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Moose: Walking came easier to Chiyo now her wounds had finally closed. While the ugly scars would remain, they were only puckered reminders of that fateful day now lodged so solidly in her mind's eye. The striped leopardess moved with some grass through the trees, branching out from the forest of her home colony into the rogue lands beyond.It had taken a few weeks to get to where she was now, and to be truthful, Chiyo was so far out she wouldn't be able to find home if she wanted to at this point. The trees no longer looked the same, nor did the landscape. It was more open here, dryer, and the sun was brighter than her sister's pelt. She squinted against it, and moved for shelter by a small stream that ran adjacent to the tree line. At least here she might be able to find some rest.

nessiaing: Nox had decided to venture away from the newly forming pride that he was apart of. Nox loved his family he really did but he was finding them rather overwhelming. Particularly his sister who was obsessed with using her seer abilities to find a new temple for them, Nox knew that he had the abilities to "see" as well but he couldn't be bothered to use the gift for something useful, hell he couldn't be bothered to use the gift at all.

Today he was trying to push all of his thoughts about his family from his head, today he was just a single lad out in the rogue lands. Not the Grandson of a Ceasar, a potential heir and all of that none sense. No Nox took after he uncle Octavian much more than anyone else. Life was about living and living was what he planned on doing.

Moose: There wasn't much to be done about a lack of teaching material in the rogue lands. As of yet, she hadn't been able to find anyone with enough gumption to take her on, let alone train Chiyo. How was she to get revenge without the proper skills? That jerk Arcus was likely to be at Deker's beck and call, so she had to be prepared. Mood now dampened, Chiyo frowned and sat by the waters edge. Her paws sifted through the soft, damp earth while her tail trailed along in the water itself. Vaguely looking up, her keen eyes spotted another leopard on the horizon and her interest was peeked. Did he live here on his own? Was he coming to challenge her to get her out of his territory or...? She shook her head. She really was getting too far ahead of herself.

nessiaing: Nox oblivious as always didn't noticed the beautifully stirped leopardess until he was just about upon her. He stop for a moment to think about his option, even though he knew there was really only one option he was likely to persue. She had clearly seen him already, so walking away was out of the question that would just be rude. He could fight her, but despite all of Uncle Augustus' training session the whole fighting thing never really did stick with him. He could try to lure her back to the pride and bring her in as a new member, that would be what grandma Atia and his sister would want but well frankly when did Nox ever do what they wanted.

No, clearly the only option was to do what Uncle Octavian would do and that was attempt to get with her. Nox wasn't nearly as smooth as his uncle yet but he figured the only way to learn was to do, wasn't that what Augustus was telling him all the time anyways. He put a smile on his maw and walked towards the female, "Why hello there, you are gorgeous." Yup there was no beating around the bush with Nox he went straight to the point.

Moose: It was a little frightening, just how close he was getting without speaking. Chiyo couldn't help, but to lean away from him, her hackles raising. Even when he seemed to notice her she arched a brow, curious and wary as to what he was likely to do. Full grown males were nothing to worry about, but most of those she had experience with had been from the colony.And they weren't cute rogues. It as his eyes that drew her in. They were so clear it was almost as if he had no color at all, and she would have thought him blind had it not been obvious that he was looking at Chiyo. And this...this was not what she had been expecting at all. "Erm, hello," she gulped to clear her throat and then with more confidence, Chiyo spoke. "Clearly your eye sight must be poor indeed if you think me gorgeous. Or perhaps there is another behind me that I haven't yet seen."

nessiaing: Nox frowned, he was use to strong woman that litterly could not think more of themselves. He stopped to try and think about what to say next. He kept his smile on his face, "No there is no one behind you, I was speaking of you." he said simply.

He gave the female another look over she had amazing eyeliner marks, and tiger like stripes bright orange in colour, yes he was talking about her she was gorgeous. She did have some scaring though which made him wonder if perhaps she was tougher than she seemed or maybe someone abused her. Either way he decided he wouldn't ask about it, if she wanted to tell him she could.

"Do others not tell you that you are beautiful because you really are." he said as he circled her, he did his best to not start drooling.

Moose: "Mm hmm," Chiyo frowned as she watched him. She'd been warned about this type of male; the kind that only wanted her for one thing. At the time she had thought herself strong enough to fight it off, but Chiyo had yet to be complimented on her looks by...well, anyone so it was all too fresh for her.Still yet, she stood straighter, and faked a confidence she didn't necessarily have in this type of situation. "You are the first," Chiyo stated simply, her voice lingering as she tried to keep an eye on him. Why wouldn't he just stand still? "Thank you for the compliments, but what are you getting at? You're sounding really creepy right now, and the flirting is going down hill."

nessiaing: Nox cursed to himself under his breath, it was no good that it was going down hill this fast. "I am sorry." he told her. "I didn't meant to be creepy. I just well I guess I don't do this often." Well that was mostly true, he had flirted and spent his night with a lady or two, but he was no where near as skilled as his uncle, perhaps he should pay more attention during the little lessons Uncle Octavian panned.

"I really do find you pretty though, and I would be lieing if I told you that my intentions were pure in nature." Somehow Nox had to turn this around, "I am out here looking for females, in the hope that if I were to sire cubs I could help repopulate my pride." That was mostly the turth, he did want to spend the night with her, he could go either way on the siring of cubs though. He did know that his Grandma Atia would be pleased with new blood coming into the pride.

Moose: Chiyo couldn't help a little chuckle and a smirk. Apparently he thought his plan fool proof, or something equally as idiotic. "Talk to females, or flirting?" It was odd thinking herself old enough to have gained any attention, let alone this males, and to have him was kind of nice."I didn't think that they were." She smiled, nervously ducking her gaze. His intentions may not have been pure, but she was, in all facets, so it was a little nerve wracking. Then the bomb hit and it stole her breath. Chiyo's jaw loosened, hanging low as she stared at him, stumbling to formulate a response. "So you....what? Were you going to ravish me, play up the nice guy act, steal my cubs and leave?!" Chiyo's gaze narrowed, looking every inch the tigress she appeared to be. "I don't even know you, and you barely know me. I could be a mass murderer for all you know."

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nessiaing: Nox shook his head, "No I could tell by your eyes you were not a mass murderer." He said quickly addressing the most serious of things she had said. Though she had a point perhaps he would have to rethink his approach in the future.

"No not steal, share? If you wanted to keep them and be a mom to them then maybe we could split them? You could visit them whenever you wanted." he was rambling but he was trying to make sure that he could land this deal. He rose his eyes to look into hers, a little vulnerable in his appearance.

Moose:"You' are asking for a lot." Chiyo said at length, her voice small. She bit her lower lip, and contemplated the whole thing. Suddenly his awkard little flirtations had taken a more serious turn than she ever would have thought. Could she do this...? Her parents would be devastated, since one was supposed to mate for life in the colony, but they needed the numbers. And so did he, apparently. "First off, I'm going to be a mom to them if they're with me or not." She pointed out, raising a claw to point at him. Realizing her bumble, she coughed and shook her head, feeling warmer than usual. "I-if I decide to help, that is." When she looked back to him, all Chiyo could see were those perfect opaque eyes and it killed her. There were so many reservations about this whole thing, but she just..."Just...just give me some time to think about this. I'm not saying no, but I want to know more about you before I do this. About your family and this pride you're talking about. That way if I say yes I'll know that...they'll be okay."

nessiaing: Nox nodded. "Thats a deal. I can't stay right now though I will be missed if I don't get back. I will meet you here tomorrow though and you can ask me anything and everything that comes to mind." he said with a nod.

"No committment just question and then you can decide." He hoped that this sounded like a good deal to her.

Moose: ondering over his proposition, Chiyo nodded. "Until tomorrow then. No promises that I'll have a decision by then, either, though." She wanted to make that clear. This wasn't just a simple assistance, like scratching his back or helping him make a den, this was parenthood. Though she had to admit, it was tempting, which frightened her most of all. Dammit, dad is going to kill me. "Wait, before you go...what's your name? Mine's Chiyo and I think, given all of this, I should be able to call you something."

nessiaing: "Nox" Leopard said with a grin, he knew that she hadn't agreed yet, but she felt like he was at least in the right field.

"Till tomorrow Chiyo." he told her. He trotted off with his head held high, he would be back here tomorrow and hopefully he would be able to win her over.