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[VIKING-SRP] Unexpected rescue (Holmgier x Zabuni x Ruyken) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:33 am
User ImageTerror gripped her as the red leopard darted at her again, claws flashing past her nose. With a wild cry of panic she turned and fled, running as fast as she possibly could away from the crazed creature that was attacking her. The only thing she could hear was the mad thumping of her heart in her chest and the harsh irregular rasp of her laboured breathing. She had been fleeing from the leopard for what seemed an age, desperately trying to outrun him and get away.

She wasn't stupid, she knew he was herding her. Every time she tried to turn to the side he was there, claws slashing. If she slowed down too much, trying to catch her breath, she felt those claws sink into her rump. Everyday she turned he appeared, snarling and hissing, driving her onwards, in one direction.

She would have worried about just where he was taking her if she had this breath and presence of mind for it. But he kept chasing her and all she could think was, she had to get away!  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:44 am
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He was barely winded. Keeping the lioness moving was a simple task, leaving Ruyken to mull over the past. Not the distant past mind you, no way did he ever voluntarily remember that messed up section of time. No, what bugged him was the escalating activity of a certain band of lions. First he had run into a whole group of them and they had attacked his scouting party without any warning whatsoever. Having managed to drive those off he had then found several scent trails some time later, all belonging to the same few lions. One of which he was sure he remembered from that first attack. And the latest? He had been collecting a lioness under orders from the High Lord, only to have her taken from him by yet another band of lions. They had looked weirdly similar in their big builds, thicker than normal fur and the trinkets they seemed fond of, woven into the manes and worn on various parts of their bodies. The scent hadn't been there, but one very similar had... Most certainly of the same family.

Now thanks to those meddlers, he had been forced to abandon that female and locate another. He had finally run into a suitable candidate and was now in the process of taking her back to the Nguvu. All he had to do was drive her the rest of the way and he would finally be done with this rediculas mission.  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:18 am
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Hólmgeir glanced behind him, checking up on where the other Reavers where. It had been a long, dull Viking and all of them were feeling the effects. Fur covered in dust, eyes squinting against the low light, paws tired from walking endless miles across an endless scrubland. They had been out for a week and all they had to show for it were a couple of pelts and a shell full of shiney stones they had stolen from a wandering rogue. All in all, it had been a waste of time.

Walking out in front Hólmgeir was essentially the scout for this part of the trek home, not that there was any real need for one. But it was habit, and Hólmgeir had been around long enough for habits to become fairly ingrained. And really he didn't see why this one should be broken.

As a result he was the first one to scent the two trails, a leopard and a lioness. Not longer after he spotted them, the lioness looked like she was struggling, crying out and trying to get ahead of the leopard hassling her. Her white fur made her stand out but the darker shape of her attacker was easily visible in the bright sunlight. With a sudden roar Hólmgeir charged.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:24 am
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Pain lanced through her rump as the leopard attacked yet again, causing her to stumble. Fresh agony shot through her front paw. Tearing another sound of distress free. Staggering to the side she held the paw up, the throbbing making it impossible for her to set it down again. Baring her fangs at the leopard she hissed, terrified and shaking.

She was certain she was going to die now. The pain was so bad she knew she couldn't outrun the leopard any more, and she didn't be,I've he would just let her go. Pinning her ears she lunged at him, fear driving her to make a last ditch attempt at saving herself. Of course he easily dodged her and snarled in reply, his front paw lifting to, she assumed, swipe at her again. But suddenly he froze, his head snapping round to stare at something off to the side. But she didn't dare take her gaze away from him, knowing it would be the last mistake she ever made.  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:30 am
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Damnit! She had injured herself needlessly. Now he would never get her back to the pride before nightfall. Frustration welled up within him at the thought of having to guard her throughout the sunless hours. She would have more chances to slip away and he had been awake for two days tracking her. Another day wasn't too bad but he was tired and fed up with this god forsaken mission and just wanted to dump the lioness off at the pride and go find somewhere dark and quiet to rest. Was that really too much to ask for?

Barring his fangs at her in annoyance he swipped at her again. Surprise surprise, she finally turned to face him and while she had no hope of defeating him, it did earn her a little respect. She wasn't totally useless after all, just mostly so. But he still had to get her home so he readied to attack, but before he could do so, a deep, thunderous roar echoed from off to the side.

Damnit! The force was really not with him today! That had to be those blasted bone-wearing lions from before! Spinning round he let out an ungodly scream of fury. If some stranger wanted a fight, Ruyken was more than ready!  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:50 am
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Another roar followed the first as Hólmgeir charged towards the leopard. At least the creature was no longer attacking the lioness. Pushing her from his thoughts as he thundered towards the leopard he focused solely on his opponent. Lowering his head to protect his throat he charged headfirst into the red and black cat. Colliding with a huge thud, his momentum was so great that both lion and leopard went tumbling across the dusty ground. Of course the leopard was faster and it had already sprung to its paws as he scrambled to his own. Watching as it circled him, hissing fiercely, he calmly followed it. Turning his body on the spot to avoid presenting his flank he roared again, testing the leopard with a sharp swipe of sharp claws.  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:11 am
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She watched in stunned astonishment as a huge dark lion came roaring and thundering towards her. No… not her! The leopard! Frozen in place she watched as the lion launched a punishing attack on the red and black devil. Her heart frozen in her chest as they went tumbling, raising a swirling cloud of dust and sending bits of dead grass flying. Shrinking down onto her belly she was desperate to flee, to run away as fast as her legs could take her, and yet she couldn’t take her eyes off the two males. The lion was… magnificent. Roaring and lunching, yet all the while looking completely calm and in control. He was… stunning, and more than a little terrifying himself. But he was keeping the leopard occupied and away from her, so for now she considered him a good guy.

The leopard was mad, spitting mad –literally. She trembled as it screamed, an ear splitting howl that made her body shake and the fur along her spine stand on end. What would she do if the leopard won? Die most likely. But what if the male won? What would he want with her? Or did he just have an unreasonable hatred of leopards? She hoped desperately it was the latter and she would be allowed to go on her merry way after.  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:19 am
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These interfering sons of vultures were really starting to get under his fur. Fangs bared he roared right back, easily twisting aside to dodge the swipe and launching his own attack, lunging sideways he lashed out, claws sinking deep into the dark fur of the lion. Blood streamed from the lacerations as Ruyken jumped clear, fully expecting the lion to go into a frenzy. When he didn’t, but simply maintained his defensive posture, Ruyken snarled, his fury only driving higher when it became obvious his opponent was no rank novice, but a seasons professional. Damnit! This would just drag out the fight. One thing he knew about lions, that no matter how strong and fit he was, their warriors inherently had the advantage in both size and weight. He wouldn’t be able to wear this one down through slash and dash tactics.

Incensed beyond reason he dashed forwards again, this time launching himself directly up onto the back of the lion. Claws sunk deep into the muscular shoulders as deadly sharp fangs struggled to reach flesh through the thick course mane that protected the lion’s back.  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:27 am
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Pain flared along his flank, swiftly joined by the warm sensation of fresh blood flowing from the new wounds. But Hólmgeir ignored it. It was a common enough occurrence in his daily life that he barely even registered it. Instead he kept his gaze focused on the leopard, golden eyes narrowed dangerously. He attacked again and again the leopard dodged. So, this was an experienced opponent. One that was faster than him, with quicker reflexes, but he had strength and stamina on his side. He didn’t fight too many leopards, they tended to stay well clear of any group of lions let alone bands of reavers. But it wasn’t his first rodeo by a long shot and he wasn’t overly concerned.

Suddenly the leopard jumped high, landing on his back with a bond-jarring thud. Pain once again lanced his flesh as dagger-like claws sunk deep. He could feel the leopard worrying at his neck, trying to get through his mane to his spine. With a low roar Hólmgeir twisted round, sank his own fangs deep into one of the leopard’s hind legs and dragged him off with an impressive display of strength. The leopard didn’t let go easily and came away with a yowl and several ribbons of Hólmgeir’s flesh under its claws. Fresh blood streamed down his shoulders from the deep tears as he flung the leopard away with an almightily heave.  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:39 am
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Transfixed to the spot Zabuni could only watch helplessly as the two fighting males tore at each other. Blood splattered the dry earth, mixing with the dust they kicked up to form a grizzly red mud. Trembling she sank lower, ears and tail flat as she watched, wide-eyed, stunned by the sheer violence and fury the two unleashed. Every blow felt like it thundered through her own body and every roar made her bones vibrate. The suddenly the leopard was on top of her maybe-rescuer and Zabuni couldn’t help but cry out in despair. Surely he was done for now! But then he literally tore the smaller cat off himself and tossed it away like the red and black creature weighed nothing. The leopard went tumbling, tail and legs flailing as it struggled to stop and right itself.

Terrified now for the brave lion as well as herself, the slender white female pressed herself flat to the ground, eyes like sauces as she watched the brutal battle unfolding.  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:48 am
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Ruyken certainly hadn’t expected to suddenly find himself launched across the dusty plains as if he were some creature far smaller. He was a big leopard, heavy with muscle and lean from a life of murder and deceit. Never had he been thrown about like this. Scrambling to his paws once he slithered to a stop he hissed back at the lion. The male simply stood, posture coiled and ready, once again in a defensive position and between Ruyken and his target.

The Gods curse him! He was not going to get that blasted lioness. Surely someone, somewhere was having a grand old time dicking with his life. Hissing he mock-charged the lion, attempting one last time to break his defence. When the male merely roared back Ruyken knew the whole thing was pointless. He would not be able to beat this rat-tailed lion on his own. He was an assassin, his skills were in subterfuge and sneak attacks… not this outright battle of brute strength.  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:53 am
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Hólmgeir watched as the lopeard rose to his paws, ignoreing the now sharp throb in his shoulders and side. It was a minor annoyance for now and wouldn't start to impeed his ability to fight until much later. Tomorrow would be the worst, once he stiffened up and the wounds started to scab over, every movement would break them open and he would be itching for days. A trip to the ocean for a bath wa sin order, he reasoned, gaze still carefully watching the leopard as it hissed and roared in fury, having clearly realised its attacks were pointless.

He wanted to check the female was still there but he didn;t dare, not until the leopard gave up for good. But if she was he was going to take her as a thrall, and even if she wasn;t, she was lame... It would be an easy thing to round her up and 'capture' her. She was no warrior, but she looked in good condition so she had to be a decent hunter, and he knew Soma had been wanting some help around the den. Her own thrall would be best, instead of relying on the pride's unclaimed thralls.

Focusing back on the angry leopard he stayed still, waiting for it to give up.  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:56 am
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It looked as if the fight was over... maybe. The leopard had stayed back, standing where his skid had ended. The lion seemed to be waiting for something, body all tensed up but weirdly relaxed too. At any rate he wasn't pressing his advantage. Maybe it was over? It looked like the leopard was going to leave... Trembling still she prayed desperatly that he would... She didn't want the lion to leave just yet... She would be dead for sure after all this.  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:57 am
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Snarling he started to carefully move away, walking backward in case the male decided to finally attack. But the lion just stood there, body bunched and ready, those eyes pinning him like a bug on the sand. Once he was a safe distance back and out of leaping range, he turned and set off, tail curled high and one ear trained on the two lions behind him. Yet another failure… this ‘easy’ mission was turning out to be a pain in his rear.

He would just have to find yet another lioness to capture... God's above he was sick of this running around. He would snag the first damn rogue he found then go home and not leave his cave for a week!  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:02 am
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Finally… the leopard started to move away and Hólmgeir finally relaxed. Though he kept one eye on the receding shape of the red and black feline, he turned his attention to the white lioness, easily spotting her crouched where he had last seen her, eyes wide with fear and shaking fit to fall apart.

Tossing one last glance at the leopard who was well on his way out of the area, Hólmgeir turned and walked over to the female, careful to make no fast motions and look as non-threatening as was possible. Though he doubted it worked very well when she tried to sink even lower, something of a feat when her belly was already as tight to the ground as it was possible to get and not sink right through.

“Easy…” He rumbled in his deep, rusty voice. Stopping several paces away so she didn’t bolt out of sheer terror. “You are safe now. I won’t let anything hurt you again.” He wasn’t going to give her a choice in the matterm, she was his now. He had won the right to her by fighting off the leopard. And besides, he didn’t think she was going to object, not with the look of relief written all over her expression.  
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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