Raj was fat.... fat and grumpy. She had left the red striped lion behind awhile ago. They had enjoyed a fun fling outside of his pride, she had been her old self being able to seduce him and then she had moved on. It wasn't till about a month later that she realized things were different.

Now that was about 3 months ago and she had made the decision to travel back to the lion that had evidently changed her life. She wasn't exactly pleased to be back here, but based on the swelling of her stoach she knew that she was going to need help and it might as well be the male that got her this way.

She wondered back to the spot where they use to spend their time together. She took a seat, it was a little strange being here and she didn't expect that she would find him here, there was no reason for him to be here but it was a good place to rest.

There was always someone near the border, really. Most commonly, it was Verktygs, a strong lion who easily felled trees that he used to block his herds from leaving the lands. It was he who had spotted the lioness. He had recognized her and wandered back into the lands seeking Moyo, seeing as he and Moyo were sparring partners, they spoke often.

Moyo was easy to find, sitting at the edge of the lake that engulfed most of the land. He looked contemplative, really, and Verk spoke softly to him for a moment, urging him towards the edges of the lands. "I think someone's waiting for you there," He told his friend, and Moyo was off.

He made his way to the spot he had first encountered Raj, ears forward and seeking. "Raj?" He had asked. It couldn't really be anyone else, could it?

Raj had had her back towards the pride her eyes on the sun that was lowering quickly in the sky. Ever since the female had found herself pregnant she was finding herslef becoming kind of soft. She shook her head.

When she heard her name she turned quickly. Now the full size of her stomach would be in view oft the male. There would be no breaking the news to him easily. She wondered if perhaps he wouldn't believe they were his... if he didn;t she would just make him wait to see the cubs she was sure they would come out looking like their father.

"Moyo." she said in return a sly smile on her face as she felt the cubs with in her moving about.

Verk hadn't mentioned - this - and Moyo had been taken aback. Raj was with child, something that was very rare within the pride so far. He couldn't remember seeing a pregnant woman since... well, since Liana was born, really. It had been long ago - she was a queen now, or at least the equivalent of one.

"I didn't expect to see you back around here again," Moyo wondered out loud. He walked closer to her, rather enchanted by her form. He didn't know if they were his, but he had enjoyed her company, both emotional and physical. He didn't doubt she had relations before and after him, but it didn't matter. She had come back to see him, and that was what mattered. "You look stunning."

Raj stayed still well Moyo took his time studying her. It was a little embaressing for her, she was use to a male enjoying her form, though she wasn't use to her pregnant form being enjoyed.

"Well I didn't expect to come back. That is until I realized." she said looking down towards her stomach.

"Well thank you." she said happy that he still found her to be looking at her this way, she had enjoyed the relationship her and Moyo had had, it was intense and fun. She hoped that they would be able to pick it back up again.

"They are yours by the way." she told them deciding it wasn't neccessary to beat around the bush, "And based on my size and the movements I feel its not going to be a small litter." there was a twinkle in her eye, despite her less than loving ways Raj was excited to be a mom.

Moyo grinned wider. "I'm glad," he told her, earnestly. Seeing her like this pleased him, greatly. "Will you be staying?" he asked suddenly. If she wanted to leave, he would make sure she was taken care of, completely and utterly to the best of his ability, but he would have to pull a lot of strings to do so. He had the ability, sure, but he wasn't quite sure he wanted her to make that choice.

He wanted her to stay. They could make a home here. It was already Moyo's, but maybe Raj would find one here too.

"Well I never thought I would see you again, I intended our affair to be a short lived one. It would seem the gods had another plan for us though." she said. Really Raj wasn't unhappy about coming back to him and she was pleased that he seemed to be so eager.

"I am staying. I don't think it is long before they will arrive. I am actully glad that I made it in time, I was fearul they would come while I was travelling and I would have to figure out how to transport them all here."

The striped lion gave a small chuckle. The gods really did have a way of doing things - whatever they liked really - for their own amusement. He was pleased that she was staying. "Would you like to rest a while longer, or would you prefer to go to my lands?" He asked. He didn't want to strain her - she was heavily pregnant and she had traveled quite far.

He could always get his lands moved to here. It was a nice place, if a bit far from where he worked, but he could do it. This was their spot after all.

Raj thought about his offers. The dark lioness was exhausted but she knew that the cubs were coming soon and that she would feel more at ease if she could settle into a den... she wondered if she would be living with Moyo... it is what she hoped but she didn't want to assume.

"No no lets go into the pride lands. You can set me up with a den right?" she asked. The sooner the better. Once the cubs came she would be able to go about making this pride her home.

"I can," He told her. It would be quite easy to do - it was something he had been working on for the future plans. It wasn't quite complete, but it would be done, hopefully, by the time the cubs came. "If you want to live with me, I've got a setup done, but if you want your own space, it'll probably take longer a bit longer to get everything set up," he told her, apologetic. "We'll get you to my lands for now, and I'll talk to Liana about either expanding the lands or getting you your own."

The rules were somewhat loose in this sense, and he could work around them and get her what she wanted.

"Well if you will help me raise these cubs, it would make most sense to live with you." she said. She was pleased that Moyo had suggested it right off the bat.

"I suppose we should get going then." she said rising to her feet with a groan. "Lead the way." she said ready to head in and settle in to her new home, she was sure the cubs would be here in the next day or two.