Name: Lucas Kane
Nicknames: Luc
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Faction: Reaper
Race: Warlock

Natural Ability:

Summoning: Can summon a familiar to do their bidding. If the witch/warlock already has a familiar, they can summon an additional one. The additional summoned familiar has a mind of its own, and its intelligence is on part with a minipet (ie it can't speak and can only follow basic, basic orders such as "sit" and "stay."). This familiar is usually demonic in origin, and comes with a bad temper to boot -- but at least they provide an extra boost to your spells! That is, if you can get them to cooperate with you. This additional summon is also temporary.


Go ******** Yourself: Luc is not a nice guy. He doesn’t have the most positive attitude towards the world and he lets his s**t attitude be known to all. He chooses to ignore any filters of a civil society, or lacks them entirely, and will gladly tell you exactly why you suck, and yes, it is all your own fault, and no, he will not help you. The concept of polite greetings to new faces baffles him – why would anyone be kind to a stranger? Even saying ‘hello’ seems generous. He’s certainly capable of kindness, but that takes effort. And effort is, like, all the way over on the other side of the room.

I Seriously Don’t Give a ********> It isn’t that Luc hates you. Well, he might, but it’s far more likely that Luc genuinely just does not give a s**t about you – at all. You broke your leg? You’re in the line of danger? He has plenty of time to save you? He’s still missing the part where that’s his problem. Oh, hey, you died. Still not his problem. He’s remarkably self-centered and otherwise apathetic with rare exception.

Nah, ******** That: Doing good takes effort. A lot of things take effort. Why can’t he just be naturally gifted? Why does he have to work for things? He does have some natural talents as a warlock, and he rests on those laurels pretty proudly with an above-it-all attitude when the rest of his personality and his reluctance to put in any work really puts him at the level of rat s**t found under the base of the totem pole of decency.

But Let’s ********> Luc is a bit of a flirt. However, aspects of his personality may be a turn off. For starters: Everything else that was just mentioned. Secondly, the kid has no game. He’ll tell you to ******** yourself before suggesting that you could alternatively ******** him, and that’s his best move. Deep down, he’s a romantic believing that there may be that one true love that will penetrate his cold black heart, but he probably watched that special someone die because he was too busy laughing about it, or eating a burrito.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Amazingly, Luc’s parents didn’t want him around them anymore. How strange! Thus, they enrolled him in Amityville to make this a*****e be someone else’s problem now.

FEAR Ability:

CRAWWWLING IN YOUR SKIN: (Tainted Fang) Luc casts a dark hex on his target of demonic insects that irritate and burn the skin.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Bright chartreuse.
Hair Colour/Style: Styled but messy, black hair with a purple tint.
Skin Colour: Olive toned tanned.
Clothing Style/Colours: Luc is most commonly seen in old, baggy and worn clothing in olive, sage and mossy greens and eggplant or dark amethyst purples. His preferred outfit is an olive Henley with an old, baggy heavy dark purple hooded coat and beaten black jeans with boots. He also has several piercings in his ears as well as one in his brow.
Extra: Luc’s familiar is a tiny demonic dragon, just a baby drake at this point and small. It is jet black with glowing green eyes and demonic and hellish features.