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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands [IC]
{PRP}Stones that Bind{Coeus x Hephaestus}

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 5:56 pm
Dame NightFury

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Hephaestus had decided to go out for a stroll this day. She needed some specific stones for her crafting. Sadly the gem hunters hadn't been bringing back what she needed. The lioness knew they could only bring back what they could find. It had occurred to her to ask the goddess for what she needed, but that felt like the easy way out. Particularly as she hadn't made any effort on her part.

So she'd headed out in a direction that she hoped hadn't been hunted in awhile. With any luck she'd find some new stuff that had been washed free. Heph pawed through the dirt and stones, hoping for that tale tell glimmer to sparkle. She really hated to disappoint those who came to her for their jewelry. It was important to them and to the pride. Giving up on her hole she moved off in a new direction. She was clueless as what, or rather who, was just about to drop in on her.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:33 pm

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The ebb and flow of wanderlust and weariness that had always dictated Coeus's travels away into adventure and back to the comforts of home was responsible for this detour. Well, detour inapplied a destination. Coeus really didn't have one. That alone made her weary. Despite all of her adventures, her wandering, her attempts to find a place that led to the inspiration of building a home, a place to belong, the weariness of NOT finding it drove her to find comfort from family. Usually it was Papa or Aphrodite or Zenobia, if Coeus could find them or was close to where they were denning. This time she was closer to another sibling. A little sister that Coeus wasn't as close to, but wanted to be. Family inspired her and kept her going when the weariness could become something else.

As Coeus thought about Hephaestus, she thought about creating a pretty bit of something for her sister. Creating and crafting for her friends and family members often soothed her as she traveled around. But the things she normally used had not jumped out at her, had not inspired a piece for her little sister. But then, Hephaestus was not an easy lioness to create for, since she was a crafter herself. Coeus never wanted to step on her sisters paws by giving her something that Hephaestus would be able to create herself or make better than Coeus could.

Coeus stopped and sniffed the air. She was close to where Hephaestus was settling down with a new pride, but Coeus had never been to these parts and needed to use her sense of smell to be sure that a whiff of her family member, though they all had different scents, there was a ... similarity underlying each of them. Probably because of Papa and how they were raised. No matter the reason, Coeus caught a hint of Hephaestus scent and headed in that direction. Just as she spotted her little sister, smiling at the site of the lioness pawing around in the dirt and rocks around her, a ray of shine caught her attention next to Hephaestus's back paw. Small, but blinding to Coeus. She had never seen anything shine so bright that wasn't the sun or the water reflecting the sun. It was beautiful.

Coeus stopped in her tracks and stared at it. What was it? "Hephaestus?" Coeus called still staring at the mysterious and enticing bit of shine peeking out next to her sister's paw.

Dame NightFury

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:52 pm
Dame NightFury

Hephaestus was startled out of her digging by a soft voice calling her name behind her. She turned to look, wondering if someone of the pride had followed or tracked her out here for a reason. There shouldn't be anyone looking for her because her projects weren't done. Unless they wanted to place an order, which seemed silly they'd track her out here instead of waiting for her to come back.

The female stared at the hybrid standing before her. There was something naggingly familiar, but she wasn't sure what exactly. She wasn't a member of the goddess' pride that she knew of. Heph nodded her head in greeting anyhow. "Hello. I'm sorry I don't know your name. Is there something I can help you with?" It felt extremely awkward that this leopon could name her and she couldn't return the favor.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:09 pm

Coeus was startled out of her focus on the wee bit of shine at Hephaestus's paw. Well distracted from it, but she still kept an eye on it, just in case it moved or disappeared. She should have expected Hephaestus not to know or even remember her. Most of Hephaestus's life, Coeus had been elsewhere trying to find her place in the world, and when she didn't find it, she often went to others in the family. But still, seeing the lioness that Hephaestus was, Coeus smiled. And a playful part of her poked its head out of her usual calm, but creative self. She hadn't felt like being playful in a very long time.

"Coeus. My name is Coeus. What's the bit of shine next to your paw? Buried under all that dirt and rock?" Two birds, one stone. Playing how long would it take for Hephaestus to even remember her and finding information on the shiny. Coeus nodded at the piece of shine. Depending on the size it would be a great piece to inspire a crafting of some sort. A hanging mane jewelry or a tail-ring or something along those lines. But it really depended on what it was and how big or small it was ... But still the shine in and of itself would be worth keeping around for inspiration.

Dame NightFury

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:32 pm
Dame NightFury

"Coeus," she said the name trying to draw memories from it. The name didn't instantly ring a bell unfortunately. Heph knew she'd need to think about it a little bit. She was sure she knew this female though. The markings still tugging the back of her mind. Coeus distracted her though by mentioning something shining by her paw. The lioness glanced around eagerly. It took her a few moments to locate it as she couldn't see the shine from her angle like Coeus could and she didn't want to move her paws lest she hid it again.

Hephaestus purred as she pawed a small gem from the dirt. "Oh good find!" Although she really wanted it for one of her projects, she hadn't found it. "Do you want it?" Regretfully she nudged the prize over to the other. "Your pretty good at finding those. You'd have a fine time in my pride." She smiled at Coeus.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:47 pm

Coeus couldn't help but stare at the little thing. It didn't just shine like it had while hiding next to Hephaestus's paw, it ... it SHONE like nothing else Coeus had ever seen.

Coeus approached the gem and her little half sister slowly. She still didn't know what it was. And Hephaestus was offering it to her. LIke she knew what to do with it, considering she had found it while thinking about Hephaestus and crafting something for her and the difficulty of that task in general. But it seemed that the gods and universe were happy with her at the moment. Having been around TONS of little siblings all the time, Coeus caught the hint of Hephaestus's wantings. Her sister wanted the shiny thing herself. Perfect gift to give in Coeus's opinion.

"I caught sight of it while thinking about you and how difficult its always been to make things for you with any of the fun bits I've ever found on my adventures." Coeus nosed it back toward her sister. "Consider it a replacement to a fun bit of jewelry or something else I would have made with you in mind."

Coeus sat back on her haunches and still smiled at her sister. Finally, she took some pity on Hephaestus. "Still don't know how I know you?"

Dame NightFury

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 9:01 pm
Dame NightFury

Heph took a step back so she didn't loom over the pretty gem and hybrid. She took a seat and twitched her tail over her paws. While Coeus was mesmerized by the gem, dark purple eyes studied the hybrid. Why was she familiar? She stared hard at the dark pelt, until finally it dawned on her. She looked remarkably like her father, Athena! But it couldn't possibly be. None of her family, that she knew, was aware she'd joined this pride. In fact, she wasn't sure where most of them were.

Coeus' words made the dark lioness blink. She was hard to make things for? Heph smiled shyly as she realized this must be one of her half siblings. "Athena is your father. I'm sorry I didn't remember. Family seems so far away." She looked at the gem and wondered what might her sister come up with it. "How about this: you take this and make me something, and help me find other gems to fill the pieces I'm working on?" She gave a soft laugh. In truth she would treasure a gift from a family member, even if she could have made it better; because that gift had been made with love.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:50 am

Coeus smiled up at her younger sibling. She was always taken aback by how big they always got. Granted as a leopon she was always going to be smaller as an adult, and Coeus was fine with that, but when she remembers them as cubs it was always startling to have them so grown. Not a bad startle either. "I'll try my best. Perhaps you were always hard, because I've never found anything like this on my wanderings before. Tell something about the pieces you're making."

Gems. Coeus picked up the shiny bit of rock as delicately as she would a feather. Well, this gem didn't belong amongst the dirt and rocks so a lovely piece of jewelry was a great idea. Simple to allow the gem to stand out and be the center of attention. That was nice.

Focusing once more on her sibling, Coeus smiled brighter and nodded. "That's right. Athena is my Papa. I caught the base scent of familarity and similarity a few days ago when I was growing weary of my travels. I always look for family around that time. I had no idea you were joining a pride. What is it like?" Coeus was happy for Hephaestus, to find a place to belong and be happy. It was what Coeus had always wanted, come close to often, but never quite seemed .... right.

Dame NightFury

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 9:00 pm
Dame NightFury

It was a delight to see one of her family after so long. An unexpected surprise but pleasant nonetheless. She studied Coeus thinking of her father. It would be nice to see him again. Heph dusted the reminisce cobwebs from her mind. She'd deal with that thought later. For now she wanted to focus on her half sister. The female smiled pleased, "I look forward to seeing what you come up with."

Hephaestus looked on approving as Coeus showed the gem due respect. The goddess would surely appreciate her if she saw. The female couldn't help wonder how well her sister might fit in. There was only one way to find out. "Mmmm well I'm almost done crafting them. I just need the final touch. Each piece needs a gem specific to who it belongs to." She gave a little sigh. "One needs a ruby, and another a topaz. I have to find just the right gem for each one." She drew a paw over her muzzle. If she didn't love her job and pride this would turn into a nightmare.

"Well! I'm glad you did stop by." She perked her ears. "Well is was rather sudden. A goddess found me and asked me to join. Oh it's wonderful Coeus! I have my own gem," she glanced fondly at the opal on her jewelry. "I craft with gems for other members. I couldn't be more happy. Why don't you come home and see for yourself? You can tell me about your travels too." Heph was looking forward to hearing of her sister's travels.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:25 am

Coeus nodded as her sister told her about her crafting projects. A ruby and a topaz. So which one was this shiny piece of prettiness? And what did the other gem look like? That was the first step in helping her sister. She did a quick look around on the ground where they were to check to see if there was any similar gems, but it wasn't a real look. Coeus wasn't sure what to look for besides something that shined that seemed to not belong where it was shining. She examined the shiny gem she and Hephaestus had found, memorizing it's features so find a similar one. Coeus looked up from the pretty shiny and gestured to the gem she would be working with. "Is this a topaz or a ruby, Hephaestus?"

Coeus felt pride in her younger sister bloom even bigger than she had while first catching site of Hephaestus. She knew he siblings were great, but a goddess had come to Hephaestus. That was amazing! And the beautiful gem she looked at shone and rainbow shimmered. It was beautiful. Not more or less so than the loose gem but beautiful in its own way. Imagine, this was the first time she had ever seen gems of any kind. At least that she knew. "I would love to stay with you. As long as I'm welcome and am not in the way." Coeus smiled. "Do you want to see if we can find another gem in this area today?"

Dame NightFury

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:23 pm
Dame NightFury

Heph had been brooding about the pieces she was working on when her sister asked a question. She blinked a moment then gently pawed off some of the dirt. The lioness gave it a long careful look before she replied. "It looks like an opal to me actually. A topaz is yellowish in color and rubies are red." She gave Coeus a smile. "I have more at home that I can show you." She gathered any gems she could find normally. One never knew what kind of request would come in.

Her ears perked up hopefully. "I hope you do. At least for a few days. Then you can tell father about it here next time you see him. Of course you won't be in the way! I'd love to have the company." Maybe Athena would come in for a visit himself. "If you don't mind looking. I know your tired though. I promise it won't be long." She could check all the usual places and if she didn't find anything that was ok. They could always come back after her sister had rested well.
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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