User ImageThe large figure of a vicious lion stood hidden behind a curtain of rushing water. Standing just outside one of the main cliff side entrances, Gaige pondered the state of his pride. His mercenaries were fangs were hire in the most basic of ways, but they were so much more than that. Under Olyr's reign they had grown soft; allowing their allies to come and go as they pleased, pardoning prisoners, and taking captives. Pridal security was key; it was the reason why Olyr was dead and Gaige was now in his place. His crimson tufted tail flicked irritably behind him, showing a precursor to the foul mood that would soon overtake him.

The closer Shiemi climbed to the top of the falls, the more nervous she became. With each new landing, cross-way and path she came just a little closer to the Big Papa. In all honesty, she was hoping to avoid him, but the hybrid knew that it wouldn't happen. He was nothing if not predictable these days; until the sun dropped in the sky he would stay in the shade. Naturally, that meant if she wanted to catch a nap she would have to pass him.

Turning around a corner, she spotted the imposing figure. Gulping, Shiemi stood tall and walked as purposefully as she could. She was only a few spaces away from running past him when Gaige's eyes found her. "G-Good day, Big Papa. How...are you today?" Her voice only squeaked a little bit.

"Well enough." He answered curtly. His bold gaze roamed over her, critiquing every little imperfection before turning away from the waterfall. Gaige took a few steps closer to the leopon, smirking when she seemed to shrink back. Despite all appearances, he wasn't trying to rule by fear; for some reason, things just turned out that way.

"You're Shiemi, a Sawbones." When the female nodded, his smirk grew to be a softer smile. If anything it was more wicked than the smirk. "How are you at your post, Shiemi? Are the Sawbones well trained by the Butchers? You would tell me if something was amiss, wouldn't you?"

"I'm doing well." Shiemi puffed up, standing a little taller under his hard gaze. "I was trained as a healer before joining the Kuuza with my mother. This is not the first time I have treated wounds on the battle field and it won't be the last." She hadn't meant to sound pompous. To show him just that, she smiled at him with a little laugh. "You could say we're a little over prepared. With everything being so peaceful lately we're stocked up with enough supplies to see us through a full scale invasion."

Her smile wavered. "Y-Yes, of course, Big Papa. The Butchers are good to us. They are patient, understanding, but firm. I've learned a lot since joining, and I'm sure the others could say the same. T-there isn't anything amiss right now, but I'll be sure to tell you if I see anything."
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