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-Character Information-

Full Name: Brian O’Neal

N i c k n a m e s: Butch, Cop, Hardass

A g e: 38 yrs Old

G e n d e r: Male

H e i g h t: 6' 2" (until Transition)

Physical Description: Tattooed on the small of his back with a series of lines marking the years of his sister Janie’s death, otherwise he is a well built man for his age. He has short dark hair, and has a tenancy to sport a nice five o clock shadow. Butch often sports a F.U. attitude, and has one hell of a cold stare with his hazel eyes.

r a c e: Half Human/Half Vampire

T i t l e (s): Homicide Detective

-Combat Information-

S t r e n g t hes: He is a skilled and well trained fighter through all his years as a police officer. Butch is also a skilled marksman with a gun as well.

We a k n e s s: Tends to wallow in his regrets and depression which leads to drinking. He tends to bite off more then he can chew, and often doesn't call for help because he doesn't let to admit he needs it.

W e a p o n (s): None

P o w e r (s): None for now, until transition.

-Background Information.-

((This is all prior to his run in with any of the brothers and or the Omega.))

Born and lived most of his life in South Boston, Butch decided to become a detective after the death of his sister. Which he and the man whom he believes is his father blame himself for. He felt that by doing so he could find answers to her case while helping make sure no other family goes through that pain. Never one to be loved, specially by his family outside his mother....He did his best to separate himself from them and moved to Caldwell. If he can help it, he tries his best to avoid them at all costs. And in doing so distances himself from any real relationship. He is a hardass when it comes to work, and has been known to be a bit aggressive with his work. He doesn't take lip from no one, and usually can get to the bottom of any situation.