Name: Aseara Daaya
Nicknames: -
Gender: Female
Age: 16

Faction: Monster
Race: Harpy - Golden Pheasant

Natural Ability:
- Shape-shift: Turning feathered arms into grown wings.

Personality: (Tell us about your character's personality! Don't write a novel, but let us know a little about them - their traits, character quirks, and so on!)

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
It's a family thing, after her parents died her adoptive mother sent her to "learn something useful for once".

FEAR Ability:
Shield (Barrier): Concentrating, Aseara is able to grow her familiar into a shield on can carry on their arm. She needs to concentrate for this otherwise attacks will simply go through and hit her.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour:
Hair Colour/Style: / Long, to mid waist and wavy.
Skin Colour:
Clothing Style/Colours: See references.
Extra: Her familiar is a sunset moth and can usually be found in her hair as an ornament!
References: Found here. Note that her clothing are from an alternate universe and based on Indian influences. The artist does not have to make her look AT ALL like my references and can make their own Indian Halloween-esk inspired outfit.