The scenario:
"Battle Royale takes place in a fictional police state version of Japan known as the Republic of Greater East Asia. From time to time, fifty randomly selected classes of secondary school students are forced to take arms against one another until only one student in each class remains. The program was created, supposedly, as a form of military research, with the outcome of each battle publicized on local television. A character discovers that the program is not an experiment at all, but a means of terrorizing the population. In theory, after seeing such atrocities, the people will become paranoid and divided, preventing another rebellion.

Under the guise of a "study trip", a group of students from Shiroiwa Junior High School a junior high school operated by the fictional Kagawa Prefecture town of Shiroiwa, are corralled onto a bus and gassed, only to awaken in a school on an isolated, vacated island, wearing metal collars around their necks. After being briefed about the program, the students are issued survival packs and a random weapon or a tool, and sent out onto the island one by one. While most of the students receive guns and knives, some students acquire relatively useless items like boomerangs, dartboard darts, or a fork. In some cases, instead of a weapon, the student receives a tool. Hiroki Sugimura finds a radar device that tracks nearby students, and Toshinori Oda receives a bulletproof vest."

You wake up dazed and confused. Your in a classroom with mixture of military and civilians. It's chaotic, all the civilians are confused and stumbling. The military members are yelling and shoving they grab your arms, another one shoves a book bag into you gut and then your thrown outside. You look around at the dense's quiet, your sweating, but relieved it's so much quieter. In the distance you hear a gun shot ring out....then a female scream....then a manic laughter...

What do you do?
Is everyone really gonna play the game and try to kill each other?
What's in your bag?
Are you the first person out? you can't be ... atleast the 3rd, right?
Where is everybody?
When is the next person gonna walk out? Is he gonna play the game? Does he know what's in his bag already?