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Phantasos yawned, sitting down and staring out at the plains, tilting his head and sniffing the air. He wasn't sure where his father or brother had gone off to, probably hunting or something of the like, or looking for true stories while he invented his own fiction. He liked his better, they tended to have a lot more... 'umph'. In his opinion anyway.

He could always have his own fun alone (most of the time, but it was dull when he didn't have anyone to talk with or tell his stories too). He sat down and closed his eyes, conjuring up a story and trying to envision the players in the game. He was feeling something scary... ghosts. Oh yes. A ghost story. if only he actually had someone around. Boredom was already sinking in. "Oh come on, I just got here brain don't give up on me now." He sighed loudly. "Have fun by yourself. Like an adult." Being an adult sucked.