Kiti hadn't wanted any trouble. She had just decided to head away from her pride for a little while to get some hunting in and maybe spend some time away from all the snow. She loved her home, of course, and wanted to help it flourish, but every now and again she missed being out in the rogue lands and just wanted to spend some time in her former home. She imagined she wasn't doing anyone any harm visiting her old home, so it was alright for her to spend some time there. The last thing the peaceful lioness had been anticipating was a confrontation with another.

Morwen had been on the prowl. She'd been in a particularly bad mood all day and had been looking for something to take her frustrations out on. Prey animals weren't enough- weak, pathetic things they hunted for food. She wanted to make something more intelligent suffer. Something with fangs and claws, like her.

She loved to make other predators suffer.

Then, her luck turned. She spotted a rather soppy looking female not far from her. A green creature who looked like she hadn't fought a single thing in her life. Did she even know how to hunt? Perhaps not the best target around, but an easy way to vent some steam. She charged forward, letting out a roar before attacking the lioness full force.

Frigga hadn't been away from the pride for long, perhaps a couple of days, but she knew she had travelled a long way. She didn't know WHAT she was looking for, but she just felt like she had to get out and explore a little. Maybe her misspent childhood was catching up to her. She had never explored when she was young. She was content to hang around in her den and do nothing. Now she just wanted to get out and look around- spend time on her own.

As she continued on her path, she heard a loud bellow. It sounded like a battle cry. Every bone in her body told her to run away, but instead she ran towards the sound. What the heck was she even doing?!

Kiti yelped and instantly ran from the lioness, though she had been near a thick forest, the trees too close together for her to navigate through. She was basically trapped. Gasping, she turned to look at the lioness, who had stomped down in front of her, grinning menacingly. "I-I don't want to fight you! I'm just passing through!" She whimpered.

"Oh, how nice for you," Morwen shot back, passing through, are you? You think you're so special that you don't have to pay attention to the territory of other lions? I'll make sure you pay for your crimes!" She snarled at the lioness, moving closer to her. She could almost feel the fear coming off the lioness. good. GOOD. She liked fear. It made it that much more fun when she finally attacked.

She buckled down and braced her legs, before making a leap for the lioness, claws extended.

Frigga just managed to find the source of the roars in time to see a mean looking black lioness making a leap for a green lady near her. The green lioness looked to have no interest in a fight, and seemed to be trapped. Cursing, Frigga felt her body moving forward before any of the rest of her had time to react to it. Before she knew it, she was charging the lioness, leaping at her and interrupting her attack on the green lioness by catching her in the side with her claws. She didn't wait- she just slash at the female, ripping at her side with everything she had.

She didn't need to know everything that had happened to see that the lioness was the bad guy in the situation.

Kiti let out a loud scream when the lioness jumped at her, flopping onto the ground and throwing her paws over her face. She thought for sure she was going to die- this lioness was nuts! She had come out of nowhere and attacked her! But when no pain came to her, she ventured a peek over her paws. Gasping, she saw another lioness had jumped into things, knocking the black lioness to the ground. This lady was a light creamy tan color, and looked quite large for a female. She also looked more than a little nervous as she moved in front of Kiti. "Th-thank you," she offered weakly.

Morwen had not been expecting anyone else to get involved. She was normally frightening enough to keep others far away from her. So she had been extremely surprised when a lioness clawed deeply into her side, sending her crashing into the dirt away from Kiti. She gasped, quickly climbing back to her paws despite her injury. She glared at the new lioness, snarling.

"Don't think me yet, idiot!" Frigga hissed at the other lioness, "get up and help me push this girl back, would you?! You can't be THAT useless!" She wasn't exactly known for being a friendly lioness. Hell, she was still wondering why she had decided to help in the first place! She didn't want to get attacked by this crazy lioness! Still, she was there and she had already gotten involved. There was no time to act as the black lioness sprang for her this time, claws out and coming for her chest. She snarled and met the lioness halfway, rolling around with her in a vicious battle.

Kiti was shocked. The lioness was... so rude! And she had just come in to save her life, too! She didn't understand, but she was quick to get back up, watching in horror as the tan lioness and the black lioness sprang into combat with one another. She wanted to help somehow, but she needed to wait for the right moment, when the lionesses sprang apart. The moment that happened, she was able to charge in with the tan lioness to attack the black lioness alongside her.

Even though it was horrifying.

Morwen roared defiantly against both the lionesses, slashing her claws at them and trying to get them both away from her. While the green lioness wasn't much of a fighter, and left herself open for attacks, the tan lioness seemed to know what she was doing, and was able to dodge around and put up a pretty good fight. Morwen would have been impressed, were she not so annoyed. She tried to bite at the tan lioness, going for her paws in an attempt to cripple her.

The attack for her paws wasn't unexpected, however, and Frigga was able to pull back onto her back legs, bringing her paws down on top of the lioness's face. She didn't manage to get her claws into her flesh, but it was enough of a distraction to allow the green lioness to come in and take some more swipes at the predator's side, making the gashes there even deeper and more troublesome. Frigga, meanwhile, kept up her frontal attack, trying to keep the claws and teeth directed at her and not the green lioness.

It looked like they were going to win. The black lioness had broken away from them, backing up and limping as she went. Blood splattered against the ground.

Kiti watched as the lioness backed away from them, feeling a bit of pity for the poor lady. She had attacked out of nowhere, and probably for the fun of it, true, but that didn't mean Kiti wanted to kill her. She hoped the lioness would be able to find some medical attention at some point. It definitely looked like she needed it. Sighing softly, she watched the lioness retreat, before turning to look at the tan lioness. "Thank you," she breathed softly.

Morwen had had enough- she was only in it to kill something quick and easy and it was now clear that wasn't going to happen this time around. She had taken much more damage than she had been anticipating, and she needed to get out of there. Two on one was hardly fair, even if she was a champion warrior! So she huffed at the two of them, turning around and quickly rushing away from them. It was really the only option she had.

Her body had taken a beating. She needed to find some place to hide and rest without anyone coming to bother her.

Frigga watched the lioness run, huffing indignantly. She had taken a few scratches from the battle, but she didn't feel like anything had been too bad. The scars likely wouldn't show through her fur, which was good- she liked to stay pretty. When the lioness thanked her, Frigga looked at the green thing for a moment, frowning.

"You're welcome, I guess. You better get back to whatever pride you came from. You're really not meant for these lands. And neither am I." With that, she turned and left the lioness, deciding she would really like to get back to the pridelands.

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