Life was good. At least in her eyes it was. She had found a place within the world in which her heart felt at home. She was aware of the fact that she was not born to this particular pride but it felt more a home to her than her old one had ever been. It's memories were just fragments in her mind now. She was a part of this pride and despite the fact she was just an acolyte and just because she had more pink then what was wanted, she still did her duties like everyone else. It was just something she did. She took her job seriously.
It was really the only thing she had. She had met a few lions here and there within the pride that truly seemed to accept her. That had made her beyond happy, however she was pretty lacking on friends. So her work was all she really had so that was what she spent most of her time doing. She flicked her tail and looked around.
It was getting dark.
Which was something she enjoyed the most. The ambiance and the luminescence of the fauna at night was just amazing to her and it always seemed to calm her soul. She made her way from the tree of souls towards home tree, moving slowly. She enjoyed taking in the scenery. It was just to beautiful to pass up.