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-Character Information-

Full Name: The Scribe Virgin

N i c k n a m e s:

A g e: Unknown

G e n d e r: Female

H e i g h t: 6' 3"

Physical Description: Nothing really can be known of her physically, as she is also seen draped in black flowing robes. She can always see, but not even her face is seen nor her hands when she reaches out. She is slender though, and rumored to be the most beautiful of all deities.

r a c e: Vampire (Mother Of The Race And Deity)

-Combat Information-

S t r e n g t hes: She is the all knowing and most power of all vampires. She has the ability of ultimate creation and destruction.

We a k n e s s: She is unable to feel emotion well, which can leave her appearing often cold hearted.

W e a p o n (s): She is a physical weapon.

P o w e r (s): Racial abilities like rapid healing, dematerialization/teleport, superior senses, superior strength, and speed. Not to mention a few unknown powers that even those of her kind know.

-Background Information.-

She lives on the other side, and makes an occasion visit to the side of mortal man. However, she only does so in the event of something meaningful and or over see mating ceremonies should she be beseeched. She knows everything and anything there is about her kind. Her kind fear and adore her...Revere her even, however only a few know that she actually gave birth to two children. Vishous and Payne. She upholds tradition and expects everyone to do so in kind. If you don't she may find it offensive and punish you accordingly. She has the Choosen living on the other side of her, and they are only those of great beauty. She rules them all, and dislikes questions asked of her. When speaking to her, one must pose their question in the form of a statement rather then inquiry.