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Kahel had been living in the protected field that Ghandi had brought her to. The hare was amazed that she felt so comfortable here already. She was a changed hare really, she had gone from the girl living under the bushes barely ever seeing the light of the day to the hare that spent her day racing around an open field playing.

Today she was actually perched a top a rock having a nape. Ghandi and Faline out on another mission of some sort, she knew they would come back eventually and in the mean time she thought she could use the sun rays.

She wasn't sure how far from Vanellope and the pride she had gone but it was probably a great distance and this made Nemmie a little nervous. There wasn't often that she traveled away from the comfort of her companions side and she honestly couldn't remember a time when she had left her side for longer than a few hours.

As she moved slowly through the area she spotted another Hare sleeping in the suns rays. "Hello". She said standing on her hind feet looking at the other. She hadn't really interacted with someone else before so she was a bit nervous.

Kahel woke up at the sound of another voice. Her instincts began to kick in but then she remembered where she was, no predators could enter this field she was safe. She rolled over onto her side to take a look at where the voice had come from.

"Hello." the creamsicle colored bunny greeted the newcomer. She scrambled off her rock and hopped over to the new bunny. "My name is Kahel. How are you?" her voice was friendly and full of confidence, she had learned so much here.

She watched as the female rolled over and looked her way and then scrambled off the rock towards her quickly. She almost startled with the quickness the female moved but she stayed as the female seemed friendly. "I'm doing alright. How are you? My name is Nemmie." She said in return inching forward slightly sniffing her. "I don't leave my lands very often."

"Nemmie." Kahel repeated learning the new females name. When the other female mentioned that she was far away from her lands and Kahel wanted to know more. She hadn't met a hare that had somewhere specific that she was from before.

"Your lands? Where are you lands? Do you live with other hares?" Kahel wondered if perhaps there was another place out there that she might feel comfortable living out in the light instead of in the shadows

She hadn't met another hare quite like Kahel. At least one that wasn't from the Kizingo'zaa. "I live with my companion in the Kizingo'zaa." She said with a smile. She loved it there and her companion. "There are other hares there, but I don't see many of them." She said looking around, her ears taking in the sounds of these foreign lands.

She cocked her head slightly and she wondered if this hare had a home of her own. "Where are you from?" She asked looking at her.

Kahel frowned a little when Nemmie answered her question, she had been so hopefully but now it sounded like there were lions and such where Nemmie lived that just would not do, not for Kahel anyways.

"I'm not really from anywhere. I use to live in the shadows always. Until Ghandi found me, he brought me here so I could live out in the open and feel safe." Kahel didn't know enough to know that she sounded absolutely bonkers right now.

"You see this field is protected no predators allowed in." She said with a grin so large she could barely contain it.

She watched as the hare frowned. She wondered why she disliked the words she had said. Perhaps she had a bad history with the predator species?

"That was nice of this Ghandi you speak of." She said with a nod. Her companion was her life-line. The lioness would never do anything to harm her and would probably kill a lion if they tried. "I'm glad you are safe here." She said looking around. It really was a nice area.

"Vanellope keeps me safe." She said nibbling on some of the sweet grass that surrounded them. "I've never been alone, not since she found me."

Kahel was confused about how a friendship between a lion and a hare could work but she could tell that her new friend was very happy with it so she decided that maybe it was a good thing.

"That sounds like a very good life for you. I don't think I could ever trust a lion so much , I have spent my whole life hiding from them." she said with a confused nod.

"Well if you were going to be alone anywhere here is a good place to be alone." she said with a confidence that she barely knew she had.

"Let me show you around a little bit" she offered to the other hare. Kahel liked to show off her field. It had everything one could want, long grass, flowers, rocks, trees you name it it was here.

She nodded her head and she could understand wanting to hide from the predators. Nemmie only trusted Vanellope and her family, others were scary to her. So she understood. It was a fear they were all born with. And rightfully so.

"It really does seem like the place for it." Nemmie wasn't sure if she could live her life hiding. She loved being able to be out and about with Vanellope.

"Oh, I would like that very much." She said hoping up and down excitedly. She wanted to see this place. "Please, lead the way." And she followed into suit with the hare so that she could be shown this new and unfamiliar sanctuary.
