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It had been so odd for the former Boss when he and his mate had decided to retire and take to the rogue lands. It had been a beautiful adventure, and Nanashi had enjoyed spending more time with his lady-love, but it was so odd that he had no responsibilities. Back in the Kuroi, he and Nyoka had to watch over an entire pride, but now it was just them. It was only their happiness that mattered.

Nanashi had tried to hide the pain from Nyoka, not wanting to worry her, but what had started as an infrequent throb in his skull had started to become sharp pains as he awoke every morning.

The sun was just starting to creep out from the horizon when Nanashi awoke this day, and he couldn't help the yowl that came out of his mouth as it felt like someone had jabbed a branch deep into his skull. Although the den was still dark, he felt blinded by some light, making his vision go pure white and he shuddered in agony.

"Ah!" He cried out as flashes of images shot across his vision, moving past so quickly that he struggled to focus on any one of them. They created a dizzying panic and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stop the images, but they continued to flash behind closed eyelids.

Chi Sohma