Continuation of Crushing Nightmares

Treasure that Tollak finds: (randomly rolled)
1. It appears to be a pool in the water where fish are caught. Some are still swimming in it...
2. An abandon den, score! It still has a pelt!
3. Impressively intact Lion Skull
4. It appears to be a graveyard of some kind. Useful herbs and incense burns upon the graves.
5. A bloody bead necklace was able to be recovered.
6. A Gold Bracelet was found.
7. A small collection of gems was unearthed.
8. It appears to be a fishing spot, the bones of yesterday's catch is still laying here.


Senka lead the enemy to exactly where she wanted him, her home.

The yellow brute had done a number on her, for Senka was hardly a fighter at all. Her bones hurt from pouncing on the male and her face hurt from him scratching her. Her paws hurt from running so far and her lungs were tired from the rush of adrenaline wearing off.

The lioness turned her head around, panting as she continued to move forward while watching for the gray and brown lion pursuing her. When she turned back around Senka took a step back, she had nearly ran into a tree...

Her ears perked up. Oh no, she heard him. He was catching up!

The lioness spun left and right before deciding on a bush that seemed like a decent hiding spot, and ran to hide behind it.

Just her luck that the more aggressive of the two had followed her instead of Neha. Not that wished bad fate on Neha, it was just that Neha seemed more likely to get out of the situation unharmed compare to her.

She held a small charm in her, "please." She begged. "Please, don't let him find me..."

Tollak was not alone. His feeling of being with another was not because of Senka being in the forest, but due to the other reavers stalking the grass by his side.

Day was beginning to turn to dusk, and night would give the lioness a certain amount of cover, especially in the thick of the woods she was resting in. Unfortunately for her however, Tollak was prepared. He and Tordenskall were not stupid, they had left with a group of reavers preparing for another raid. It was simply that the group had split to search for resources, food, water, shelter, on the first day of travel and Skall had conveniently made certain that Tollak and he were on the same 'scouting team'. Finding the thralls was luck and as Tollak had pursued the dark furred one he had met with a few of the other reavers on the trip. Now, a large group of them were stalking the forest grounds.

As the gray lion stepped into a clearing he listened and sniffed the environment. It was filled with an eerily pungent scent of death, and as he walked the young lion noticed it was due to him standing on recently dug graves. The feeling of walking on the dead did not sit well with him. In fact, as he looked around he noticed some of the other reavers felt the same way, the looks on their faces evident.

Which was why it was important they leave as soon as possible. The one benefit Tollak had was the purple-lady didn't know he was with so many other reavers. After all, it was impossible to smell them over the smell of rotting flesh and decay. This was something he needed to use to his advantage.

"Purple-lioness! If you hear me listen up! Come quietly, and I won't hurt you. Fight and... Well, I can't say what will happen." He sneered with not a shred of charm.

She shivered. The gray dead-bringer wanted her to submit to him? She was no prize to be won, she was no slave. She was a digger for graves, a tender to the corpses of those that death-bringers like him had gone about ending. She was not a servant or an item. She had no intention of becoming such either.

Senka lowered herself closer to the dirt, ignoring the scraping of thorns across her purple fur. Her mother had warned to her time and time again, death-bringers could not be trusted. The living called them murderers and it was the job of a corpse-tender like her to ensure those the death-bringers had murderer were peaceful in the afterlife. Her job entailed mainly avoiding both the living and the death-bringers alike. Her life was to be a shadow, not seen, not known, not heard.

Not called to in that threatening voice she was certainly being called in.

The lioness' scent was unmistakably here. She was in the forest, she was just also decent at hiding.

As Tollak marched on he noted a lion skull, sticking out from one of the graves she had done. The lioness had never struck him as being the fighting type, but then, she did pounce on Skall the second he attacked Neha. Perhaps these were her victims? He moved from where he was over to the skull, examining it with curiosity. It looked to have been buried quite some time ago, which meant that the lioness had been in this business for a while and-

"Stay where you are." He shouted, not quite sure to whom he was addressing exactly...

Senka watched as the gray death-bringer neared the corpse of one of the first who she had buried. She looked as he looked at the skull as well, but as soon as his nails scrapped along the bone, she shifted from her hiding place and out into the open.

"Stop!" She shouted, and watched as the gray lion looked up. He told her to stay where she was, and Senka obeyed. "Don't touch that." She told him, no, commanded him. "Death-bringers should not touch those killed by them, it will bring the spirit bad luck!" She explained, and was a bit offended when the gray lion merely gazed at her with confusion.

Death-bringers were stupid, she decided.

"Please, do not touch that lion's skull. I will do as you wish, just leave the dead in peace." She liked confident as she said that, though on the inside felt nothing but fear. She had just agreed to do anything he wanted and she was scared of what exactly the death-bringer would want of her. She had an idea of what it might be, but she stood by her word anyways.

Anything but have them destroy the graveyard she had worked so hard to build. Anything but that...

Tollak was... Surprised. Apparantly the support of few reavers he had met up with was not necessary. The ease in which was the capturing of this thrall made him grin, and it was not a pleasant grin either. His face had twisted to resemble some sort of devilish grin, and Tollak looked near the sight of a demon as he laughed with success.

"Good! Good! So you do have senses!" The other reavers revealed themselves as Tollak blurted out in laughter. They surrounded the purple lioness, acting on their own accord instead of Tollak's 'orders' or anything as such. It was good though, because it worked to be intimidating enough that the lioness would listen.

When Tollak calmed down he stared at his catch with pride. His catch. His thrall. "You will serve the stormborn." He told her. "You will do as you are told, or..." He gazed to her garden of bones and skulls. "Or the reavers will come here and destroy this place. You wouldn't want that now would you?"

"No! I... No, I-I will do as you say, just don't touch this place of resting death-bringer. Please."

Tollak grinned. "Good. Then I suppose we have a deal."