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Moose: Time passed quickly when you were spending it with company. Chiyo had lost track of how many days had gone by, or how far they had traveled. Her training had slowed down to an abysmal pace, mostly because she was busy doing other things...mainly Nox. Lounging on a thick tree limb, the young female let her paw trail down as she smiled to herself. Thinking about him made her squeal and bury her face in the bark. It was odd - Chiyo had never even had a crush before, but she'd jumped straight to this. And it was alright, since he was so nice and honest about it all.

nessiaing: Nox was... happy, really there wasn't any other way to put it. The indigo male had been spending some time away from his pride in the hopes of coming back with a a few cubs with him. He tried to keep track of where they were in relation to where they had to be but if he were to be honest Nox was never very good at navagation.

He had gone out hunting, figuring the least he could do was bring back a hare for the female he was trying to inpregnate. As he walked back the hare hanging from his maw he tried to stir up a vision as to whether or not he had succeeded in getting Chiyo pregnant yet or not. Making babies was more work than he had thought.

Moose: From her perch Chiyo could see Nox coming from miles away, since his pet was anything but natural in coloration. Feeling a smile building up, the young female rose to sit on her branch, waiting until he came closer to call out, "Looks like your hunt was successful." A little obvious, but she was still awkward at this talking thing. At least the nighttime business was a little less so. "That's good, since mine was a little less so. I keep tripping over everything lately." Her balance went out the door every time she thought of the indigo male. It was just so...weird.

nessiaing: Nox made it to the base of the tree that Chiyp was perched upon, he dopped the hare at the base. "Yes I feel very manly bring back the meal." he said a goofy grin on his face.

When she mentioned that he balance was going he got hopeful. "Is that a sign that we may have been successful?" Nox asked him, he was enjoying the act of trying to make the babies but he was also an impatient young male. He looked up at her hoping that she would have all the answers for him.

Moose: She hid a laugh behind her paw and shook her head. "Well, I would say that isn't the only sign of how manly you are." Hopping down from her branch, she padded closer to himand looked to the hare before pulling up short. "...Maybe? I'm not sure." Her frown deepened the longer she thought about it, and Chiyo gave him an arch stare. "Why, do I look pregnant?" Surely it had been too soon? Or Gods forbid she should be packing on weight instead of muscle.

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nessiaing: Nox stood back trying to get a good look at Chiyo, then he moved in and studied her stomach. He wanted so desperately to see something any sort of sign that he had succeeded in his task.

Finally he desided he couldn't inspect her any closer without getting rather personal, althogh how much more personal could they get really. He took a step back. "I don't see anything yet, and I have been trying even with my extra vision to see if we had succeeded yet." He paused to wonder if Chiyo would know what he meant by his extra vision, in his family it was so often talked about since three out of the four cubs in his litter had been born with it, but he had heard that it was actually rather rare.

Moose: "I wasn't being literal!" She squawked, moving awardly away from him. Chiyo moved as far back as she could, which was coming close to having her back pressed against the tree bark. "Your extra...what? Wait, are you a seer?" Interested now, she leaned forward, and squinted her eyes. "Can't you know, have a vision to see if it's happened or not?" In all honesty she had no idea how those worked. The only seer she knew of personally was her grandfather and he didn't stick around the colony. Placing a paw over her stomach, she tried to imagine little cubs in there and just...couldn't. It was such an abstract idea that it wouldn't formulate in her mind no matter how hard she tried.

nessiaing: Nox let out a chuckle at her embaressment, he was starting to become more comfortable with the female and found that he was enjoying their time together quite a bit.

"Ah you do know what I mean." he was glad that she knew of seers becuase he wasn't sure hw would be able to explain it to her. It was something that he had been his whole life so he had never really figured out how to explain it because his family already all knew.

"Sadly I do not have that much control over the sight. It kinda of just comes to me when it comes to me, and sometimes I don't even remember what I saw really." It was so much of a gift right now maybe one day he would learn to control it.

"I think at this point you will know before me."

Moose: Snorting under her breath, Chiyo moved forward to bite into the hare. It was easier to stuff her face than to really worry over saying the right thing or thinking too much about cubs. In between bites she asked, "So is it a gift or a curse at this point?" Seemed pretty useless to her, but then again, she wasn't a seer. When she ate her fill, Chiyo sat back with a little smile. "Yeah, I guess I will, won't I? Might take us a long time though, so I wouldn't get too eager." She knew of couples that had been trying for cubs for longer than she had been alive and some that had resulted from one night stands. These things were so finiciky. "We could go now if you wanted try for it, that is. Makeit happen a little sooner."

nessiaing: "Well I am just fine with it taking a little longer!" he told her giving her a quick playful nudge. When she mentioned a chance to go and try agin his ears perked up.

"Well I figure practice makes perfect, and is definitely the only way we will succeed" he told her laugh in his voice. Nox was having a lot of fun with this whole baby making thing and he was pretty sure he had made a friend out of Chiyo in the end too.

"Race you back to the den." Nox said before he took of raising to the den they had found just the night before, I temporary place to call home for a night or two before they moved on in Chiyo's search for a trainer.

Moose: "You are such a cub." She chuckled. "A cheating cub!" Chiyo took off after him, barreling through the forest without any regard for stealth whatsoever. Her parents would no doubt condemn her actions, as would her colony, but if this was wrong Chiyo didn't want to be right. For the first time in ages she felt free enough to have fun, and not worry about keeping her head straight. Let them have their rules; right now she just needed Nox.