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Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:01 am
Straight and to the point - I don't know if I miss them or if they're not there but I would /love/ to see more custom familiar slots. I have soquili who I wish to obtain a horde of familiars (Aiushtha with her deer and now Achlys with snakes).
tl;dr haven't seen custom familiar slots in a while. would love to see again. o u o
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:03 am
This isn't an official answer, but we do have familiar colorists, not all of whom (myself, for example) can take customs.
Were you referring to the custom familiar slots that used to be in general Soquili customs? I don't think that's done anymore.
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:41 pm
:< i miss them too; having familiar slots. I love that there are premade familiars and items dont get me wrong!
But I understand the feels of wanting your own concept coloured 3nodding
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:12 am
I'd love to see more custom colored familiar slots n_n. I adore the pre made ones too but it makes my eyes happy to have a familiar that perfectly matches the soq they are bonded too n_n. Cleaver, Jessamine's owl familiar is custom colored and also has an item added so I'd consider her an edited custom familiar and while that was awesome, it doesn't bother me whether familiars have items or accessories added to them. I would be perfectly happy with a few custom colored unedited familiar slots every so often n_n
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:39 am
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
It's good to know that people are still digging on custom familiars and familiars in general. I know right now the way familiar colorists are hired is a little different -- they start off only being able to do give-away stuff, or Wishing Stars, and then need to go through the ranks before they can take customs.
This isn't necessarily how we're going to keep it (Mind and I need to talk/revamp some old ways of soq to keep things like this from bottle-necking) but it is kind of the was things work at present. On top of that bottleneck, I also know that we only have a few active familiar colorists, and only two (I think) are able to even make custom familiars.
I know Mind and I definitely want to open hiring again soon for both familiars and soquili colorists -- so hopefully that will help alleviate some of the strain/demands. :3
It's great to see people open for custom familiars though! We'll definitely keep this in mind and that there is a hope for more custom-familiar slots.