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-Character Information-

Full Name: Mary Madonna Luce

N i c k n a m e s: Mary, Mar

A g e: 31 yrs old

G e n d e r: Female

H e i g h t: 5' 9"

Physical Description: With deep dark brown hair, Mary has the most beautiful silver gunmetal eyes. She isn't perfectly thin, but she is slender. She enjoys wearing comfortable clothing, and looks like your plan jane run of the mill kinda gal.

r a c e: Human

-Combat Information-

S t r e n g t hes: Mary has a kind heart, and is loyal beyond measure. She knows how to defend herself in hand to hand combat to a point.

We a k n e s s: Doesn't seem to back down when she should, and that alone can get her into a world of trouble. Doesn't seem to understand that somethings are just too risky to do.

W e a p o n (s): None on hand at the moment, with the exception of some pepper spray in her purse..

P o w e r (s): None

-Background Information.-

Mary has had a bit of a rough past, but she doesn't let it get her down. Even after and before her mother's death due to Muscular Dystrophy, and personally being diagnosed with leukemia...Mary herself finds hope in helping others, as she volunteers at the suicide prevention hotline. Her personal treatments for her disease, has left her infertile and there by unable to have any children. But still again she doesn't like that get her down, as she tries every time to see the silver lining in it all. Even with the amount of scars from the casters she has had and feeding tubes from when she was younger. She knows she isn't that great of a looker, but would love for just ones a man to look at her with total admiration. To be accepted as whom she is and for what she is. Until then, she will keep on trucking in hopes of making some kind of difference in the world.