The Hunter
Name: Akira Haruki
Nicknames: Aki, Haru
Gender: Male
Age: 22

Category: The categories of Hunter are:
Moon & Sun - Does the 'hands on' operations, more tied to execution of missions, attacking, assaulting, defense, repair, and guarding work. Moon is related more to repair/rescue and defense while sun is related more to offense.

The Weapon

Name: Gaothaire
Nicknames: Thaire
Type of Weapon: Compound bow
Former species of weapon: Tengu Demon
Gender: Male.


is generally quiet and solitary, but acts cool when other people are around. He has a tendency to say things melodramatically at times when under pressure or having to lie about things. He's a terrible lair and is often found out. He can be vary prideful at times and has a strong sense of justice. He is also very chivalrous when it comes to women. Specially if the women are being abused by a man. He cant stand that. That said, he gets rather embarrassed when he is wrong about something and never really admits he was wrong but comes up with an excuse for it.

Akira has an affinity for cooking and sewing. Its one of his most loved hobbies and isn't embarrassed at all by it. His cooking level is equivalent to that of a master chef and he can seem to create a scrumptious meal out of anything. His skills at sewing can also be considered master level. He can mend and stitch just about anything and create clothing,blankets, quilts, etc. Sewing is a calming activity for him and something that helps him relax. He caries a small sewing kit with him at all times in case he needs to stitch anything together, like if his cloths are torn.

His cooking and sewing comes from years of taking care of his little sister.

He also has an eye deformity. His eyes appear red under certain lighting conditions owing to the extremely low quantities of melanin, allowing the blood vessels to show through. So he wears glasses that are slightly tinted to try and hide it. He can be vary self conscious about it.

His looks are also vary fair or beautiful, sometimes getting mistaken for a girl. This annoys him and makes him uncomfortable and embarrassed.

In a way laid-back, jovial, humble and eccentric. Hes deceptively cunning and serious when the situation calls for it. He has a tendency to use idle conversation and outward concern and has a care-free attitude. Though he always speaks politely he can be vary sarcastic and tends to go over the top with whatever he becomes passionate about. He can also be considered a dork and a joker.

To say the least, they are complete opposites and often argue at times but when it comes time they can be in total sync together.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?

When he was 12 his parents died in a car crash leaving him and his sister alone in the world. They were taken and adopted by their aunt but she didn't seem to care about them at all, only doing it for the money given by the government for taking them in. Because of this Akira became the parental figure, taking care of his little sister. He started practicing cooking to make her meals and learned to sew in order to make her stuffed animals and fix her cloths or anything else that got ruined. Because of this he became more mature faster and managed to even start saving money at a young age. His sister became his life and he didn't care about anything his Aunt did unless it had to do with his sister.

When he turned 18 Akira managed to hold down a job and was able to move out of his Aunts house, taking his sister with him. This upset his aunt as she would no longer get the money for taking care of his sister. As soon as he turned 18 Akira became an adult and thus the government stopped paying for him. His sister however was still young enough to get a check for. Akira actually had to go to court for custody over his sister and won. They lived happily together for a few years. Until that night.

When Akira was 20 he came home from work to find the house in shambles. The front door was open and when he walked the place was trashed. In a panic he searched everywhere for his sister. He found her in her room with something standing over her. He couldn't describe what it was... He... didn't know what it was. All that he knew was that it couldn't be possible. What he was looking at couldn't exist. It was monster. Simple as that. There was no way to describe it. At first he was scared and couldn't move. But the thought of his sister gave him strength. He grabbed the first thing he could get his hands on and attacked it and failed.

He was knocked out by whatever it was and when he woke... His sister was gone and the police arrested him, believing he had something to do with it. He tried to defend himself and tell them what really happened but no one believed him. They all thought he was crazy. Eventually he went to trial but was found not guilty. After that he ended up doing research and trying to track down the creature that had attacked his sister that night. He went through thousands and thousands of books and online research learning what he could about dark creatures and how others had encountered these creatures as well. Eventually he found the hunters and wanted to join. He wanted to find the thing that did this to him. Find it and kill it. He wanted to kill every single monster or creature out there.

He wouldn't let anyone else suffer at the hands of these... things.

Weapon Ability

The Battle Cry

Slicing wind
His bow glows and a strong energy gathers around the arrow infusing it with wind. When fired, the arrow turns into a strong sharp gust or blast of air that turns into a sort of sharp slash or spear projectile.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: A reddish grey Something like this His eyes appear red under certain lighting conditions owing to the extremely low quantities of melanin, allowing the blood vessels to show through.
Hair Colour/Style: Black Like this but longer sides in front and shorter in the back
Skin Colour: normal with a bit of a tan
Clothing Style/Colours: Something like this of course the top or shirt can be turned into the coat. Who ever is chosen to make him can come up with a coat that matches the style. For the scarf, maybe something like this style or placement.
Extra: He wears glasses, Something like this or something that would match the style, slightly tinted. In a way its to hide his eye deformity. Also he is vary fair looking, in a way hes some times mistaken for a woman because of how beautiful he looks.
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)