Niz had been traveling, Her mother had died and she had been on the move ever since. She was pretty sure she had never stayed in one place for more than a couple of days. Nothing felt like home without her mom. Unlike her sibling Niz had stayed with her mom in the rouge lands instead of going into a pride with her dad. She guessed she could go back and find them all but she hadn't seen them since she was just a cub and it seemed too strange to go back now.

So Niz travelled. She had seen a lot of things. But now as she was aging she was beginning to realize she wanted more, make some sort of a connection with someone.. anyone. She didn't want to be alone anymore

The Nil border changed constantly, often contracting or expanding along somewhat pre-set paths. The younger guards often stuck to the pre-set borders, but Asha was the Head of the Guard - she could go further without issue.

It was a day like today where Asha decided to go further than normal. They weren't looking to expand again, but it was always good to know what was just beyond the borders. The lands had been calm lately, but slow growing. She knew Kilua had hoped for stronger number - more healers - by now.

Asha didn't mind much either way, she decided as she took herself further into the rogue lands.

Niz was getting tired, and she started to look for a plce to rest. The days of travel were wearing on the Leopan who was getting older. She still had plenty of years left but she wasn't the young cub that she once was.

As Niz walked keeping her eyes peeled for a place to rest movement caught her eye. Not to far ahead of her she spotted another soul. She squinted looking at the other she was a leopard, light in clour with pink and blues. Niz put a smile on her face and began to head towards the leopardess she was hoping that she was friends and would know where Niz could hunker down for the night.

It wasn't unusual for others to wander close to the border, and Asha had spoken to many of he outsiders that opted not to stay. She was under Kilua, but she had met most of them while Kilua. Kilua though, was normally a buffer.

Asha wasn't the best at speaking to others, if she was honest. Still, she could act like a guard, because that was what she had always been.

She watched the new figure appear, watching with the eyes of an eagle, but stilling as the other approached. She wasn't a danger to those who were friendly, after all.

"Hello" Niz greeted softly. Now that she had gotten closer she was blown away the beauty of the leopardess. Niz had never been in a relationship, but since she was a cub she knew that she prefered females over males.

"My name is Nizana, but I prefer Niz." she introduced herself. "I am a tired traveler. I was hoping that you might know of a place that to rest for the night." She would settle for a place for the night but really she wanted a place to call home.

Niz radiated friendliness, a sort of calm, but also tiredness. It was something that she was familiar with, at least. It was something Kiula radiated constantly, after all. Asha gave a soft sigh, smiling a bit. She didn't want to scare anyone off.

"Asha," she told the other, introducing herself. "And you're in luck. My pride is not far from here, and the lands are secure, but welcoming," It was what Asha offered all travellers who came by, but Asha wanted to... watch this one more closely, she hummed.

iz beamed excited that the leopardess seemed so willing to welcome her into the pride. "Asha, what a beautiful name." she said with a tip of her head. Niz couldn't beleive her luck to have found not only a place to spend the night but a beautiful lady at the same time.

"Oh you are in a pride? Tell me more about it." Niz had been thinking about joining the pride. Perhaps this was a sign of what was meant to be. Niz wasn't sure how well she would fit in with a group but she was willing to try to have somewhere she belonged and maybe a family one day. Though of course that might be a challenge seeing as she was gay hybrid.

“The pride,” Asha paused trying to think of a proper way to describe it. This was more of what a Seeker did, not a guard, after all. “It is a healing one, we seek to aid those who need it.” It had been Asha’s home for as long as she remembered. She had been a journeyman in her youth for a long time before coming back to find Kilua - the heir of the previous pride before it fell.

“It’s not far from here, we’re just outside the borders,” Asha told the pretty leopon.

Niz lit up, it sounded like an amazing pride. "Can you show me it, am I allowed to enter?" Niz asked. She was hesitant she had never been in a pride before. It sounded like a safe place though, if one was to get hurt surely you couldn't be in a better place.

"I promise to be good." Niz said. She was worried that she may not be welcome being a hybrid, she had heard from other hybrids along her travels that some prides thought hybrids were abominations. Niz had always kind of thought that she would spend her life alone.

"Of course. Anyone is allowed safe passage," Asha agreed. "The leader is a close friend of mine. She founded this pride with her mother's blessing," It was only a bit of history on the pride. She figured Nizana would meet Kilua soon enough. While they both were at the foundation of the pride.

"Come on, I'll take you to her. She likes to meet everyone that comes through," Asha admitted.