User Image Kian slowed to a halt and looked around, he had never been this far from his home before.. The land was dry and dusty and the grass browned off by the fierce sun. Indeed the sun was an unfamiliar object to the dark-coated lion. He had been born and raised in a deep cave system where his pride had made their home. He had left the caves often to hunt, but mostly at night. The daytime was just too hot and the light was overly bright to a lion who had spent most of his adolescent years underground. On the flip side his night vision was excellent and he found hunting in the darkest nights incredibly easy. The prey just did not see him coming until his teeth were buried in their throat. His dark colouring certainly helped too.

But he had spent the last few weeks above ground and thought he slept through most of the day and did his travailing at night, it had still taken most of that time to get used to the sheer brightness of the sky.

Two days ago he had caught the old faded, scent of lion and, curious, had altered his direction to follow it. It was old, maybe even months old, but it was something, and Kian had come all the way out in the painful sunlight with a goal in mind. He hadn't yet found his soulmate, but he wanted to help the pride and his solution? Offspring. New blood was always greatly desired in the Brotherhood, and he was rather enamoured of the idea of a bunch of mini-him's running about. Plus he had no mate that could be upset by this little trip, so to his mind, this was the ideal time to produce some cubs before finding his bonded.

Resuming his steady walk he kept turning his head this way and that, seeking the source of the scent he had followed.