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[PRP] Great Mothers Blessing (Svetlana x Aphrodite)

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 5:08 pm
User Image It had been a while since she had seen the pale male with blue markings. Being of how light in color he was, he must be very much blessed by the Great Mother. She wondered if she would perhaps see him again soon. She had enjoyed watching him dance. He also had a kind soul. She had liked that about him.

She herself hadn't done too much that day thus far. She had gone to the tree of Souls for a time and she had also done some work for the priestess's. It wasn't a bad days work, though sometimes she felt unfulfilled. With a small sigh she reclined on one of the lower hanging branches of a tree not to far from where they all called home.

Kathryn Dragonna
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:29 pm

User Image Aphrodite was not sure what was worse, the fact that he had sprained a paw and had to take some time off from dancing, or the fact that his sister was out making male friends. He wasn't overprotective really, but while he was recovering he could not go meet these males to make sure they weren't going to give his sister trouble. She could take care of herself, but he wanted to be there to back her up if needed. That was hard to do when one could not walk right.

Aphrodite's paw was healed up now, so he was going to go back to dancing and actually moving again! Sitting still had about killed the energetic male. He really did not do well with nothing to occupy his paws. The mostly white male was creeping along, crouched down, almost as if stalking something. He was not really going after anything in particular. The lion was stalking just to do something silly and fun. That being said, when he saw a lioness in a tree above him, he did not pass up the opportunity to sneak under her and reach up to touch her tail.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:37 pm
Kathryn Dragonna

She felt a sudden tap at her tail and she curled the tip and swished it back and forth playfully. She looked down to see who had decided to take aim at her appendage and she was surprised to see a familiar face. "I see you brother." She gave him a smile and moved down from her perch to face him on the ground.

"I have not seen you around. Have you been well?" She asked looking at him to see if perhaps something in him was different. Sometimes when illness found them they could get a little thinner than normal looking but he seemed rather healthy to her.  
PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2015 1:33 pm
sorry RL keeps eating my muses.

Aphrodite stood up and grinned broadly at the female as she came down from her perch. "I See you, Sister." He fluffed himself up a bit and tried to look as innocent as possible. "Me? Sick? Why would you think that?" He would try to play it off as if nothing happened if he could. The male might have hurt his paw, but it was healed now. Even when it was still fresh, he had been unhappy with the fuss made over it. He liked cuddles, yes, but not being stuck in one place because he was not allowed to do something.

"How have you and your pretty tail been?" Aphrodite had wondered how she was quite a lot while he was holed up. He could only get so much information out of his sister without making her suspicious of his interest in the female. He did not want his sister in his love life just now, since he was not really sure there was anything there anyway.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 1:51 pm
Kathryn Dragonna
That's okay

"I only ask because I haven't seen you for quite some time. I thought perhaps something may have happened to you." She said looking concerned, though she knew he was alright now. She made herself comfortable and she looked around for a moment.

"Where have I been?" She blushed slightly at his compliment and she cleared her throat. "Mostly working with the preistess's and at the tree of souls." Now that she said it aloud she realized she didn't have much of a life currently. "I sound like a hermit, don't I? She said with a small laugh.  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:47 am
Aphrodite looked sheepishly down at one paw as he ran it over a bit of ground. "Well.... I... umm... might'vesprainedmypaw." The male kept his voice low and fast when he said the last bit to try to get it past without too much notice. "I am around now, so all is well... and you do not sound like a hermit." He winked at her with a grin. "A hermit wouldn't work for anybody." He would try to cheer her up even if she resisted.

"I have missed your pretty tail and bright smile. It has been so dull and lonely without them." Aphrodite makes it sound SOOO horrible. He was a little bit of a drama lion for fun, just a little. Okay maybe a lot, but it normally amused others to no end. He found this a very encouraging reason to act like this on occasion.


Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:17 am
Kathryn Dragonna

She strained her ear towards him and smiled in amusement at his jumbled words. It seemed to be that he was doing fine now so she figured she didn't have to worry too much about him. "I'm glad it wasn't anything TOO serious." She was almost certain it had been a huge deal though, since he needed his feet for what he did.

"I've missed your infectious personality and quirky ways." She said nudging his shoulder lightly with her head. He had been missed by her. She liked him and liked to see him so it was good that he was back around. It would give her a reason to get out. "I still think I sound like one, but maybe you're right... I do get out a little."  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:15 pm
I don't know if you want to continue this as a mate plot with as hard as it is to keep me online lately, but if not, I do want them to stay as basically best friends if possible. They do seem like they fit as that already!

"I think Pallas was sick of dealing with me, but now I can get out again and leave her in peace! I can dance again, I can go for walks... and I can stalk a pretty tail that has been very sorely missed." Aphrodite gave the lioness a lick on the cheek. He had really missed telling this lioness just how pretty she was. The male liked her quite a lot and wondered if she might need a male like him around.

Aphrodite better not get ahead of himself. For now, she certainly needed a friend, if she wanted more, she would make that clear, right? He certainly hoped so. "We shall compromise and call you a half-hermit... and I will work on making you get out more so you cannot be any hermit." He winked at her and grinned like an idiot.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:53 am
Kathryn Dragonna
I would very much like to make them mates. :3 I'm okay if the process is slow going. <3

She laughed lightly at his words and shook her head as if to say "who me? no" when he mentioned stalking her. "I'm sure your sister wasn't TOO sick of you. And who's pretty tail? Surely you couldn't possibly mean me." She said with a grin. She always found it a little surreal how he complimented her all the time. It wasn't something she was used to, but she was sure with the amount of times he spoke it, she would eventually come around to the idea that she was pretty. She knew she was an anomaly by her coloring and that made her self conscious, but maybe he could change that about her.

She blushed slightly when he licked her face and she cleared her throat slightly and was glad when he brought up her being a hermit. "Half-hermit it is then. And maybe, since you're feeling better, you can come steal me away now and again. I would like to get to know you better and see you dance." She said letting him know she was interested in getting to know him more. He made her feel, light and good. She wanted to keep that feeling she had with him.  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:33 pm
"I am sure she was very sick of me. I am a horrible whiner when I am not well or stuck in one place for too long." Aphrodite grinned at the thought. He LOVED to cuddle, but he was not a fan of being forced to stay or unable to get away if he wished. He was a little bit of a free spirit. "You have a lovely tail, and you know I meant you. I would not go stalking just any lioness' pretty tail, you know." the male meant every world he spoke to his friend, and while his coloring might be a wonderful thing here, he had half siblings aplenty that would have been unwelcome in this pride. He was born in the rogue lands and had been taught every creature had worth and beauty.

Aphrodite also was VERY aware of how handsome he was and instead of using it to fuel arrogance, he used it to give weight to his compliments to others. If someone whom others viewed as attractive spoke of the attractiveness of another it would lead to good things. He had watched his father turn many a female, lioness and otherwise, to better thoughts of themselves with his words. The lion wished to be just as fluffy and wonderful as his father. "I and sure I can steal you away... I bet Ic an even find a priestess that won't mind helping me."
they do seem to do well together.

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:37 pm
"I am sure she was very sick of me. I am a horrible whiner when I am not well or stuck in one place for too long." Aphrodite grinned at the thought. He LOVED to cuddle, but he was not a fan of being forced to stay or unable to get away if he wished. He was a little bit of a free spirit. "You have a lovely tail, and you know I meant you. I would not go stalking just any lioness' pretty tail, you know." the male meant every world he spoke to his friend, and while his coloring might be a wonderful thing here, he had half siblings aplenty that would have been unwelcome in this pride. He was born in the rogue lands and had been taught every creature had worth and beauty.

Aphrodite also was VERY aware of how handsome he was and instead of using it to fuel arrogance, he used it to give weight to his compliments to others. If someone whom others viewed as attractive spoke of the attractiveness of another it would lead to good things. He had watched his father turn many a female, lioness and otherwise, to better thoughts of themselves with his words. The lion wished to be just as fluffy and wonderful as his father. "I and sure I can steal you away... I bet Ic an even find a priestess that won't mind helping me."
they do seem to do well together.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:20 pm
Kathryn Dragonna

"I'm sure it wasn't all that bad." Her voice was warm and comforting and she blushed a little at the words he spoke next. She honestly wasn't used to being complimented all the time as such. Little did he know, she hadn't been born to this pride either. She had been abandoned by her family when she was little and found her way here and was taken in as an acolyte. They were more tolerable of her than her last home had been. She wasn't entirely sure why they had shunned her so much, especially since she had been but a cub, but that was neither here nor there. "You don't stalk me when I'm bathing do you?" She said feigning mock terror with a paw on her forehead.

She giggled softly as he spoke of stealing her away. She smiled and looked at him softly and nudged his cheek gently with her own. "You make my heart and soul feel free." She said warmly as she pulled back and looked at him. She was very pleased with her friendship with him, though she wasn't sure of his intentions. She liked him, quite a great deal, but it wasn't every day she had feelings like this for someone and she was afraid he might reject her in the end and she didn't want that. She doubted that would happen, for he seemed genuine about who he was. She was just nervous about such things and really liked where things were heading for them. She just had uncertainties she was sure would go away in time.  


Winter Wolf

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:23 pm

"If I did, I would be too much of a gentleman to admit to it." Aphrodite chuckled and nuzzled the lioness affectionately. "But no, I would not stalk you while you are bathing as that would be impolite." The male knew that his friend was not well received in the pride, unlike himself, but he also thought that others really should like her more. He had a brother that was all orange and the sweetest lion in the world. How could anyone hate him, or this lovely lioness just because their color wasn't right?

Aphrodite was quite pleased with the last words the lioness spoke. "You are not alone in that feeling...I really do think you are wonderful and beautiful, you know..." Should he try to tell her how he felt? That he wanted to keep her around? Maybe not just yet. Perhaps he should wait a little and let things grow a bit more before he spoke of hammocks and cuddles and cubs. He would get to them eventually, but now just did not seem the right time.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:55 pm
Kathryn Dragonna

She giggled softly at his words as he nuzzled her back. She was glad that he wouldn't stalk her if she was bathing, but a part of her wanted to tell him that she wouldn't mind and would probably ask him to join. She felt connected to him in a way and she wondered if perhaps he was the one. She hadn't met another within the pride who called to her. At least not like he did, the way she felt for him was different.

She gazed at him when he said that she wasn't alone in the feeling. It made her heart flutter a little. "Really?" She said almost astonished to hear the words coming from him. "I appreciate you think that i am those things." She said softly looking down, almost a little embarrassed. "I'm sure there are others out there who you'd much prefer though." She said as if she was trying to give him an out or something. She knew were this was leading too and it had her a little nervous. "I do have to get going through, it was really nice seeing you again." She said giving him a warm smile and not really wanting to know an answer just yet. "How about we meet at the tree of souls in a couple days. I'll see you then brother." She said before turning around and bounding off.  


Winter Wolf

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 3:01 pm

"It was wonderful seeing you again, Sister. I will meet you then." Aphrodite watched her leave in silence, already plotting something. A few days should be enough time for him to go out and meet up with his family for a bit. They had sent word they were passing close by, so he would go out, talk to them, and take some time to figure out a gift for Lana. If he was right, he could ask her to be his mate at the tree of souls in a few days. If not, well he would have the gift to make his case better at a later date. The male knew that his friend would not be easy to sweep off her paws, but he was determined to try.

Aphrodite plotted along toward his hammock and to tell his sister all about the day. That was one part of the family he didn't have to track down out in the roguelands at least. Maybe she would have some kind of advice for him. Then again, she might just tease him. He did not care either way. He wanted to tell her and see if she thought he had a chance with Lana. He really hoped he did. She was perfect. The day was ending on a decidedly up note from where it began.  
[IC] Iknimaya Lands [IC]

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