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[VIKING] Take Me Away (Rieseln x Ragnvard)

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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:15 pm
User Image Thunder rolled overhead as Rieseln ran through the driving rain. The storm had come up quickly and harshly and she didn't have time to even find a tree for cover. Her name meant drizzle and she did enjoy when it rained, but the big storms like this were a bit scary when she was all alone.

Finally she spotted a rocky outcropping and headed for it, hoping there would be a little cave or, at the very least, a ledge. She slipped in some mud as she put on a little more speed, a flash of lightning spurring her forward. Finally she slid to a stop by the large rocks, panting heavily as she circled them. Ah, there! A little cave, big enough for maybe three lions if they squished, two could fit comfortably. She was tiny so maybe if all the lions were small they'd fit nicely...

No one was with her, though. She shook herself off and moved into the little cave, letting out a little sigh before jumping again. "Stupid thunder!" she yelled at the sky, drowned out by the following rumble. Ah well...she was safe now. Nothing to do but wait out the storm.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:46 am
User Image

Ragnvard had left his reavers sheltering from the heavy rains. They had done well, fighting and killing a pack of hyenas and chasing off two rogue males who had tried to take the kills from them. But the rain made everyone grumpy and the Captain had wanted some time alone anyhow, to scout out more of the area for the next viking. He had spotted the figure of a lioness racing through the rain, watching as she made a dash for a pile of rocks not that far away. Deciding to investigate and knowing that she could possibly prove an excellent opportunity, he continued through the downpour, arriving at her small cave a minute later.

Knowing full well that she could prove hostile, he lowered his head to peer into the hollow, but didn’t advance just yet. This was not a simple fight where he could over power her if she decided attack, her position in the cave was the perfect defence against him. Instead he hoped to talk her out, and depending on who she was, he hoped to have a new thrall by nightfall.

“Hello there… Rather wet, isn’t it.” He mused, trying to see her in the darkness of the cave, as what meagre light the rain-filled sky provided wasn’t enough to penetrate the gloom inside.



Allied Recalibrator


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:02 pm
Ries lifted a paw to try to squeeze the water out of her fur that was on her head. Her tuft of white fur was sticking to her face and she really didn't like how it felt. As she was trying to dry off a darkness fell over the entrance to the little cave, noticeable only because a bolt of lightning lit up the sky for a moment. She lifted her head in surprise, finding a pair of dark eyes from an imposing figure looking into her impromptu shelter.

The voice the came from the large lion was surprisingly suave and calm. Lions that size rarely were good with their words, relying more on strength rather than personality to get what they wanted. Ries was glad for that. She worked a lot better with lions that liked to use their minds rather than their might.

"It is," she said with a little laugh, her moment of fear leaving her. Ries was small and not a fighter at all so she would have easily been chased from the cave, but this guy didn't seem like he wanted to chase her out. "There's enough room in here for you if you wanna come in. I don't bite."

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:49 am
Her reply drew a husky chuckle from the large male, gold eyes twinkling in the gloom. “No? That’s a shame…” Grinning he ducked his head and slid inside, managing to squeeze his muscular body through the small gap without impacting the cave’s current occupant. Twisting round and settling he stretched out beside her, his huge forepaws crossed one over the other, the powerful muscles of his shoulders rippling as he got comfortable.

“What brings a lady like you out all this way in such foul weather?” He asked presently, tone conversational. His bright golden eyes studied her, or what he could see of her in the darkness between lightening flashes. She was so very pale, she glowed like a ghost, or a spirit, like some kind of wraith shimmering in the darkness, phantom-like and indistinct. He knew his own darker colouring would make him almost invisible in the darkness of their shelter but he gave it no thought. He wasn’t a vein male to preen and prance in front of strangers, he knew what he was, a warrior and teacher, the guardian of his pride’s future. In that respect he was curious over this female. He had met only a very few lions who could not benefit his home in some way… maybe this one could also?



Allied Recalibrator


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:13 am
Ries grinned a bit as the male chuckled, finding his joke amusing as well. A little flirtatious, tall, dark, and mysterious..this guy was interesting, and how he was sharing a cave with her as the storm raged outside. If she had been any larger they might have been uncomfortable, but as it was they both nestled nicely into the cave, close but not touching.

She gave him a quick glance over as he settled in, knowing she wouldn't have a moment to later, not with that coloration. He was very handsome in that classic sort of way. Traditional colors, no intricate markings, a nice dark mane, and that warm, deep tone to his voice that made her whole body tingle. She couldn't have asked for a better cave mate.

"A lady like me, oh please," she scoffed gently, waving a paw at him. "I'm a rogue, it's my job to be 'all this way' in any sort of weather." Well, maybe not her job, but she liked being able to go wherever she pleased, whenever she wanted.

"I actually had a vision a few days ago that showed me a vast ocean so I wanted to see if it was within a short journey. So far no ocean, but I feel like I'm getting close. I've never seen one before," she added with a little nod. She had also seen lots of lions in her vision, as well as a sense of comfort and contentment. She really wasn't cut out for pride life but she hated being alone. It was a very confusing situation to be in. She craved the attention and affection other lions provided, but her pride had been so...dull. For her, at least. She wanted action and excitement!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 8:11 am
Her reply teased his deep rumbly laugh from his again, his heavily manned head shaking slightly, though he was careful not to shower her too badly in raindrops. “As you wish, though I meant no disrespect.” Flashing a broad smile at her in the darkness he shifted, twisting slightly to better watch her, ears flicking forwards in interest as she mentioned visions. This was a far more interesting meeting than he had first assumed. He lacked reliable seers in his band, and now.. here one was. He had to have her.

“You are a seer then.” Nodding he motioned to the curtain of rain beyond their small hideaway. “The ocean is not that far from here actually… I live on the shores of the great water. You have a day, maybe two until you reach it. Though if you don’t know the way there, I suppose it would take you… three, or four days. Depending how lost you got.” Pausing he smiled slightly, laying the bait out for her. “Our land is protected by a thick forest and high cliffs, so it can be hard to find if you don’t know which paths are safe to use.”

Hopefully she would want to follow her vision. It would be best if he could persuade her to join him, as a seer had to be reliable, and a vengeful thrall could not be trusted, they had too much power over what they could lie about when speaking of their visions…



Allied Recalibrator


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:47 am
Having grown up in a pride that revered seers, Ries never saw any issue with telling other lions about her gift. Indeed, sometimes she did it to get a bit of extra 'ooh' and 'ahh' from them. Sometimes it didn't end so well, but this male seemed to be okay with her having her visions. When he mentioned his pride was on the sea her own ears perked up in delight.

"Knowing me, it would take me a whole week," she said with a light laugh before tilting her head. "What is it that's brought you from your pride?" Sometimes there were those that traveled the lands to recruit others, sometimes to hunt, to protect the lands...there were many reasons he could be out this far. She didn't want to push her luck and ask him to lead her to the sea right away. Perhaps his pride wasn't one that accepted outsiders or visitors. She didn't want to be rude!

Speaking of rude...

"Gods above, I completely forgot! I'm Rieseln," she said with a little smack of her paw to her head. "How rude of me."

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:56 am
Ragnvard watched her, a small smile curling his muzzle as she talked. Already he liked her, spunky, outspoken and clearly she could survive perfectly well on her own. Chuckling as she slapped her forehead he reached over and lightly pressed her paw back down with his own, claws carefully sheathed. “No need to apologise, I forgot also. My name is Ragnvard. I am a Captain of the Myrsky Syntynyt. And to answer your question, my Reavers and I are out on a Viking. They are sheltering a little way from here, but I felt like walking.” Pausing he glanced out at the perpetual rain. “I will have to head back to them eventually. My pride sends lions out Viking to acquire goods and to protect our boarders.” It was the nicest, least violent way he could think to describe what they did. There was no sense in scaring her off when he may yet be able to win her over.

Smiling softly he tipped his head. “I could possibly lead you some of the way, but no one is allowed to enter our lands unless they wish to join us. We are… not secretive, but rather we guard the location of our home, to protect the cubs.” He added by way of explanation before pausing a moment. “Of course, once one joins us, we are free to come and go as we please… Since I am very clearly here, with you.” Grinning playfully he looked at her. His little ghost seer.



Allied Recalibrator


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:51 am
"Well, it's lovely to meet you, Ragnvard," Ries said with a charming smile of her own, patting his paw after he lowered hers to the ground. She really did luck out so many times on meeting nice lions out here in the rogue lands. When he gave her his title she tilted her head with interest. Captain was generally a pretty high rank and, while she had never heard of the Myrsky Syntynyt before, she could only assume the fact that he had Reavers was a big deal.

"That sounds fascinating," she said honestly. "I grew up in a pride but it was so dull I just had to leave." Granted, others loved the way of life she had left behind. It was cushy and easy, with cheetahs to watch race and leopards and other creatures to hunt and haul. Being a lion - and a seer - in that pride had been heaven on earth...if she hadn't had the thirst for adventure like her father.

"Oh, that's a shame," Ries said as Ragnvard told her about his pride. "I'm sure it's a very interesting place." She drummed her toes on the floor of the cave, a little frown on her face. Come and go as she pleased...a pride with Captains and Vikings and by the sea...it did sound a lot more interesting than her old pride, and she did yearn for the company of other lions...

"...perhaps...you could show me to your pride?" she said hesitantly. "I really wasn't planning on finding a new one, but I've been in the rogue lands for quite some time now and it's getting a bit lonely. I come across wonderful lions like yourself but then I always have to say goodbye, and goodbyes are not something I'm fond of.'

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:29 am
Her reply made him smile. Such a polite female.. She would indeed be an unusual addition to his band. Most reavers were course and brash. Granted she was no reaver, but likewise, she was more than a thrall. She was a seer. “Likewise.” He returned, his deep voice a low rumble.

Her words earned her a sympathetic look. “I can’t imagine how boring that must have been. I would hate to be cooped up inside the pride constantly… There is nothing quite like a good viking.” He replied, turning briefly to gaze out at the heavy rain.” Pausing as she asked her question, he tilted his head to study her. “If you truly wish to join us, it would be my pleasure. I can guarantee you will not be bored.” Pausing he looked her over contemplatively. “You do not seem like a reaver… so I would need to take you in as my thrall.” Before she could get upset he continued. “You would in effect be mine to look after, be responsible for and to protect. I won’t lie, there are many in my pride that are violent, and many warriors prefer to fight rather than think. But if you are with me, they wont bother you. And, as a seer, I can guarantee that you will come out with me whenever I leave the pride, or go with any of the reavers that I trust, who will protect you.” Watching her steadily he waited for her reply. He couldn’t lie, if she did come with him she needed to do it of her own free will.



Allied Recalibrator


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:44 am
Ries was glad he understood her woes. They weren't that awful in the grand scheme of things, but for an adventurous lion there was nothing worse than being cooped up.

She mulled over her options in her head, watching Ragnvard carefully. He seemed to be telling the truth and he had been very kind this whole time. She was certainly not a fighter and the idea of being protected and cared for was right up her alley, especially if she got to go out and explore with him from time to time.

"...I think I will come with you," she finally said with a little smile. "It sounds like an adventure every day and that's exactly what I want." The fact that she'd be with this big, handsome male didn't hurt much, either. "Once the storm lets up a bit," she added, perfectly content to stay here a while longer.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:49 am
As she spoke he felt a deep satisfaction settle in his chest. She had agreed! He now had a seer. Smiling warmly at her and keeping his self satisfaction hidden, he shifted closer, touching her slim shoulder with his own heaviyl scarred one.

"Then I am very happy to welcome you to the Myrsky Syntynyt, Rieseln. I think we will get along well." Following her gaze out into the rain he laughed, a deep husky and surprisingly pleasent sound. "Yes... it shouldn't last much longer. In the mean time, we can get to know each other a little more." He was mroe than happy to explain her new home to her in more detail, and once the rain stopepd, they would go fetch his reavers and head home.

It had been a perfect viking.



Allied Recalibrator

[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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