I'd like to announce the opening of the two new threads in the Fan Fiction Writing and Fan Art forum. These new threads were made for the purpose of both being able to show your talent and skill when it comes to the arts, but also to get assistance if need be.
First of all is the new Drawing Advice thread, found here! This thread will be dedicated to helping those who are in need of tips and advice, and even critiques if needed for their drawings. Here you will be able to ask any sort of question you'd like about art, and receive help if that's what you've been searching for. As someone whose very experienced with drawing, I hope to help you all with the questions you have, and help you improve! vuv
The other thread that has been made is the Examples of my Works thread, which is over here!
This thread is to show what you have to offer in a sense, and to show your skill and talent!
Happy posting! heart