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-Character Information-

Full Name: Zsadist Son Of Ahgony

N i c k n a m e s: Zsadist, Z

A g e: 237yrs

G e n d e r: Male

H e i g h t: 6' 6"

Physical Description: Is a lean and well toned fighter. He has skull trim hair, and golden yellow eyes when not angry and or in pain. Otherwise, they are coal black in color. Thick black bands were tattooed around his neck and wrists from his time spent as a blood slave, and has many scars across his back. Zsadist also has a severe scar that runs down his forehead to his cheek and ends at the top of his lip distorting it.

r a c e: Vampire of the warrior class

-Combat Information-

S t r e n g t hes: He is an extremest to the max. He fears nothing, outside of losing his brother and even he won't admit that. He is a risk taker, and loves to get dirty when fighting. His loyalty to his brothers is another strength of his that he will not openly admit to either.

We a k n e s s: Doesn't seem to know when to let up, or back down. He is as soulless as they get and yet still having a soul. Or at least until he can find love. He does not trust anyone, and is one hell of a lose cannon.

W e a p o n (s): A pair of custom guns besides his set of black daggers..

P o w e r (s): Racial abilities like rapid healing, dematerialization/teleport, superior senses, superior strength, and speed.

-Background Information.-

Taken as an infant from his family, he is forced into blood and sexual slavery until his twin, Phury, rescues him a century later. It was during that escape that he suffered an injury to his face at the same time his brother lose part of his leg and fell into the sea. The salt water sealed the wounds permanently, but neither seem to let it slow them down. He was inducted into the brotherhood and trained to be a fierce warrior, where to this day even his brothers fear him. His brother is the only one that can seem to get through to him, and he enjoys inflicting pain on himself for a high.