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-Character Information-

Full Name: Vishous Son Of Bloodletter

N i c k n a m e s: Vichous, V

A g e: 304yrs

G e n d e r: Male

H e i g h t: 6' 6"

Physical Description: Sports a neatly-trimmed goatee. Is tattooed on his face, right hand, groin, hip, and thighs with warnings in the Old Language of the Vampires. Is partially castrated (one testicle). Right hand always covered with a black leather glove; when removed, the hand glows white and can electrocute or burn anything it touches. He is well built and toned as well.

r a c e: Vampire of the warrior class

-Combat Information-

S t r e n g t hes: Highly intelligent, and wicked skills with a variety of weapons. If he can't use it, he will figure a way to do so. He thinks of his feet, and has computer skills that would put a well trained hacker to shame. not just that, but he knows how to fight...And though he views it as a curse, he has a vicious gift from his mother the Scribe Virgin that he often uses when in the hit of battle, or to clean up as it were to prevent evidence from lying about.

We a k n e s s: He has a serious issue with control. He follows his king without flinching, but he has a strong fear of allowing others to control him or tie him down in any way. Which is strange considering what he likes to do in his spare time, but not so strange when you think of his past.

W e a p o n (s): A pair of custom guns besides his set of black daggers, and his hand.

P o w e r (s): Foresight (Though he never knows when they will come to pass), healing capabilities, electrocute/burn things through his right hand, and a few other racial abilities like dematerialization/teleport.

-Background Information.-

Vishous is the son of the Scribe Virgin and that of the vicious brother/warrior known as Bloodletter. He spent the first three years of his life with his mother, before being turned over to his father whom would train him to become the warrior and skilled fighter that he is today. His father was a cruel and mean man that delighted in the misfortunes of others. He would often enjoy the entertainment of fights between his men, and sexual sport. He was abusive to his Vishous whom tried repeatedly to do anything to appease his father. But his father would have none of it...Even went so far as to burn the books he read to keep his son checked and in place. It wasn't until after his transition hit, that his father threw him into the pit of sport to watch him fight a skilled warrior after caught stealing his food so that he could eat. When Vishous won, he was forced to do horrible things to the other warrior. And when his father still refused to acknowledge him, Vishous snapped. The gifts his mother bestowed upon him came to be, and he foresaw his father's death. His father freaked out, and had him tatted as a warning to others...He was then castrated to prevent him from fathering children and then cast out.

It was during that time, when he was away from his father attempting to survive that he was discovered by the brother hood and took in and inducted. As one of the meanest and smartest members, Vishous turned out to be one hell of a fighter. Unfortunately for his brothers, they didn't know that in his off time he enough dominating others but in a more sexual fashion. They let him be though...What he did in his own time was on him, so long as he continued to aid and help the brothers...They had his back and he had theirs. When not fulfilling his sexual tendacy, he is often hanging out with the other brothers.

((Mod Note For This Character: If you play him, or want to play him please speak with Lucifel about it first as there are some restrictions that need to be passed on to you))