Safi-mmoja - Das Tor
Kasida - NovaCracker

He could just never stay in one place. Safi had tried to stay with his parents in their pack. Had tried to stay with his granddaughter for a time in hers. Had tried to stick around Ekundayo moons ago in her little pride of wanderers. But his paws always took him wandering far too often. Always. The golden male sighed and flopped down, rolling around a bit in the dirt. It was so frustrating, especially when others looked askance at him. It wasn' lonely as it might have been before, though. Fiyali wasn't with him any longer, but he still had Pich and her son and others had joined him in his wandering ways. It was...nice. Especially his mother. It was astounding how nimble she still was for such an old dog.

The scent of another startled Safi-mmoja to his paws again, tail wagging after a second. NEW FRIEND MAYBE?! And he started towards the scent, barking out a greeting.

Kasida missed her mother, and her pups. The female wandered a long time, once having tried tott mind her daughter, but soon, she simply felt left behind and took to roaming alone, her glazed expression of quiet all too common. It wasn't that she felt like starving - she hunted! - but abandoned, kicked away. Her family left her, and Kasida hurt remembering her sister was a slave and likely dead last the rumours seeped back, and the dog looked down, walking as she did so. She was tired, and when she finally heard a greeting, she looked up, tail barely moving as a weak bark to the call was returned. She meant no intrusion if this were a pack - simply sought comfort in roaming. It was all she had left.

Safi blinked at the weak sound of the other bark, worry on his face now, plain as day as he approached the female. "Are you okay? You don't look okay. Or happy." FUSSY PUPPY AWAY. He liked to see others smile, to see them happy. "I'm Safi-mmoja, and you look like you need a smile. Some sunshine!" He was good at providing those! He really was!

Kasida blinked, pausing as one paw raised, and she shrugged slowly. " I'm just not used to speaking, I suppose." She whispered. Not anymore.

Oh no! Safi made a noise of disapproval and worry, one paw raising up to meet hers. "Well that's no good! No friend to talk with? No family? Well! I'll have to fix that! What's your name, miss?" He knew she was old, perhaps even older than him, but that didn't stop him from being all smiles and sunshine and friendly care!

"They had... places." kasida said slowly, and blinked. "I'm... Kasida." The paw remained poised, much like a fawn as she blinked at the highly social male. Was he going to hurt?!

"Well! I shall be your friend, Kasida!" He grinned, batting her paw carefully, playfully. "I might wander a lot, but I always visit the creatures important to me! My family, my friends. One of my daughters actually travels with me! And some of my family. Perhaps you'd like to meet them! My sister crafts, and my daughter is brilliant at finding things! And my mother tells the best stories! And some of my birth pack have joined in the wanderings, too! One of the girls actually looks a little like you..."

"Mmm, Maybe." Kasida said quietly. Had one of her pups bred? It was nice, if but sad. Was her time coming, like it had for her mother? Kasida wondered, blinking at his batting before looking down. "I don't want to intrude though..."

"You wouldn't be intruding!" He chuckled, nudging her carefully. "We love new friends, and visitors! you recognize the name Msanii?" Perhaps he'd found Mto-manyoya's mate's mother! Oh, that would be a happy reunion! Something to celebrate! He did love celebrations! Reasons to just dance and sing [even if he was horrible at it] and have a good time!

"My daughter was named Msanii." Kasida whispered, blinking. "But she found a home and mate. So I let her have that."

"Perhaps they are one in the same! Mto-manyoya and Msanii joined us with my mother and sister, because my birth-pack didn't stay together! But that is okay! It just means we can all wander together!" He looked sheepish a moment. "Would you like to join us, if you like the others? We always like new friends, and you wouldn't be lonely."

"I think I'd like that." Kasida said softly, averting her eyes to her paws, one still raised shyly. "A lot, if... That's okay?"

"Very okay!" He chuckled, moving to nudge her in the direction of the little 'camp' he had with the others. Perhaps, for once, his wandering paws were a good thing. "What do you like to do, Miss Kasida? Hunt or fish or craft or perhaps something else entirely?" He was so excited! A new friend, perhaps even a new friend to join them! And maybe a reunion! He was excited!

"Do?" Kasida let herself be nudged, moving slowly as she blinked. "I never... Tried hobbies before." She admitted. "I saw no point."

"We can find something later, then!" He trotted next to her once they were moving, careful to keep his long stride restrained so he didn't leave her behind. "There are lots of things to try. You'll find something you like, I'm sure of it!" She was too sweet not to! And he'd make sure she smiled more! She was probably radiant when she smiled.

"M-maybe. I've only ever hunted to eat. Or feed my children." Kasida blinked, confused by how excited the male was. It was nice though - she just wasn't used to the excitement. It was almost like - like - and the female whined, head lowering.

Safi blinked, then nudged her shoulder carefully. "You'll be okay. You'll be safe with us. Promise. We'll take care of you." She seemed so sad and hurt...perhaps this was best for her. And perhaps his wandering paws really had done some good, leading him to her. She needed a friend so badly.

Kasida buried in the male, the kind male reminding her of her parents as pups as stories went, and hid her face to cry, ears and trail dropping as she nuzzled in for now, shaking as she wailed. It may be good - but for now, she needed a hard cry.

[Word Count: 1083, according to Google Docs]