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[PRP] I've been thinking...[Soren/Nergui]

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Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:31 pm
Tea time had quickly turned from a luxury in the reserve, to a necessity now that they were in the tower. They had the means, so they indulged. It meant midday would find the priestess sitting on a plush cushion at their low table with er legs folded beneath layers of skirts and her hands resting on her lap. Once upon a time she had assisted in the preparations--setting the kettle to boil, fixing a snack. Whatever Soren needed from her--but that time had passed. Rarely the mare had to lift a finger within her own home, her guardian insisted upon catering to his priestess' every whim and need.

It pleased him to do so, and his happiness was her happiness so she let him, for the most part.

Missmatched eyes were trained on the archway of the kitchen as she waited for him to join her. Her mind was a whirlwind, had been for a little while now. Thoughts and hopes and desires all swirling around and blending together as the whispers of Insanity were wont to do. A whim that had started light, then grew into a heavy weight on her heart.

Nergui wanted to extend their little family.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:06 am
Being in the tower meant that they were finally living like they were meant to live. With all of the necessities taken care of, and most of the luxuries, and if they wanted to they could live an easy life. Not that he wanted to. He had too many things to do. People to kill, creatures to hunt. But he also delighted in the things that were closer to home, in making himself useful and pleasing his priestess. In reading and learning, gardening on their small balcony.

For today it meant piecing together a small snack. Finger foods, just a bite or two of each so there were a variety of options. Things to complement the tea they were having. It all went onto a large tray, carried to the table and set between their two spots, though angled toward his priestess.

There was silence between them, but that rarely bothered him. Today though, today it seemed slightly more difficult to send his thoughts to her for some reason, as if she was concentrating on something else. She would tell him in time if it was important, but he wanted to ask, was curious as to what she was so fixated on.

"How are you?" he settled on, fairly certain that if something was actually wrong she would let him know, inviting conversation.



Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:40 am
She blinked when he set the tray down on the table in front of her, napping out of her thoughts and into the here and now, and an instant smile lit up delicate features as she looked up at him. "Very well, thank you." And she was. Whatever thoughts weighed heavily on her mind were not ones for concern. They were bright things, thick and lively and full of everything that was good in their world. Until now it would never have occurred to her, but they had a proper home now, they had their lives back, they had their power back. Everything was possible now.

Maybe he would get a taste of the serenity, she wasn't sure how tied their minds were just yet, it was still too new.

"Everything looks delicious as always, my love." She'd always known he could cook, he'd done so many times when they had been stuck on the reserve, but now that they had a kitchen she was learning just how far those skills extended. Her stallion was gifted, not just in battle, but in so many things. She was truly blessed to have him.

She helped herself to a baked apple rose as he sat across from her, and nibbled on it as she waited for him to settle and pour their tea. "How has the day found you?" Her morning had been committed to to the ledgers and thick volumes of history books in their personal collection. He could be heard moving about their home, would poke his head into the library periodically to see if she needed anything, but this is the first time since morning they'd shared time together.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:16 pm
There was something soothing in her voice and reply, and whatever it was that had captured her attention wasn't something he was going to worry over. What he had learned since the fall of the isles was that time was precious, and he wasn't going to waste what he had with her worrying needlessly.

So it was easy pour the tea and then to relax across from her, plucking his own blossom and starting to peel off the petals to devour. "Nothing too extensive. Got a message from Lifen asking me to keep my eye out for seeds when I'm on missions." Apparently the tower still needed various samples and at least seeds wouldn't be something hard to transport. Nothing specific either, so it wouldn't have to be anything too distracting.

Other than that, he hadn't had an exciting morning. He'd been looking around to see if there were any typical home items they needed, making a mental list of things to keep an eye out for in the markets, but nothing too desperate. A bit of cleaning had happened along the way, and he'd read a few chapters here or there. It was nice to just have time in their home though, time to work on small projects. There was always time for training, but that meant on some days it was okay to skip it.

"Did you have any plans for today?" He reached for another snack, a small sandwich actually, the bread something he'd picked up rather than baked himself.

Domestic fluff~


Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 6:10 am
Sugar dusted, delicate Apple petals were peeled one by one from the baked rose and nibbled on in turn. There was usually no shortag of treats in their home, Soren kept them well stocked up, and the rich smells of baking seemed to have seeped into the walls themselves. Warm and comforting, like his presence. Like the cup she wrapped her small hands around, savoring the heat from the steaming tea within. There was a content sigh, a deep breath to draw in the spiced scent from the brew, then a content sigh.

She sipped as she listened to him speak of his day. Luminous eyes drinking him down as surely as she drank her tea. "Shall I search as well? Two sets of eyes are better than one, surely." And Lifen was the one requesting assistance, Nergui was more than happy to lend her services.

Although it was very clear the mare was listening, there were still the markers of distraction. Her responses were slow, delayed. "Not currently," was offered with a smile and a soft voice before she fell quiet again.

It would be a handful of moments later that she spoke up again, and now the Stallion would have her undivided attention as she gauged his reaction. "What would you say to the idea of having foals?" It was not a question of ideal musings.

i thought I tagged this! <3
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:44 pm
It was amazing that the knowledge that she enjoyed something was more satisfying than what he actually consumed. He watched her, savoring the sight more than his food, not bothering to hide the twitch of a smile at her offer. Lifen was one of the few in the four clans that he cared for, she had been a good friend, her advice valuable when he was struggling to deal with his grief. That his priestess was willing to help him help her simply reminded him of what a marvelous woman he was with.

"I'm sure any assistance that comes from you would be appreciated," was all he said. He didn't want to pressure her on something he'd agreed to, but they were one now. A set. Lifen would probably get more than she bargained for if both of them were on the case.

For a while he enjoyed the silence, the sun filtering through the leaves to splay glints of light around them while a gentle breeze kept the day from getting unpleasantly warm. Especially for horsemen accustomed to a rather cool isle. Then she brought up a topic that had him shocked honestly.

The words filtered in about as well as the sunlight around them, and he remained silent for a long moment after she spoke. Not out of horror, but rather out of consideration, the thought of the two of them having foals. Together. "I haven't been around them much," he said slowly, the admission rolling off his tongue, the image of her with a colt or filly holding her hands, a slow curl of want unfurling deep within him. But not without a flicker of fear, something he wasn't used to feeling as he glanced down, studying his well calloused hands. "You would be wonderful with a foal but I'm not sure if I would be a good sire."

So I was going to swap my sig and then realized I dont have his art on my new laptop...and it won't load the link I had from you idk. I'll have to change it next time I have my old laptop up!


Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:53 pm
Mismatched wyws watched him keenly as the question sank in and his mind wrapped around it. She waited patiently, nervously, as the idea of it filled him, showing in those handsome features. Shock, of course, had been expected, but she also saw flickers of something more. A touch of fear, understandably, and the hint of something more that she couldn't quite decipher, but it gave her hope.

"Nor have I." She and Bastion had been the youngest, and once she was old enough she had avoided the rest of the island as much as she'd been able. Foals were new territory for the mare, but she wanted them anyways. She saw the babes in the market, swathed and bundled in their mother's arms. Those sweet little faces and tiny hands. Nergui wanted it, she wanted it badly.

So much so that she sat her teacup down so she could rise to her feet and walk around the law table so she could stand beside him. "You would be wonderful," she told him, smiling down into thise bright red eyes as she slid fingers through his hair, graced his cheek with the bud of her thumb.

Slowly she slid down, easing into his lap. "You would never let anyone touch our foals. They would be loved, they would be protected, and they would want for nothing." Light she stroked his cheek. "I know you." She was her guardian. She trusted him more than any other soul, more than herself. He was everything to her.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:10 pm
So it would be the unknown for both of them. He let that sink in, and it didn't do much to assuage his fear. But he could see what it meant to her as she stood, moving to be with him.

It was easy to lose himself in the simple caresses she generously gave to him, clinging to her words and wishing he could believe them. He believed her, believed that she thought he could do it, knew that she knew he would do everything in his power to make her happy.

He would certainly try his best, but raising another? Could he really be responsible for another living being?

Those thoughts flitted through his head as she settled into his lap. He cLove, he couldn't help but focus on her voice. Protection, that was easy to offer. He could provide for them as well. Love would doubtlessly be a part. That didn't bother him in the least. He turned his head, pressing his lips to her palm, trying to hide the beat of his heart in his chest, a rapid thump against his ribs.

But he couldn't put it into words. Not out loud. Instead he tried to concentrate on opening his mind to her, memories of his own parents at the forefront of his mind. But there's more to it than just protection and making sure their needs are taken care of, isn't there? I don't want to be like them. I couldn't do that to one of your children.

Sorry, I didn't realize it had been so long!


Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 4:12 pm
He was already responsible for another living being. She lived and breathed because he loved her, because he protected her. Guarding not just her body, but her mind. If it weren't for him...Nergui wasn't sure where she would be now, though she suspected alone, with her Insanity. A beast, like those they had faced in the passed. Like the vision of herself she'd seen on their journey together into Elderhood.

She leaned against him as he kissed her palm, and the tips of her fingers curled in a slight stroke against tanned skin. She could feel his heart, that steady, hard beat. They were linked. She'd have felt it even if she hadn't been sitting in his lap.

The flood of memories and thoughts had her turning her head against his shoulder. You are not your mother, or your father. A soothing whisper, and with it came memories of them together. The softer, sweeter ones. Tender moments where there was nothing but love and support between them.

The mare knew his worries, she carried them as well. Her own family had been wary of her and her cousin throughout their lives. Dark omens, bad luck, and somehow their blood had spawned two of them. If there was another it wouldn't matter, they'd love the child all the same, Nergui believed that, down to her core.

"We can do this, Soren." There was nothing the two of them together couldn't face.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:52 pm
For a moment he simply rested, breathing evenly, letting the memories she presented him with wash over his mind like a soothing balm. Thinking about them in that way it was easy to imagine that they could make this work, that there could be hope for them. Deep down he understood there was more to their relationship, there were memories that were not passing between them, ones of pain and anger. But those were things they had moved past. Their recent memories were happy and content, hinting at a life ahead of them that could be filled with more of the same.

If they had a child? He could imagine shifting things out of one room to turn it into a proper nursery, of watching a foal grow before them. Teaching them how to protect themselves, how to feed on the Fear of humans, how to enjoy the intricacies of a scroll or tome.

Now that he was picturing it he could feel desire stirring in his heart, and hearing her words aloud he had to acknowledge them. "Together we can achieve this," he acknowledged. The question was should they? Should they bring forth another life when something could potentially happen to them? When they would not know all the dangers their child might face?

No, he would not allow his life to be ruled by fear, certainly not fear of the unknown. "I would like to discuss the specifics before we join our Fear," he finally settled on. "We'll need to prepare supplies and such before we continue farther.



Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:21 pm
She could feel that fear stirring, and the mare rose up on her knees in his lap, cupping his face in her hands and leaning forward to press her brow to his. If they waited until they were sure it was safe, there wold never be a child. Life would always be froth with dangers, their lives specifically, but fear had never ruled them in the past, and it would not do so now. She gave him her courage-her hopes and her dreams. She gave him all of it, though in the end he hadn't needed it.

When he spoke up she drew back to search that handsome face, thumbs stroking lightly at his cheeks. "Yes we can." They were not mere horsemen, but elders of Death. They could do anything.

For a trembling moment she waited with baited breath, but her guardian did not disappoint. As he relented the priestess gave a delighted, girlish squeal of delight, throwing her arms around his shoulders crushing her lips to his in an enthusiastic, heavy kiss.

A foal. They were going to have a foal. They were going to be parents. It was both scary and exciting, all at the same time.

The kiss would continue until either Soren broke it, or they needed to breath. Lightheaded, the mare sank back on her heels, small hands smoothing in a soothing glide along the back of the stallion's nack, his shoulders, and down his arms. "Then let us discuss." Now that they had agreed, the mare was eager.

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