Matsusa ordered his new test subject to stay in the tall dry grass. He had acquired something that he wasn't sure he was allowed to have. But he really wanted to keep it. So Susa thought the first thing to do would be tell Majanga. The other adults would scorn and be bossy and try to make Susa either kill the jackal - which might end up happening during the course of an experiment anyway, but still - or force him to abandon Anupama which Susa was unwilling to do. He show his subject as useful and wasting him would be like wasting power - rather stupid in his opinion.

Majanga was never stupid. As the Sith Lord and their guardian, Majanga never seemed to treat Matsusa and his siblings as rocks or things barely noticeable in general. There were a few good adults in Mastusa's opinion but none of them were as good as or as great and powerful as Majanga. Susa hero worshipped Majanga. And that was a part of this too. Susa wanted Majanga's approval of his subject. He didn't care for the opinions of others; he didn't even care what his brother and sisiters would think of Anu. But Majanga was a different story. Matsusa wanted to make Majanga proud and happy as much as possible. Susa also had to tell Majanga what he had learned while experimenting on that lesser creature that had lead to Anupama's subjecthood to him. There was so much to talk about that had happened in the day.

Susa looked behind him to make sure Anu couldn't be seen and if Anu couldn't be seen that meant that the jackal couldn't see him either. He ducked into their den and stopped at the entrance looking for Majanga.