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-Character Information-

Full Name: The Omega

N i c k n a m e s: Dark One

A g e: Unknown

G e n d e r: Male

H e i g h t: 6'5"

Physical Description: Ghastly pale, The Omega...Head and founder of the Lessen Society is only ever seen in white robes. Nothing outside bits of his face and hand is ever truly seen.

r a c e: Deity Of Destruction

-Combat Information-

S t r e n g t hes: Has the ability to corrupt, manipulate, transform, and destroy. He is a heartless b*st*rd that delights in the misery of others, and the eradication of vampires all together. He is also cunning, and mischievous to a point.

We a k n e s s: Can be extremely over confident, and takes it his anger out on the lessers. Beings he created by removing the heart/soul of the human, and giving a piece of himself in return to create a lesser. However they know better then to piss him off, as he tends to lose his head a bit and kills them at will for daring to come back or return to him empty handed.

W e a p o n (s): A pair of custom guns besides his set of black daggers..

P o w e r (s): Has the ability to manipulate, and destroy things.

-Background Information.-

Not much is known of the Omega, or why he created the Lessen Society. The only thing known about him, and that is to the vampire world...Is that he is someone you want dead and quick or you will live to regret it big time.