Faizah grinned, happy to oblige in this case. She wasn't aware that creatures could ENJOY being in pain, but she'd always liked inflicting it so she wasn't exactly going to start complaining about it.

She hit him again, crouching over him, pinning him to the ground, "You beg very pretty, little friend. A wonder you don't have more scars... or do they usually let you go before they do much damage?" She stuck her claw into the bite wound on his shoulder, twisting it. He could very well die of the infection later, but that wasn't exactly her problem.

It took a while for Chozi to register the words Faizah was saying. His mind felt a bit fuzzy, like a haze of contentedness had washed over him and clogged his ears. He should probably respond... He gave a soft sigh instead of speaking at first, fealing the weight of the lioness on his body. It was a comfort, one that he didn't receive often or lately at all.

"Usually," he told her, agreeing. The only way he could think of too much damage was his death, and that hadn't happened yet - not even close. He ached for it though, to at least be pushed close enough he feared for his life, but everything was good now, like a pleasant haze, and he wanted more.

"Good to know. If you like pain, then you might never want to leave me then." Faizah grinned, crushing him beneath her weight and tilting her head, licking her lips. "Or do you have a family, pretty boy? Someone to leave behind? Someone out there who isn't nearly as much fun as I am?"

She didn't really need to ask, she could smell others on him. Probably family, but the blood was over-taking the more general scents right now. Half the fun. "It must be terribly dull if this is what you want, kitten."

Chozi was physically shaking. He was finding it hard to concentrate on words, but she kept speaking and the words would wash over him. It t him a while to respond as the words processed. He gave a small hum, just to let the lioness know that he was listening.

"Family, yes," he nodded slightly, a soft sigh. "It's so..." he inhaled, but exhaled deeply. He wasn't quite sure how describe it. "Sad," he decided. He was - quite sad all the time. This made him happy, though, and he was content with this lioness providing this to him.

Faizah hit him again, forgetting he would probably like it. "Pathetic." She said, snarling, but it was half a smile. Why would anyone want to stay somewhere that made them miserable? With a family they hated? She loved her family.

They were just like her.

"Do you want to be my lover, little boy?" She grinned, licking the blood from his wound, "I could always kill them for you. You could stay with me." She might tire of him quickly, but the notion amused her.

Chozi gasped at the new strike, breathing in sharply as soon as the blow landed. He panted a bit after. "Nono, I don't hate them," he protested, a whine forming in his throat. He just wanted her to focus on him. These questions were too much. H loved his family, though. He would hav elikely been dead with out them a long time ago. Before his first child, he was lost...

"Please, I need you to hit me again," he begged, his voice desperate and his body arching towards her.

Faizah snorted, swiping her claws across his head again, catching his ear. "How can I refuse when you ask so pretty?" She hit him again, harder this time. She'd forgotten his family already. They didn't really matter right now.

This mattered.

Chozi was glad that his plea had worked to distract the lioness. He was also quite glad that she complied, though his ear rang with the slap. He gave a small huff. The strike made him a tad bit dizzy, and he wasn't quite sure he would stand anymore, but he would still let her - no, he needed her to continue. Perhaps he would die - that wouldn't be so bad, would it? It was something he had imagined from a very young age.

His focus was fading in and out and he was finding it hard to concentrate, especially on her words. He wondered if he would faint - it felt like he was ascending into heaven, but he figured it was just his imagination.

"You and me dear... we'll have a lot of fun I think." Faizah grinned, but she was getting the impression he wasn't really listening to anything she was saying at this point. A strange little creature, but she wasn't opposed to that. It made things more interesting for her at least.

"Well then. Let's get started, hm?"

Chozi’s limbs felt a bit tingly, like they were going numb. He wasn’t quite sure if he liked the feeling or not. It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t unpleasant, after all. He took a deep breath, focusing on the lioness’s face for a moment before blinking slowly. He gave her a smile, though he wasn’t sure how strongly it appeared on his face. Chozi stretched towards her.

“Gimme all you have,” he murmured, a small bout of laughter bubbling in his throat. He sought this out! And he found it, he was completely overjoyed and overwhelmingly surprised. The attention she gave him was glorious.

If only he could take her home… He had to return home eventually. He had a small cub to raise - he wouldn’t leave that to his older children. That wasn’t fair. He wouldn’t be like his father. Being like his father was his worst fear. He wouldn’t think about that now, though.

Not when he was right where he wanted to be.