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Lisimba was given a new task, a task in training! Of course, she probably wasn't the best suited for the job, but she wasn't going to disappoint. Oh no! She was going to put her all in it. After all, she had to prove she could be serious about something. Everyone thought her a bit of a joke, even though her child like personality made it super easy for her to become very close to the cubs of the pride. In fact, she happened to be one of the best Snow Angels of the pride. She took pride in knowing that.

"Today is the day, Riikano!" She said with a nod and a deep breath of air. Rii had his own kids, and had more experience with handling with children now. Which made him better, and less childlike than he was a while ago. That didn't matter to Lisimba though. To her, her best friend had never really changed. He was still the cute little ball of fluff she remembered when they both were tiny.

Riikano nodded and smiled. "I'm ready for the day to start!" He was excited to see the knew recruits. Though, they weren't really that new, and from what he could remember the female had children of her own. Quite amazing kids, actually. He had spent time with them here and there.

But this was to make sure the knew Snow Angel knew what she was doing, not that he had any doubt, but a job is a job, right?

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Chuntao knew exactly who she had to meet up with today, and it didn't take long before Relnaartum and her found Lisimba. She gave a hearty smile and moved towards them quickly. She knew already what to do, but it was still good practice to go through everything again. Plus, she never formally was able to before she, herself had a bundle of her own kids.

They were a good test for her, and now she knew she could handle anything tossed at her. She wasn't even concerned that Lisimba was still a child herself, and didn't have children. Though, there had been a rumor that Lisimba and Sachin were a thing. It was just a rumor though.

"Lisimba!" she said as they stopped short, right in front of her and Riikano. "Am I late?"

Relnaartum nodded his head at Riikano. They had become decent enough friends, though he still had issues with trusting others. Chuntao was always so open about everything, and he was quite the opposite to that. Though, these two have shown that they were nothing more than friends. In fact, he knew that everyone here was on the friendly side, and had no real ill-intentions... but there's always that what if factor.

He couldn't help it, he had grown up in a bad place, and nothing good ever came from anything, til now. He wasn't sure why, and questioned it to himself all the time. He never brought any word to Chuntao though. He liked that she was so pure and innocent.

"No, you're early!" Lisimba spoke with a giggle. She hadn't been expecting them til the sun hit the middle of the sky. It was still quite early in the morning, but that was more than okay with her. The sooner they get this over with, the sooner they can go back to their jobs and making everything quite nice. This was going to be fun! Lisimba really liked Chuntao, and was glad she had chose to become a Snow Angel.

She was great with children, and that much Lisimba knew. "So, We'll keep this short, since you've already have had experience." She said with a smile and a nod. "I don't need to go into too many details, but still have to cover all the bases." She wasn't the head Angel, but everyone helped in with the training and this time it was her.

Riikano didn't really have much to say other then he nodded to the male and nodded as Lisimba said things. He didn't really need to be there, but there wasn't really anywhere else he was going to be. Miri was busy with the Queen, and he understood she was always quite busy. Their kids were all grown up and already have their own companions, though he was never fully happy about having to leave them the moment they could.

The lions took care of the baby hares, not them. They were only with Miri and Riikano until they stopped nursing. It wasn't something that truly pleased him, but it was the will of the pride. He had to accept that the lions and hares needed to form a bond, much like him and Lisimba did. That was what made him allow it to happen. He knew how strong his and Lisimba's partnership was.

Chuntao smiled. "Go over everything you need to!" She said with a nod "I am here to learn!" She was sure she knew most of what Lisimba had to cover, but still was part of the job before she could officially start working. There was no reason to skip things, even if there was most the knowledge there. Mostly because not all did she know, she wanted to cover all her hairs after all.

"I am in no rush to get this over." She was eager to do whatever it took to better the pride. She found this fun and exciting rather than dull and boring, which was probably why she got here so soon. She couldn't say the same about Relnaartum though. He didn't particularly like kids, but he stuck with her anyways. That was okay, he was the stern voice to her soft gentle one when it needed to happen.

Relnaartum didn't speak often, though only when he thought was needed. "Is there anything I need to know, as well?" He asked. He could be doing other things while Chuntao was occupied and out of trouble. Then again, it was probably best if he stayed in case it was his job to watch her and the kids.

That wasn't the thing he signed up for when he decided to join in this little companion ship, but it was too late now to turn back. He had become attached to his new found lion friend. He sighed and decided even if there wasn't something he needed to know that he was going to stay anyways. She needed him, even if he hated the thought of little things running around annoying him all the time.

Lisimba nodded. "It's good that you both should know, since you'll probably be with her most the time." She said with a smile. "If something were to happen," She paused for a moment, "like, say an avalanche, it would be very important that you both know the safety procedures." She said. She hoped that made things clear to Relnaartum. She had met him a few times, and he had seemed rather distant than most, which was okay she supposed.

"When ever you are ready we'll go over the basics first, then I'll go into the safety procedures." She said with a smile. "Then you both will be free to go or start working. " There weren't many cubs at the moment, but that was not an issue. They could still plan future activities. There was always plenty to do even when there was no little ones running about. The pride was still small, and not many had been actually born into the pride since it started.

Her siblings and her were the first cubs in the pride, but she had not been born in the pride. In fact, she belonged to a very different pride than this one. The opposite extreme. Her family went from super hot desert to super cold tundra. She was young enough that she didn't remember much and she adapted fairly well. Luckily. She had seen how hard it was for some lions to adjust to this cold weather. Some even left the pride because of the cold harsh land. She loved it however.

Riikano smiled. "You'll help more than you think you will" he knew from experience. He was okay with it though, he loved kids. They were great bundles of joy, and he still considered himself a kid, well even if he had kids of his own, and possibly grand kids. Sometimes it was hard to imagine that he had kids, it was odd, yet not at the same time.

Riikano really knew nothing else than the snow, he was born here, as far as he knew, and he was with Lisimba as long as he could remember. He hardly remembered a time without her. That was what was most odd. Though, he didn't mind. He loved it. It was something he'd never regret or ever want to change.

Chuntao nodded. "I'm ready when you are!" She spoke and had a serious look upon her face. She was more serious about this job than anything in her life, apart from raising her 5 cubs. They had grown up to be lovely kids. She was most proud of her youngest cub, Haukea. She had grown up to be such a lovely amazing daughter that was following in her own foot steps. If she did this training well, she'd be the one to train her young daughter.

She was just like Chuntao, not yet officially recognized as a Snow Angel. She had to go through the same training as she. It wasn't hard, however. Anyone could do it if they really wanted to. All they needed to do was to show passion for it. Haukea had as much passion as Chuntao did. It was what made her most proud.

Of course, she was proud of all her children. They were all very amazing and she loved every one of them as much as the other. She couldn't have been a more proud parent of her little bundles of joy. They weren't so little now. They were never to be said to be a mistake, She'd never say that about them. "You have my full attention, Lisimba."

That was exactly what Relnaartum was afraid of. Then again what could he do? He nodded and sighed, this was going to be a long day, and even longer life. He gave Lisimba his full attention. "I suppose that is very true." The moment he gave his life to protect Chuntao, was the moment he agreed to protect every cub she was to look after from here on out.

A mistake? No, he supposed it wasn't. It was his duty and he was going to uphold that promise. Even if it would kill him one day. He was loyal and respectable. She was to count on him, and he wasn't going to give her a reason not to. "I will protect them as I do her." He said in a low mutter of a voice, As if to say it, but not to be over heard that might be embarrassing.

There wasn't really anything he should be embarrassed about, at least that was what Chuntao would tell him. He shouldn't care what anyone thought of him, which he believe was true, but sometimes there was that need to be liked. Even he had it, and that was something he denied every day. All that really mattered was what Chuntao thought of him, however. He lived to serve her, as a friend and a protector.

He loved her like she was his younger sister. An odd thought, but that was the bond that he had come to know and enjoy. If he had to tell anyone, it would be that she was his family, because that was what he believed and to him it was the only thing to be true. He even looked at her kids as his nieces and nephews. They had even called him such from time to time. It made him smile, even if he hid it.

She was glad everything was understood, and Lisimba smiled at that. She stared going over all the details they needed to know, pausing and asking if they understood. She would continue after any questions were asked, or she knew they fully understood what she was saying. To her, everything was going quite well, and Chuntao seemed very good at listening and understanding. Of course, that wasn't something she thought would be a problem at all.

She continued until they were completely finished and she smiled at him. "Welcome to being a Snow Angel" She said with a sweet smile.

"Congrats, and I look forward to working with you both" Riikano said with a smile as well. All was going to be good, and he couldn’t start working with another male hare. He had been stuck working with mostly females. How crazy was that, it was time for a change! A good change it would be. Even if Relnaartum wasn’t really the best work with. He couldn’t really be picky.

“It shall be quite the experience, and I am more than positive to know that you both won’t be sorry” He said with confidence. He would make sure this male wouldn’t go without some sort of entertainment, and he was hoping they’d become better friends in the future. What more could he ask for?

“I hope we can become great friends, Relnaartum” Riikano said without hesitation. Things were going to be all right, he had no doubt about that in the least.

Chuntao was ecstatic the moment everything was over. She had just become the thing she mostly wanted to be, She couldn't wait to start. "Thank you!" She said with a beam. So proud,and happy, there was no words for her. "Come Rel, let's go tell the kids" She said as she turned and was leaving before he even knew what was happening.

"Thank you, Lisimba, and we shall see you in a bit!"
