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Parv had left the pride she called home only for a short while. Though it felt like a world of things had happened. The upmost thing was that she had birthed three boys. It was now with those boys in tow that she headed back out into the rogue lands. In the short time that she had been in the pride she had spent all of it thinking of Ment. Ment had been so wonderful to her, he had looked our for her and taken care of her when she was heavy with cubs in the rogue lands. He had also saw her safely to the pride she had thought she wanted to call home. So now she and her boys were looking for him.

To be honest Parv was quite frightened in the rogue lands now that she was a mother. He cubs were still fairly young. They weren't able to travel long distances in a day, the boys need to rest and to eat and sleep. Parv was doing the best she could though. The think that worried her most was the thought that she might never find Parv out here in the rogue lands. She tried to push the thoughts from her head as she ducked out from the den that she had just put the boys to sleep in. She lived for this time of day each and every night. It was the only bit of time she got to herself any more. She loved her boys and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world but good god they were a handful.
