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Kira sighed and pushed herself to her paws, shaking out her pelt as she rose. A large yawn parted her jaws and the following roar startled some nearby birds into flight.Smiling, the dark lioness watched the birds soar out of sight, then put one paw in front of the other and continued walking.

She had no destination; she hadn't for the past two or three days, but still she'd walked. Occasionally, she'd spare a glance behind her to the home she'd left.

She had joined a small pride - really, just two or three lions attempting to start a pride - and lived happily with them in a beautiful, tranquil forest with a lovely waterfall and.. Well, it was over now. The other lions had slowly started meeting up in the communal area later and later, and less and less, and eventually, they had just stopped coming. Kira had continued to wait for several days, and even tried to search for her would-be pridemates, fearing for their well-being. It had been time for her to accept that the other lions must have moved on, and do the same.

And so, she walked. She frequently passed by the scent trails left behind by lions, or other big cats - some the stale scents of rogues that had traveled through the area, others the much fresher remnants of a border patrol. Kira was careful never to invade the territories she passed, and never stayed too long near them, preferring to avoid upsetting the residents when she meant no harm. Although, she was starting to get rather lonely... Once again, she looked back in the direction of the home she had had such high hopes for. She couldn't see it, but she knew it was there, and a flicker of self-doubt passed through her that maybe, just maybe the pride was back and wondering where she was.

With a smile, Kira shook her head and continued on her way. The pride had disbanded, and it was time to move forward. The future was always bright in her eyes.