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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands [IC]
[PRP] Damsel, slightly distressed (Eir & Talfrid)

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:48 am
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Eir was in a bit of a pickle. It wasn't very often she found herself in a pickle, she liked to wander, she liked to see the world and she liked to do it on foot. Occasionally she would fly, she liked to see the world from the sky too, but today she had walked and that was where her problems had started.

The sun was high in the sky and she had caught a glimpse of a beautiful little bird which she had followed in a sort of silly daze. Watching the sky instead of the ground she had managed to wander in to a swamp where her paws had sunk.

Eir was not a weak goddess, far from it but such situations occasionally happened and usually it meant that she needed an assist to get herself out. Up to her belly in mud she couldn't quite find a foothold to pull herself out and she couldn't flap her wings enough to get herself up. It was a conundrum. Luckily the little bird she had been following had stopped its fluttering and offered to be an assistant. She had of course accepted the little birds help, though she knew she would get herself out eventually, it was okay to admit you needed help. She just hoped the little bird would flag someone friendly down, conflict wasn't really her cup of tea.

The little pink bird had fluttered away from the goddess as quickly as her wings could carry her. She had seen her following but she hadn't expected the goddess to sink in the mire. It had amused her how silly the pale beauty was but she couldn't just let her stay sunk in the swamp so she had offered to be an assistant and get some help. She just hoped she wouldn't have to go too far.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:57 am
Syrius Lionwing

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Chivalry was the name of the game, considering it was Talfrid's domain and he ruled over it as nobly and knightly as he could.

Today, he was in the rogue lands, on the trail of the Goddess of Villainy, who had gotten away from him for a moment after leaving his pride in the middle of a civil war. He wanted to catch her and drive her away from the pride for good, but she had managed to slip from his radar for a moment, at least.

He was determined to keep up the hunt, but something drew his attention.

Someone in distress. A little bird flapped its way to him, and he tilted his head in wonder at it, then looked back where it had come. He saw the swamp not too far off, and naturally moved toward it.

"M'lady, are you alright?" He asked, padding toward Eir and seeing her predicament in the mud. She seemed to have sunk in quite far, and even her wings, as he noted she was a goddess, were not in a position to help her. He did not have wings, so at least he didn't have to worry about them getting in the way.



Snuggly Knight

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:13 am

Eir swivelled her head as she heard the gentle voice of a male. A God? What were the odds that the little bird would find a god? She laughed gently and wriggled shifting in the thick mud a little, her emerald eyes smiled, she felt so dopey having managed to get herself thoroughly wedged in the thick mud, her usually pristine fur caked.

"I'm a little stuck." She whispers bashfully her ears flattening against her head, she stretches her swan like wings and moves her fore paws trying to 'swim' her way out of the thick mud but only digging herself in.

"Please, don't get yourself stuck though." She sighs she wasn't really sure how the big male could help her get out.

The little pink bird fluttered back and perched happily in a dead tree near by, she watched intently hopping along the branches, curious to see how this unusual male would rescue the white flower from the mud.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:32 am
Syrius Lionwing

The large lion was definitely a god, though his lack of wings made it easier for him to blend in with mortals without having to hide his appearance with magic. Still, he was massive in size compared to most, and had a strong aura about him that often betrayed exactly what he was even without the more obvious markers.

"You do seem to be," he said, looking over her situation and pondering his options. "A little bird showed me you were here. I am glad for that. Please, allow me to help."

He moved toward a tree, reaching up and testing the branches, looking for one sturdy enough for him to pull off and use as a way for her to pull herself from the mud. He could help tug her out of it, at least he hoped he could, having never doubted in his strength before. Finding a suitable branch, he broke it off and carried it back to the mud.

Unable to speak with it in his mouth, he made a muffled sound as he tossed his head and the branch landed near her in the mud. He kept hold of the other end, watching her closely.


Snuggly Knight

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:56 am

The goddess sighed happily, clearly he was a friendly God, she was very glad of that. She twisted and turned her head as she watched for him, watching him wander about after a large branch. Ah he was very good. Wrinkling her nose as he returned she smiled a sweet smile at the big male "yes, unfortunately I wasn't watching where I was going and the little bird went to find you. I'm glad, she found someone friendly." She whispers.

"Thank you, just please, be careful, I don't think I'd be able to get you out." She laughs in a sweet tinkling voice, she really was grateful for his help.

When the branch was within her reach she grabbed the end with her teeth and wrapped her dainty fore paws around the end, she releases the branch for a moment and pulls her wings close to her body, they would probably be a hinderance in the rescue attempt.

The little bird fluttered around near by, she was a little worried that both of these unusual gods would be stuck in the mud. There was definitely no way for her to get them out.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 5:12 pm
Syrius Lionwing

Chivalry was his domain, and he thrived on chances to do it. Not only that, he just liked helping others. And she certainly looked like she could do with a friendly paw.

He held the branch for her and tried not to smile or laugh as he did so, lest he lose his grip.

Once she was attached to it, he hauled himself backward and pulled her with all his might, the sticky mud clinging to her fur stubbornly. It did not seem to like the movement, but eventually it released her and Talfrid was able to pull her out of the pit to more solid ground.

"There you go," he said, finally releasing the branch and wrinkling his nose at the taste of branch in his mouth.


Snuggly Knight

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:51 am

Finally removed from the sticky mud, Eir slowly got to her paws. She laughed gently, looking at the state of her usually pristine fur. "Thank you so much for your help." She whispers feeling very bashful about her silliness and having to be rescued in the first place. "I'm really not usually so clumsy" she shakes her fur slightly sending some splatters of mud flying from her coat, only realising her mistake after she had done it as droplets of the sticky mess flew towards the gentleman God.

"Oh! I really think you have caught me on my worst day!" She shakes her head and bows down "I hope you'll forgive me." She whispers looking up through her pale bangs at the big male. "My name is Eir, and I am in your debt sir." She pauses for a moment before continuing to speak. "Did you, by any change pass by a watering hole on your way here? I think I need a bath before I make anyone else muddy." She chuckles, clearly she was having a ditsy day, well it happened, occasionally.

The little bird that had been watching so intently flew over to the two lions and perched on the big males head "thank you for helping the lady." She twitters her voice a tiny tweet "it was a little my fault, I did see her following me. I probably could have stopped before she fell in that mire."  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:40 pm
Syrius Lionwing

Talfrid could tell she was meant to be a white lioness, but her fur was currently more of a... well. Muddy color. Not that it was her fault: he imagined that stuff was going to be difficult to get off, with how stubbornly it had been holding on to her.

He laughed as she splattered him with mud. Well, at least now he would know how hard it would be to get off, so he wasn't left wondering about it. That was a good thing?

Grinning, he shook his head dismissively, picking up one of his large paws to wave off her concerns.

"Please, my lady! Do not worry about such things. We all encounter a little mud in our journeys, and you seem to still have the bigger share of it. I am all too happy to share the load. In any case, I did see some water, not too far from here. In that direction." He motioned with the same paw as before, "perhaps we should both head toward it, and see if we can't clean some of this mess off."

He smiled jovially, forgetting all of his own problems for a moment, and just enjoying the company.


Snuggly Knight

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:26 pm

The lioness smiled and gave a gentle nod. "Thank you. Please, lead the way." She whispers moving closer to him, he was her saviour, there was no other way to put it, he see,ed so brave and strong, she had never met anyone quite so chivalrous. She giggles a little walking beside him.

"I am very grateful for your help. Mr hum..." She looked up at the pale bronze male, had she missed his name while she was floundering in the mud? She couldn't remember. Perhaps she had gotten mud in her ears while she was trying to escape from the mire.

When they approached the water the usually pale female waded straight in stretching her wings and mulling the water around herself. It took time but she finally managed to rid herself of the muck. Paddling out of the waves she shook her fur out in a shower of clear water revealing her swan like fur.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:42 pm
Syrius Lionwing

Chivalry was all too happy to offer her protection, though he did not have wings to shelter her with. Instead, he just walked tall beside her, staying close and keeping an eye on her just in case she needed any help.

Maybe she had been injured without knowing it, after all. It would be wise of him to just be careful, and help her regardless.

"Oh, how rude of me. My name is Talfrid. I should have introduced myself a bit more quickly, though we were in the middle of a rescue operation before. Ah, here's the water now, my lady."

He bowed his head and let her go into the water. It was polite for the male to wait to be invited, or to simply let the female bathe first, so he did not intrude on her personal space. Once she was clean he offered her a smile, admiring her fur.

"You have such beautiful white fur! I could hardly see it in the mud. It did you no justice."


Snuggly Knight

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:05 am

Having gotten out of the water she looks at the male and chuckles a little. "I'm sorry, it was very in considerate of me to hog the water, you're covered in mud." She sighs and bows her head "I really am very grateful" she whispers.

"Thank you, for your kind words." She blushes a touch, he was so gallant and handsome, it was very sweet of him to say. She felt very bashful about his sweet words.

The pale lioness smiles sweetly. "Talfrid." She says stretching out her pale white wings as far as they would go. "Would you allow me to grant you a boon perhaps? For your help?" She tilts her head gently, this big gentle male had helped her greatly, she probably could have gotten out on her own eventually but it would have been much harder if he hadn't shown up and granted his assistance.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:58 pm
Syrius Lionwing

Talfrid laughed at that, a deep and pleasing sound. He was not sure when the last time he was able to relax so much was, and maybe he would feel a little guilty about it later. For now, though, he realized that this little interaction was what he had needed.

He smiled at her, shaking his head.

"I wouldn't say covered. You had quite more than your fair share, after all."

He tilted his head at her offer, then bowed it forward gracefully.

"No, my lady. I would not ask for anything in return, but your safety and continued health. And perhaps a bit more of your company, if I may be so bold." He could be a bit of a flirt when he wanted to, and even when he was not really thinking about it. Knights, after all, were inherently romantic.


Snuggly Knight

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:26 pm
The goddess smiles, she was properly impressed by the big gallant male. "It would please me greatly to spend some more time with you." She whispers bashfully, he was ever so sweet, and so brave, she couldn't help but feel truly enamoured by him.

"You're very kind." She padded up to him and nuzzled his cheek. "I would very, very much like to spend some time with you sir." She wrinkles her nose, a pleased puur escaping her lips. Walking past him she brushes her long feathery wings over his shoulders.

"Nothing could please me more." She giggles a coy smile on her lips as she walked away from him, fully expecting him to follow in her foot steps.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:20 pm
Syrius Lionwing
Somehow missed this tag yesterday o.O I think we can wrap soon! =D

Talfrid was delighted by her answer, bowing his front half down to her gallantly, in a show of respect and knightly duty. She was a lady, after all, and was meant to be treated with grace.

And she was a very beautiful lady, who had managed to capture his attention, which was new for him. Usually, at least with the mortals he had met and had cubs with so far, he was generally fulfilling their wishes, and providing them the family they wanted, or some other similar situation. This was different.

He wanted to spend time with her because he had a genuine interest in her, and he could not help himself. Maybe it was indecorous to pursue her in such a way, but he was smitten.

And her rubbing against him did little to ease that feeling. He smiled dumbly after her, sitting there for a moment in a bit of a daze before he realized she had invited him to follow. Bouncing forward, he hurried to catch up to her, then fell into step beside her.

Yes, he very much wanted to spend some time with her, indeed.


Snuggly Knight

[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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