster, or the curse of an angry god. At first, she felt a little hurt, but Annuska soon realized this was a veritable boon. After all, no one would mess with her family, not while she lurked around. She thought of herself as the guardian that defended the treasures, and that seemed to be enough.

But now the tables were turning. The months had rolled by, and growing pains were now a common occurrence. She had seen the fawning looks her siblings got from various harems. The worst part was (and not that she would dare admit it), she hadn't seen any longing gazes sent her way. She was, after all, training to become an authority figure, so that might have been it. But was it wrong to want to be... wanted?
