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Reply Caldwell City Limits - RP Forum
~The Streets Of Caldwell~

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Lucifel Deamoni

Offensive Trendsetter

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:52 pm
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The streets of Caldwell are every flowing and fully of life. You never know whom or what is walking the streets, it is all depending on the time of day. Anything going on that isn't going on some place specific can happen here.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:44 pm
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Name: Wrath
Race: Vampire (Last Purebred)
Weapons: Two black daggers, and six shurikens
Powers: Racial abilities like rapid healing, dematerialization/teleport, superior senses, superior strength, and speed.
Relationship Status: Single
Location: Roaming The Streets Of Caldwell Hunting Lessers


Wrath had a lot on his mind lately, as he walked down the streets of Caldwell, New York looking for lessers. The weigh of his entire race's survival was resting squarely on his shoulders, and in truth he wanted no part of it. Sure, he would defend his people to the bitter end but he wanted nothing to do with being a king. He didn't care for it, or the responsibility. It didn't matter that he was the sole heir of the first family and rightiful king. He just couldn't hack the idea of pushing papers, and sitting behind a desk. He loved behind out in the field with his brothers. He was a warrior, a fighter...He wanted to be in the thick of things, and would rather have it no other way. Yet something tonight had him on edge. With senses honed over the centuries, Wrath was unable to pin point just what was making his nerves shot. For if he couldn't find an outlet soon, no telling what might happen if he losses his cool.

Sighing, he paused and allowed his senses to stretch out. And since his vision was extremely bad, to the point of being one step away from utter blindness...Wrath had to use and rely on his other senses. Which was in all actuallity fine. Wrath had practiced over the years, so much so that he could almost function as if he had perfect twenty twenty vision. The only really hang up was reading and seeing things too far away. Hence why he work black wrap around to hide his freakishly pale eyes from the world. It was the cherry on top to his over all f*ck you attitude and attire that he wore. From his black leather duster, black t-shirt tucked into his black leather pants, and a pair of sh*tkicking boots. Still his long black hair danced slightly in the breeze behind him, as he scented the air a bit for any signs of lessers.

No such luck...Cursing beneath his breath, Wrath continued on walking down the streets heading towards screamers. Maybe a good stiff drink would cool his temper a bit, as anything was better then not doing anything. For now, he would round a few more blocks and take the back ally into screamers. Lessers often seemed to lurk with the shadows of these clubs looking for recruits and hoping to catch one of his kind off their game. In truth, Wrath hoped he would run into trouble there, but only time would tell...Three more blocks and he would make his way to the night club and whatever awaits him.  

Lucifel Deamoni

Offensive Trendsetter

Lucifel Deamoni

Offensive Trendsetter

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:17 pm
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Name: Wrath
Race: Vampire (Last Purebred)
Weapons: Two black daggers, and six shurikens
Powers: Racial abilities like rapid healing, dematerialization/teleport, superior senses, superior strength, and speed.
Relationship Status: Single
Location: Roaming The Streets Of Caldwell Hunting Lessers


Another hour had gone by, and Wrath's mood had not improved any at all. Not a damn lesser in sight, and it was pissing him the hell off. He had to work off this edge, and sure as hell didn't want to go back home. After all what would he do there other then sit and talk to himself and the four walls that surround him. The others...His brothers in arms, were out working the streets as well. One or two might have hit the club scene by now, but he wasn't in the right frame of mind just yet to even be in a room full or mortals and vampires alike. He might lash out and not in the fuzzy way. No, bodies would be going out on stretchers with the way he was buzzing all wired up as he was. Only if....Then there it was. The sweet aroma of baby powder...

"Bout time.."

He grumbled, as he paused to get a sense of direction in which it was coming from. Across the street, and about a block up. He couldn't see well, but it didn't stop him from honing in on his target. He was still one hell of a skilled fighter and could make his way around. All he needed to do now was get acrossed the street without getting hit. Pausing in between two parked cars, Wrath glanced ever so slightly to the side and then the otherway...It took several passing cars length of time, before he was able to walk confidently across the street. Hell, even the cars that approached him slowed down to let him pass. He was tall dark and brooding, and only had to glance their way before they heeled. He was a cross between warrior and aristocrat. Eye candy to some, but would dare not stop and gawk without fear of drawing his attention. And Wrath liked it that way. Casually, he picked up the pace and continued down the street heading towards the direction he believed the scent came from. Thankfully he was right, for the scent only grew stronger as he walked further on.

It wasn't until he got to a trashed out alley, that the scent caused him to turn his head. With how thick the stank of baby powder permeated the air, Wrath would guess there is at least two lessers down that alley. What they were doing, he hadn't a clue and like hell if he was waiting to find out. With a stone cold face, he turned and headed in.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 7:32 am
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Name: Wrath
Race: Vampire (Last Purebred)
Weapons: Two black daggers, and six shurikens
Powers: Racial abilities like rapid healing, dematerialization/teleport, superior senses, superior strength, and speed.
Relationship Status: Single
Location: Roaming The Streets Of Caldwell Hunting Lessers


Wrath could hear the laughter of the lesser just a head, discussing how they had scored big this time. Obvious young pieces of s**t that had just recently been converted. They would not put up much of a fight, but it was at least something. But then again, Wrath could already play the entire scene out with in his mind after centuries of doing this. Centuries of honing skill, and being through nearly every outcome possible. And if he wasn't satisfied by the end of this encounter, he would seek out some more...And in the same regard, Wrath knew he had to be on his game too. Being too overly confident is what could also get you killed. He just knew how to weigh the pros and cons to most situations. And in this one he had a pretty good feeling, yet he paused in mid step just after that thought. The scent of freshly spilled blood filled the air. Not human, but vampire...Another of his race, growling out of habit and disgust, Wrath advance with a renewed purpose. His race was a dying one, and these bastards had dared laid their greasy mits on another one. Oh hell no....These little pricks were going to pay and pay big, and just as he came into their line of sight they froze. Both held knives in their hands, yet still continued to look like deer caught in head lights. Not all lessers did that. The more experienced knew of his kind and the legends of the warriror class of vampires in which fought them...Obviously these two were clueless on what to watch out for. Hell even their skin had yet begun to pale, but both reeked of baby powder. A sure sign that they were or both had been recently initiated into the order of lessers. It mattered not to him, for he believed they all had to die...Every single lesser including the Omega himself...But it was an on going war between their kind, with the occasion human caught int he cross hairs.

Seeing that it was just one man, they both seemed to visibly relax. And as they did so, Wrath caught a glimpse of a body behind them. A young male freshly out of his transition by the look of it. A civilian...And by the lack of the his chest rising and falling, Wrath could safely assume he was now deceased. ********! He was too late, and it irked Wrath even more. The post trans' wallet was out and a decent amount of money lay partial exposed. No respect. They murdered the male and had every intention of robbing him. They had no honor what so ever, and they had to be stopped. Once this was over he would call it in, and ask one of his brothers to bring a car here. The male had a right to be brought home and given back to his family. It wasn't until one of the lessers had actually dared to shove him, that he snapped out of his self induced daze to look back at them.

Lesser A: "Didn't you hear me, or are you just plan stupid?"

The first lesser growled, as the second behind him looked nervously around.

Lesser A: "Get lost, you have no business here..."
Wrath: "But I do..."

Wrath finally responded, causing the second to glance over at them both.

Lesser B: "He has seen too much Mr. A. He will call the cops."

Before the first lesser could respond, Wrath thrusted his hand out and grasped firmly a hold of the first lesser and brought him close while choking him.

Wrath: "There are things out there worse then the ******** police that you should worry about. Me being one of them.."

Wrath hissed into the lesser's ear, as he mimicked staring the other lesser down. The one that was free, looked around for something to use as a weapon for a good long moment, until he remembered he still had a knife in his hand. Wrath was confused as to how the hell this joke was inducted, but whatever...He was still a lesser and he more then likely would be doing him a fav....His line of thought stopped mid stream, when he felt something bite into his arm. Turning his head slowly, he looked to see the first lesser had stabbed him in the arm. The cold blade that had still been coated in the first vampire's blood was buried into his bicep. Letting the ******** go, Wrath examined his arm a bit before reaching up to pull it out. Both lessers stared at him in shock, And as the last of the blade came free, Wrath peeled back his lip in a silent snarl while returning his attention back to them.

Lesser B: "He's one of them..."

The second lesser muttered, causing the blood to drain from their faces as Wrath began to advance towards them. Risking a quick glance towards each other, they turned to rush Wrath. His arm was killing him, and warm blood seeped down his arm...But he hadn't the time to concern him with that. They got a lucky hit, and now would not only pay for it but pay for the life of the civilian they had killed. Taking up a fighting stance, as he whipped the knife down to the ground...He prepared himself for the attack, while baring his fangs.

Wrath: "Come and get it.."

He taunted them, as they continued to advance. The first lesser took a swing at Wrath whom dodged swiftly out of the way to feel a forceful kick from the second into his side. With a grunt, Wrath acted quickly enough on the impact to catch the lesser's leg and slammed a fist into the side of his knee. He screamed out before falling back clutching at his knee. The most he did was dislocate it possibly, but he didn't have the time to ask the b*****d how was he feeling. No, he spun around to face the first lesser as he came at him with another fist. Wrath dodged it, but just barely as he attempted a sucker punch into the lesser's side. The lesser skipped to the side, before spinning around to kick at Wrath in an attempt to floor the b*****d. Wrath crossed his arms in front of him and successfully blocked it, when he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. The second lesser was attempting to get up. He would have to disbatch this one quick. Not that he felt threatened by them, it was just the fact that he personally needed to see to his own wound and soon. Shoving the first one away a bit, Wrath reached in and pulled out one of his shurikens. And with crisp accuracy, Wrath buried it into the forehead of the first lesser sending the damn thing to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Turning, he watched and listened intently to the second lesser, as he reached into his duster once more to pull out one of his black daggers. Upon seeing it, the lesser remembered what he had been told and knew this was one of the brothers...One of the legendary warriors of the vampire class. Cowering and in intense pain. Maybe he had done a little more damage in the beginning. Serves the b*****d right, and now he was going to die.

Lesser B: "Please....Please don't."

Wrath quickly pointed the tip of his blade at the fallen civilian.

Wrath: "Did you give him a chance?"

The lesser looked at the body, as he continued to scramble to his feet and then looked quickly back at Wrath.

Wrath: "Didn't think so."

Wrath replied to his own question, before he lunged swinging his hand that held the blade in hopes of catching the lesser's throat. The lesser attempted to dodge out of the way, but still the blade cut deeply into the side of his neck instead of the whole neck nicking the jugular in the process. Instantly black blood began to ooze out, as the lesser gasped in alarm...Stumbling around as he held his neck in a failed attempt to stop the bleeding, the lesser collapses to the ground as his knee gives out again and looks wide eyes and in horror up at Wrath. Wrath looms over him like an angel of death...Kneeling down beside the lesser, Wrath uses his free hand to find his wallet and cell. Finding only a wallet..Wrath tosses it a side, before raising the black dagger high. The lesser shakes his head, but Wrath doesn't heed his pleas as he plunges the dagger down burying it deep into the lesser's chest. The man lets out a garbled scream before exploding into a golden dust. Slowly, Wrath rises once more and looks towards the other lesser whom was starting to heal.

Wrath: "Hell no..."

He growled, before advancing on the man himself. Kneeling beside him, Wrath pulled out a cell and wallet before burying his dagger once more with the same result. Sighing in relief that the deed was done, he wiped his dagger clean before putting it away with his shuriken. Feeling the ground around him...Wrath found the cell and both wallets....It wasn't long after that, that he bumped into the body of the dead civilian...This poor soul..Shaking his head, he reached in to retrieve his own cell and flipped it open. When someone finally answered, Wrath slowly rose to his full height once again. Sniffing the air once more, Wrath got his barrings, before responding to the voice on the other end.

Wrath: "I am in need of a lift."

He listened to the other end once more while glancing around abit, before looking back down at the body by his feet once more.

Wrath: "Ally between Paderos Italian Resturant, and Bob's Taco....Ight.."

He replied, before hanging up. The ally was shitty and filthy beyond belief making it a prime location for this kind of crime. No one would seriously venture down here if they could help it. Another case of wrong time wrong place. Sighing, he Wrath stood there awaiting the arrival of whomever was coming to assist him. He knew it would be a brother or two, he didn't care. What he cared about now was what was he going to tell this poor civilians' family.  

Lucifel Deamoni

Offensive Trendsetter

Lucifel Deamoni

Offensive Trendsetter

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:23 am
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Name: Wrath
Race: Vampire (Last Purebred)
Weapons: Two black daggers, and six shurikens
Powers: Racial abilities like rapid healing, dematerialization/teleport, superior senses, superior strength, and speed.
Relationship Status: Single
Location: Roaming The Streets Of Caldwell Hunting Lessers


It was a good forty minutes before Wrath heard a vehicle pull up. Reaching down he drug the kids body back into the shadows, before letting go. Standing up right, he plasters himself against the wall while reaching in for one of his shurikens and patiently waits. Glancing down towards the direction in which he had entered the ally originally, Wrath squinted to see what he could. Two rather large males had exited the vehicle, and were now standing at the ally entrance. Damn his eye sight, he couldn't make out whom they were outside of a pair of shadowy figures. And as a unit those figures advanced, as Wrath remained as he was until the wind shifted and he caught scent of whom they were. They were his boys...His brothers in arms. Sniffing the air once more as they continued casually down the ally...Wrath determined one was Phury by the smell of red smoke rolling off of him, and the other had been Darius. Relaxing to a bit of a degree...Wrath stepped forth from the shadows to greet them.

Wrath: "My brothers..."
Darius: "My lord..."

He replied with a slight bow, as Phury watched Wrath closely. Phury knew all to well never to call Wrath that, but Darius had always insisted.

Wrath: "Stop calling me that, you know I hate that s**t."
Darius: "What happened here?"

Darius countered ignoring Wrath's reply, which caused him a mild case of irritation. Sighing, Wrath relented and glanced behind him as Phury went over to examine the body of the post-Trans.

Wrath: "Two lessers performing a slice and dice on the civilian. I took them out. Their wallets and one cell are to you left about eight o clock. I didn't make it here in time to say the civilian."
Phury: "We have an address on the civilian."

Wrath nodded, and glanced over his shoulder towards him.

Wrath: "Good. Let's take him home...."

Wrath began, before looking back towards Darius.

Wrath: "Back the truck in as much as you can so no one sees us loading the body. And as for the lesser info. Give it to V and tell him to take Zsadist and handle the jars."
Darius: "Of course my Lord..."

Darius left to do as he instructed, causing Wrath to growl and grit his teeth. Sighing once more, Wrath turned to walk over and stand near the post-trans as well. With a slight nod of his head towards Phury, both men got into position to lift the civilian up. Wrath gritted his teeth from the pain in his arm. He had almost forgotten about that tid bit, but it screamed loud and clear to him now. Still he held on to the civilian, refusing to let go. Once Darius was into position and had the back open...Wrath and Phury loaded the body of the civilian up and carefully closed it up, before getting in themselves. Phury, handed the civilians ID to Darius, and he inputted it into the GPS.

Wrath: "Let's do this.."

He exclaimed, as Darius pulled out into traffic heading towards the civilians home.

(Exiting For Now)  
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