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It was cold, the racing winds and biting frost of the mountains rustled against her coat, but she didn't feel it. Her fur had always been thicker than average, the dense white coat almost made her invisible in the barren lands of the mountains though she never allowed herself to be invisible. As the daughter of the goddess of greed she had been taught to preen, she had been taught to be larger than life, she had been taught to stand out, and despite her pale coat she was anything but invisible.

She was in a good mood, and a good mood meant that she glistened, her wings capturing every ounce of light, reflecting it back up in to the high mountains. Her ties splayed as she walked allowing her to pass over the deep new snow without sinking too deeply. She did so love the snow covered mountain, she loved she could leave her mark but she also loved that with the next storm all evidence of her being there would be gone. It was a wonderfully subtle thing. With every step she took a flurry of small icicles whipped around her causing tiny tornadoes of hail to follow behind her before rolling off down the snow banks. Yes she was in a very good mood, she did so love these mountains.