Velvie: Sa'chiel had been depressed when his home pride had seperated; the tribes going their own ways and really, it was a bit sad. But at the same time, he was enjoying the new found freedom of his rogue life. He had been a scout, and had loved movement, and now he was not bound to one set of lands. He could keep moving until he passed out, if he so chose. That had happened a few times when he had first left the Arba lands, but he knew his limits now.

His slim physique had gotten more muscled, and he had built up his strength. He could walk for hours, even through the night if he wanted to, just to wake up to a new view every day. It was breath-taking.

The pale blue cheetah had sprawled himself out next to the lake, taking in the glistening water with a sleepy, content smile. He had walked all night, and was now rewarding himself with the beautiful view.

nessiaing: Cefni has been a little mopey for the last little while. She had met a pretty lion and was hoping to have been a surrogate for him and his pretty mate, but in the end things just hadn't panned out. Now the leopard was wondering if perhaps she wanted cubs for her very own. She wasn't sure but the idea had been stuck in her head and well... she didn't know what to do with it.

SHe walked slowly to the water ahead of her, it wasn't till she had gotten close to water that she noticd part of the blue colour wasn't coming from the water but a pale blue cheetah laying next to the lake. She wasn't sure about what to do, she had had her mind set on getting a drink of water and watching the water ripple in the breeze, but she didn't know much about this cheetah ahead, perhaps he wasn't friendly and she should stay away.

Velvie: Sa'chiel barely noticed the approaching female until she was rather close to the water and he blinked, his eyes a bit dazed from staring at the water for too long. He instantly pasted a bright smile on his face though, as he was always a fan of female company. He liked to think of himself as a friendly guy; perhaps not a lady-killer like his father had been but he was still a pretty cheerful, fun guy to be around. Right? Surely he was.

"Hello miss!" He called out cheerfully. "Don't fear, I mean no harm."

nessiaing: Cefni smiled when the cheetah turned towards her and had a smile on his face. Any concerns that she had imideately fell away, though many would say that she was far to trusting. So far it hadn't served her wrong not to trust others, and she hoped it never would.

"Oh hi, I didn't mean to disturb you." she told him cheerfully coming towards him a little. She was shy but not nervous of him anymore. "My name is Cefni." she told him coming more forward and bending her head to get a long drink of water.

Velvie: "Oh you're not disturbing me at all!" He assured. "I was rather hoping for some company!" He felt tired, almost deliriously tired. Was he actually talking to a rock? No, she had told him her name and he certainly wouldn't have gone through all the effort of making up a name if he was merely delirious and talking to himself. "A pleasure to meet you Cefni! I am Sa'chiel." He smiled and motioned towards where he was lying. "Feel free to sit a moment if you need as well. I do miss company!"

nessiaing: Cefni was more than happy to oblige, she got her self settled comfotably beside the pale blue cheetah male. Once she was settled in she turned back towards the cheetah. "Sa'chiel." she repeated her mind swirling something was familiar about all of this the name the cheetah everything was familiar. Then it suddenly clicked, she had me this cheetah before, had a similar conversation this. The sense of deja vu was strong.

She let out a laught, "You don't remember me." she said giggling still. "Don't feel bad I didn't remember you at first either." How awkward was it to admit that you didn't remember a someone that you had spent a night with. From what she remembered now it was a rather good night together too.

Velvie: Sa’chiel glanced at the leopard, struggling to place her face and name. It took him a moment or two, and then the guilt set in because he remembered where he knew her from. He felt his face get rather warm. “Oh my gosh,” he said, apologetically. “I’m so sorry Cefni. I didn’t recognise you.” He felt rather ashamed. He had enjoyed the time they had spent together, but since leaving her presence, he had practically spent the rest of his time alone.

“How have you been?” He asked, trying to change the subject from the awkwardness of having completely forgotten who she was.

nessiaing: Cefni smiled, she was just has happy for the topic change as he was. There was no need to dwel on what was clearly an uncomfortable subjected they had bother forgotten nothing to fret over now.

"I haven't been doing much of anything. Still wondering the rouge lands on my own." she said a sad undertone in her voice. She didn't really like to be alone but right now it was apparently the way things were, she hoped soon they would change though. She wasn't sure how they could change but anything would be better than being alone all the time.

She eyed Sa'chiel wondering if perhaps he was free for the night. It had been such fun last time and even though they had forgotten each other at first glance, she was quite happy to have a repeat of the night.

"You know I have a den close by." she said. There was no mistaking her meaning.

Velvie: Sa’chiel was surprised that she had been experiencing the same as he had. They had both been travelling alone in the rogue lands since their last encounter. That was really sad, he mused to himself. He hated being on his own. It was a very depressing experience for him, having grown up in a bright and vibrant pride. It made him feel so isolated.

At her comment of her den, he looked surprised but offered her an amused smile. He had enjoyed their last encounter, and he felt so lonely that the idea of having company was like heaven to him. “Perhaps you can show it to me?” He asked, rising to his paws and casting her a grin. “I have nowhere to stay tonight.”

nessiaing: Cefni was pleased that he had agreed so willingly. Why wouldn't he after all. "Perfect" she pured. She rose to her feet and stretched arching her back feeling all of her muscles tense and release. Turning her back to him she began to walk.

"Right this way." she said with a wink. When she was around Sa'chiel it was almost as if she was another female. She was more forward than she had ever been in her life. She was excited to have another night with them. Perhaps this time they would keep better tabs on each other after their night was over.