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They had done it they had found the rest of the pride. Tabt couldn’t believe that the glorious pride she had grown up in was now forced to live in the forest that surrounded their home. They lived in fear and confusion it was terrible. On top of that Tabt was forced to relive the nightmares that haunted her as a cub. Tabt had gotten lost in this forest when she was just a baby. If it hadn’t been for Hinekiri coming and finding her, who would know what would have happened to her, it was a scary thought.

Standing Tabt made to head towards her mom, she could see the bright blue lioness at work helping those that were injured. Hinekiri was a dedicated nurse after all. Tabt shook her head, she couldn’t believe how much her mom was doing with such long scratches running down her back. She waited patiently until her mom finished tending to the lion she was working on, so many were injured in the attacks it seemed like her mom would never run out of work. She towards her once she was done.

“Mom.” she said sweetly, “Do you mind checking my bandages?” she asked.

Hinekiri turned when she heard the word mom and immediately regretted the decision as the scratches down her back screamed in anger. She closed her eyes for a moment and counted to three. Opening them again she smiled, “Yes dear I would be happy to take a look at them” she cooed motioning her daughter to come towards her.

Hinekiri had been keeping busy since they had settled in the forest by the little lake. She had to keep busy it was the only way she could deal with the fact that many of her children were greatly injured, her home was gone, and for the moment her beloved father was missing. She refused to believe that he was dead, it was too terribly of a thought, he father was a sweet loving and caring male. She tried to push the thought of her father away and instead turned to face her oldest daughter. She studied Tabt’s face she knew that the seafoam green lioness that she had adopted as a cub was struggling back in this forest that had haunted her for so long.

“Let’s see what we have here.” she said gently and pulled back the bandages. She frowned a little when she saw her daughter’s side. The fur around her scratches was still stained red from the blood that had poured out of her. The gouges were still wide and angry, but there was no infection so that much was good. Hinekiri was thankful to Lorne the male that had searched for and found Tabt. Hinekiri hated to think of what would have become of her daughter had he not found her and got the bleeding to stop. Even at the thought her eyes welled with tears. It was a terrible thought, HInekiri knew that she would never be able to repay the male. She did however know that she was happy that Hinekiri had fallen for such a good male.

“Alright dear I am going to apply more salve.” Hinekiri warned before lifting her paw to gently spread the salve.

Tabt couldn’t help it when her mom pressed the salve into her wounds she let out a hiss. “Sorry mom.” she said gently. She hated making the noise when her mom was trying to heal her but it was impossible to make it stop.

“Are they at least looking any better?” she asked hoping that the healing was happening. They wounds hadn’t started itching at all yet, so far all that she had experience was screeching pain.

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“There is no infection my dear that much we should be thankful for.” Hinekiri had seen many members of the pride come in riddled with infection, she was working her best to minimize it but it wasn’t always easy.

“Well I shall count my blessings.” Tabt said with a bit of a smirk. She relaxed a little being around her mom, it wasn’t easy being in the forest but even as an adult she found immense comfort while being with her mom.

“What about your wounds mom you are taking care of yourself right?” Tabt asked. She was worried that her mom was working too hard. She knew that there was a lot to be done but Hinekiri was injured too and Tabt couldn’t imagine losing her mom after everything else that had happened.

“Don’t you worry about me dear. I am doing just fine.” Hinekiri cooed. She put a fresh set of bandages onto her daughter’s side and sat back. “There you are all good. Make sure you get these changed again tomorrow.” she told her daughter. The biggest mistake they could make at this point would be to let the wounds get dirty, infection could easily set in if they weren’t careful.

“Now you tell me how are you doing?” Hinekiri asked her daughter. She knew that her daughter was unease in the forest and she worried about what she was feeling, right now her emotional well being was just as important as her physical.

“You know I hate it in here.” Tabt answered quietly. “The nightmares are back.” Tabt hated to admit it but this forest was the worst thing she could ever think of. She couldn’t wait till they could get out of here back to their home. “It’s better when I am with you, or Lorne.” Tabt admitted blushing slightly at the name of the male that was rapidly becoming her whole world.

Hinekiri smiled, happy to see the tell tale signs of love in her daughter’s eyes. She was glad that something good was coming of all this. “I know it’s a hard time for us all but we must find comfort with each other.” she told her daughter. “You know I am always here for you, as is Mashaka, but it sounds like you have all the support you need in that male of yours.” she said giving her daughter a little nuzzle.

“Thank you mom” Tabt said, taking in all the comfort from her mom that she could get. She turned her head and saw the line up of other pride members waiting to be attended to by Hinekiri, “I should let you get back to work, but don’t work to hard Mom.” she said giving her mom a nuzzle back.

Hinekiri smiled as her daughter walked away, she made a note to check on her later in the day. “Who’s next?” she asked looking at the line waiting for her.