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-Character Information-

Full Name:Dr. Manuel Manello M.D.

N i c k n a m e s: Manny

A g e: 45

G e n d e r: Male

H e i g h t: 6'

Physical Description: Manny is of a muscular build. He looks young for his age, and has dark brown hair with mahogany colored eyes.

R a c e: Human

T i t l e (s): Doctor

-Combat Information-

S t r e n g t hes: Manny is a highly skilled surgeon.

We a k n e s s: He is highly attracted to Jane, and some times it distracts him causing him to make poor but necessary judgement calls. Otherwise, he has all the same human limitation.

W e a p o n (s): Knows some self defense.

P o w e r (s): None

-Background Information.-

Manny is the type that meets a challenge head on, and never turns his back on a patient in need. He is Chief of surgery at St. Francis Medical Center and Chairman, for Department of Surgery for Caldwell, New York. He is also one of the best orthopedic surgeons in the country and is a workaholic. The only bright spot in this maddness is he gets to work along side Dr. Jane Whitcomb. A favorite of his, and something of an obsession. Though when he isn't on the clock, thinking of Jane, or what is waiting for him back at the office. He does have a thing for Race Horses. In fact he owns an injured female race thorough bred race horse by the name of Glory.