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It was refreshing to be out of the Kusini lands again after so long. Mng sometimes forgot how much she enjoyed traveling, only staying in any given area for a few nights at a time. What was even more exciting than the fresh air and unfamiliar grounds was the prospect of strangers! Mng realized she'd been missing strangers too, it was always fun to meet new lions and lionesses while out traveling the lands. And when she ran into those she'd met before? Well the world felt small, but in such a magical way. She hummed as she moved from the borders of the pridelands, thinking about where to go next. She wanted to bring Sakitu and any of her other babies to some different pridelands. Who knew, maybe they'd even run into some of her grown babies who'd flown away from the nest. Wouldn't that be such a special event?

Mng felt like she was on top of the world. After staying stationed in the Kusini lands this was just so… so refreshing. She should have travelled again long ago. Her cubs fathered by Vigo had been adults for a little while now, after all.

After padding through the savannah for a long while she came upon a small watering hold. There were a few prey beasts near by, though far enough away to feel secure and stand a chance of running if anyone went after them. At the watering hold itself was only one other lioness, who looked as though she'd waded through very deep mud. Her fur was a golden sandy color, and she was laughing and obviously enjoying herself. Mng grinned brightly, not slowing as she approached. "Hi there!" She called out, to get the other female's attention.

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Ripuki was delighted to be out on her own in the world. It wasn't hard to find enjoyment in the every day activities of life, but sometimes she was quite lonely. It wasn't like she didn't try to make friends… but when you were an adult you eventually had your own things to do, separate from friends and that sort of thing. She guessed it was harder to stay friends with a nomadic lioness… maybe things would have been different if she'd stayed in her home lands. She jumped a bit when someone called out to her, looking around wildly until she spotted a lioness headed her way.

The nice thing about traveling, Ripuki thought, was even if friends didn't stay with her… there were always more creatures to fill that gap. Some only said hi in passing and others would travel with her for a few nights or more and everything in between. She tromped out of the water, shaking off her pelt. "Hi! Hi hi, hello! It's nice to see someone, I've been at this watering hole for a few days but it hasn't been busy at all!" Ripuki knew that sometimes others got annoyed when she spoke a lot, but she hadn't been able to help it.

Mng, on the other paw, wasn't put off at all. She was actually quite pleased that the strange lioness seemed to be chatty. She often found she was quite deprived of social interaction in her homelands… which was strange to her, considering how much of her pride was made up of her family. Mng bowed her head a little when she finally got close, laughing as she shied away from stray water droplets. "Well, someone had to come along at some point, right? Here I am!" She laughed even more at her own joke, tail flicking. "I'm Mng'Kari, but please call me Mng. I haven't seen anyone for a while, either. Must not be traveling season." She winked at the other female, moving beside her so she could get some water.

Ripuki yelped a little in surprise. "Not traveling season? I didn't even know! What are you doing traveling then, Mng?" She clearly hadn't realized it was a joke. "Oh goodness me, I'm Ripuki! It's really good to meet another traveler." She turned to stay beside the other female, leaning over the water to try and catch a look of the other's face.

Mng found herself giggling at the other female. "I only meant it feels strange that more travelers aren't around… a bit of a joke, you know?" She didn't mind that the other didn't get it. "It's nice to meet you Ripuki." She sat herself down and beamed at the other when she did the same. "Where are you from, originally?"

Ripuki's eyes widened. "Ooooh, well. Haha! Sometimes I don't get jokes, I guess." She wasn't embarrassed though, the dusty lioness had been very nice about informing her it wasn't actually a serious comments. "Originally I was born near the ocean. I was in a pride for a while but…" She trailed off and shrugged. "Well, here I am!" She smiled. "It's been fun to explore the world but also a little lonely, you know?"

She smiled fondly at the other, already feeling like they were going to be fast friends. "The ocean? Something I've never seen, still. I've been a lot of places though, like the thick jungles and some areas that are mostly sand. I hear the ocean has lots of sand as well… it sounds lovely though." She frowned a little and nodded. "I do know how lonely it can get, even when you live in a pride. Your children grow and leave your side… so do your siblings. Eventually your parents leave the world, or leave you behind in search of other things. I guess that is the way of life, sometimes." She sighed a little and then smiled lightly. "But life goes on, doesn't it?"

Ripuki swayed from paw to paw, rocking where she sat. She was starting to feel restless after 'so much' sitting. She wanted to swim again! She wasn't sure if that would be rude or not though… so she didn't. "Oh it sure does! You have kids?" Her tone was bright, curious. She'd always wanted cubs of her own but… well.

She grinned proudly. "I do. Twelve wonderful cubs… well, adults now. All of them… it's always a little bittersweet to see them grow up fully. I will always think of them as my babies though." It sounded like the other lioness didn't have cubs, but Mng wasn't sure. She leaned over in a secretive way. "I think I want more, to be honest."

She wondered what it was like to be a mother, she felt very envious. She giggled when the other leaned over to her. "That sounds nice… really nice. I'd want to have some cubs, someday. I wonder if I'm too old though?"

Mng looked surprised before leaning back a little, giving the other lioness a serious once over. "Old? Never! You look younger than me! I'm sure it's not too late for you, certainly not!"

Ripuki felt glad to hear that and it gave her hope. She had even thought more and more that maybe she didn't need a mate to have cubs. She knew plenty of lionesses who raised cubs by themselves, or with the help of sisters and dear friends.

Mng talked with Ripuki throughout the rest of the day, just enjoying the other lioness's company. They talked about all sorts of thing, from more about cubs to where they'd travelled and what they thought made a lion handsome. And by the time evening fell they had both decided to travel together for a while.

Word count: 1254