User Image Velia was aware that she wasn't as much for pranks and tricks as the rest of her siblings but she still tried to get her dads attention, though by a different way. She had given up hope at the moment because he was quite distracted and it was clear she wasn't going to get him away from what he was doing. With a sigh she looked around when she saw something sparkle out of the corner of her eye. What was that? She padded over towards it and all she found was a rock. Hmm. That was odd. She looked around and then she caught the shine again and she looked and saw nothing but the rock. This was very strange. She looked at the rock and upon closer inspection saw a crack along side of it and when she adjusted it there was a shimmer of color from within and she wondered how it was possible for a rock to be so dull on the outside but so beautiful on the inside. She was definitely keeping this!

She then scented something odd in the air. What was that? It didn't smell familiar. She wondered what it was.

User Image He had been introduced to the pride a few days before so it was exciting to see more cubs his age! He was super excited and little had she known, he had left his mothers side and wandered over towards Velia. "Hi." Don't get all shy now! He had 5 sisters, this should be easy for him right? But it wasn't for some reason and he gave her a sheepish grin. My name is Aedan. What's yours?" that was a little better. You can totally do this, just pretend theyre like your siblings, but not related. He was just making himself confused. At least he was trying.

He noticed the expression she had and he took in the air and he smelled it to. What was that? He wondered if that was what her expression was about. Something that wasn't pride and wasn't exactly Lion. He was probably just as confused and as curious as she was about the whole thing. It wasn't him was it? No, then what could it be.

Velia looked over at the sound of a unfamiliar voice and she smiled, forgetting about the smell. She wanted to show Aedan this shiney thing she had found. "I'm Velia, Look at this!" She said showing him the rock that had something shiney inside of it.

He too was lost to the strange smell as his curiosity was taken with this rock she was suddenly shoving in his face. What was so special about a... Oh. He caught the sight of something shiney inside of it and his curiosity was even more enthralled. "What do you think it is?" He asked prodding at it with his little claws trying to see if he could look farther inside of it.

Velia shrugged. "I don't know, but whatever it is I'm keeping it!" She said boastfully. She liked this Aedan cat, he seemed pretty nice. "Hey, wanna go hang out with me and see if we can't find more of these?" She asked excitedly.

He nodded with enthusiasm. Yes, he wanted to see if he could find his own shiney rock. Weird that a rock could be shiney. None the less though, he wanted one of his own. "Yes, I would like that very much."

With that the two of them bounded off to look for more of those odd shiney rocks.

[590 words]