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Reply [IC] Suka'Fumo Lands [IC]
[PRP] Pushing the boundaries

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:20 pm
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Arak had been traveling over the past few days. He wasn't sure where he was going, and he didn't particularly care. He tried to stay out of the lands of any pride or pack, and kept his nose to the wind for any signs. But he hadn't smelled anything in a while, and had wandered into a more densely wooded area than he was used to. The heavier smells of the forest made it harder for his nose to pick up the telltale scents of the markings left by pride members.

The ebony leopard was also distracted by the new scenery itself. It was far different from the shrubby grasslands he was used to, and he found himself fascinated by the land he had never seen before. The tall trees kept his attention for quite some time, and he found himself half hoping to run into someone that would know the names of them, so he had something to call them. Arak loved gathering knowledge, it was the one thing he collected. And above all else, he loved names. He could name almost any plant, rock, creature or insect he came across, and discovering new ones was very exciting for the loner.

Finally he made his way far enough into the woods to notice the signs of pride life. He began to turn around when a particularly interesting tree caught his eye. He had never seen anything like it, with it's long, curving roots that had broken apart a boulder over time. They crisscrossed and tangled, the long fingers of the plant reaching out into the air in many parts, then curling down below. It had created a dip in the rock that was perfect for resting, and the remainder of the boulder was flat and spacious, with a sunbeam convienantly creeping between the tree branches and warming the stone. Arak settled himself atop the warm rock, closing his lacendar eyes against the sun. He cared little that the smell of lion had become much stronger when he had ventured towards it.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:50 am

User ImageShe had been resting, that was all she had done as of late. Sleep and eat, it was rather dull and it frustrated her a little. Her left front leg had been broken badly and it was finally almost healed. It had taken much longer than she would have initially thought and it was tightly bandaged right now to keep everything in place. The healers had done what they could but she would have a limp from this. It made her sad inside, why had they done that? Attacked them like that, for no reason! Their pride had rules for a reason and it wasn't like they had hurt anyone.

She sighed and laid her head against the cool rock and stared into the forest. She hadn't been back to the mountain since the attack, she wasn't sure she'd be able to fight even if she wanted to. Not with this limp she was going to have.

Ears twitched as she heard a sound. There was someone on the other side. She lifted her head and listened cautiously and was a little nervous, her muscles tensed as she waited for something to happen. When the minutes passed and nothing occurred she realized whoever it was, was on the other side resting. The wind was blowing downwind of her so she couldn't smell who it was so she got up and walked the best she could on three legs as she held her injured leg up, her back leg stiff from the bite that had torn into it. "Hello?" She said as she came to the top and looked down upon the leopard that was sunning himself.




Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:10 pm
Arak had been enjoying his reverie, his mind wandering to times long gone, songs on the air, sweet smells of family all around. An ear twitched at the sound of a female vocie on the air, pulling him from his past. The smell of lion permeated his nose now, and he breathed in deep. He hadn't met many lions in his travels. Most that he had seen were dull colored, listliss and had no tongue for civil conversation. Still, he wasn't one for prejudice, and as he turned, he put on his best introductory smile.

His lavendar gaze widened slightly at the sight of her. She was... pretty. Beautiful, even. He had never seen such striking markings, especially not on a lion. His gaze ate her up, drinking in the look of her, his mind taking special notes of her wounds. Of course his mind burst with a thousand questions, but he knew his mother would roll in her grave if he didn't formally introduce himself before accosting her with his curiousities. Although his gaze kept wandering to her leg.

He glided easily down the rock, his paws making hardly a sound. He was small statured, even for a leopard, he was not a large creature. But he held himself in such a way that no beast could be taller than him. "Hello miss," His voice purred out, his low baraton a small roll of thunder, "I am sorry I failed to see you before. How I could have missed such a fine sight is beyond my comprehension." He smiled charmingly at her, bowing his head low. "I am at your service, miss. You may call me Arakhor, if it please you." His eyes gazed up at her from his bowing position, shining playfully in the light. He loved nothing more than to shower a lady in kind words, the playful back and forth was a game he loved to play.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:54 pm

She watched as the male turned and looked at her and smiled. This made her instantly feel better. That and the fact he wasn't a lion. She wasn't sure she could handle a rouge lion right now, not with what had just happened not to long ago with her pride. He was also had a satisfactory amount of purple in his pelt and this eased her mind even more. She let a small sigh of relief that she hadn't know she was holding and watched him as he moved.

He wasn't as large as her but he held him self very properly and she admired that about him. His words left her a little frazzled, his compliments were very nice indeed though she wasn't sure she was worth them, not in her state. She listened on as he spoke and she marveled at his mannerisms. He was very noble and was he bowing to her? If her paw wasn't already basically at her chest she would have moved it there in heart felt expression. "Arakhor," She started with his name, "I thank you kindly for your sweet words and kind gesture of service, though I will decline it with my most heartfelt thanks."

She wondered where he had come from. He definitely wasn't from around here. "You are very charming and well mannered, did your mother teach you to be as such?" She had almost forgotten her injuries at this point since she hadn't the opportunity to speak to someone of his stature in quite some time.




Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 7:09 pm
Arak's smile widedned, glad to have someone that could hold a well mannered conversation with him. He kept his head lowered as she spoke, and only lifted it back up again when she had finished speaking. He nodded in the right places, and when she declined his compliment an aghast look came upon his face. "You, my lady? Why, you can't possibly think you are not deserving of the very best compliments. Why, you're as lovely as the moon as she dances her nightly dance with the stars. As lovely as the waves as the kiss the shore. Your voice is as refreshing as a cool breeze in the summer sun. You, my lady, are deserving of all my meager words can provide."

He chuckled warmly when she asked where his manners came from. "Yes, indeed. My mother taught me to be respectful of everyone. I learned myself that a lady such as yourself is deserving of more than most." He eyes twinkled playfully as he eyed her leg again, noting how she held it to her chest. "I see this easily and wonder; how could a being as lovely as yourself ever come to have wound such as this? Miss...?" He let the last trail off, realizing he still didn't have a name to call her by. Names were almost as important to Arak as anything else. He knew how much power a name posessed. How there was a level of control over such things. He remembered every name he encoutnered, especially so with a lady as lovely as the one before him. He appreciated beauty, and when a name suited the being, he couldn't help himself but fall a little bit in love every time. Whether it was a constellation, a flower, a rock, or a lioness. When a beautiful name and a beautiful being came together, Arak couldn't help but open his heart just a little bit.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:04 pm

She watched him and blushed again as his sly tongue produced more compliments and she really was quite speechless. She cleared her throat slightly and felt warm all over. She couldn't help but lose herself into his fine vocabulary, however the pain in her leg kept her mind firmly grounded. "Thank you for such sweet words." She said warmly as she sat down to relieve the pressure of standing too long.

"If I were to ever meet her, I would personally thank her for raising such a fine son." She said with a nod as she watched him. She frowned slightly when he inquired about her leg but instantly realized she had forgotten to tell him her name. "Where are MY manners, I do apologize. My name is Itrailde." She said rather embarrassed that she had forgotten to tell him her name. "My pride was attacked and I was injured saving another member..." She said, her voice trailing off. She really wasn't ready to talk about the whole ordeal in detail. "What brings such a fine young man out this way? If you don't mind me asking."



Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 3:51 pm
Arak smiled warmly as she thanked him, nodding once more, in a way that portrayed there was no thanks needed. At the compliment to himself his smile grew into a smirk. He wasn't used to compliments himself, even though he gave them out lavishly. He noted that her leg was definitely freshly wounded, as she sat to take her weight off of it. He followed suit, hoping to make her more comfortable by also sitting down. His long tail wrapped around himself comfortably, beating against the ground in a soft melody.

He made a more informal bow as she mentioned her name, purposely glazing over her comment about her leg. He tucked that information away for later use, since she was obviously unwilling to speak of it now. Even though his curious nature burned away at him, he was a sucker for a good story.

His chuckle was musical as she inquired about his reasons for being out and about. Should he tell her the truth? That he was merely wandering the lands aimlessly? He felt like that was so... bland. He loved speaking to others, especially one as intelligent as the lioness before him. He knew that to keep someone entertained, you really want a good story. Which she also seemed to posess in plenty by the way her eyes went off to a different place for a few moments.

Arak decided that honesty was his best option in this case. He had the feeling that although she seemed to enjoy the compliments, this was not a lady to be won with fancy words and lavish tales. This was a lady to be won with showing her his true personality. "I am afraid," His eyes sparkled with humor as he spoke, "That my being here is a complete coincidence. I am merely traveling, and stumbled upon encountering you. I do think today is my lucky day." His smirk returned as his tail continued its subconscious tune on the grass.

"If I may be so bold, is there anywhere you think a lonely soul such as myself should visit before I continue my venture?" He eyed her coat again, his eyes drinking in her beauty. "I am afraid I am quite a sucker for a pretty sight, especially waterfalls and streams. And perhaps, a beautiful lady could make that sight even more so.." He trailed off, hoping she would accept his subtle offer to take a walk. He was honestly curious about the lanscape, and after speaking he found himself realizing how thirsty he really was.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 12:47 pm

As she kept herself seated to keep her body relaxed she listened to him speak. She was glad to hear that him being here was a coincidence, but she was very pleased that she had happened across him. She had been lacking decent conversation and a bright mind to share things with and he was filling those gaps quite nicely. She also admired his coloration a great deal. He was, all in all, a very attractive male; inside and outside. "I think the luck is all mine." She said teasing him lightly.

She would love that he stuck around longer, she was almost sad to think of him leaving. "I would loved to accompany you. There are quite a few places in which we can see. Though I warn you, I'll be rather slow. Still getting used to three legs." She said with a warm smile as she stood up and moved down to flat ground slowly, looking back to see if he would join her.




Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:22 am
He gave her a playful grin when she teased him. He got to his feet as she stood. As she spoke about her leg again he wondered at it once more. The curiousity he felt was like a burning coal within his stomach. He wanted so badly to hear her tale, but he knew better than to press the issue.

Instead, he stepped in place beside her, and easily matched her slow going pace. He stood close, not only because he wanted to be close to her, but also so that she could lean on him if she so chose. He wanted to make sure that he was there in case she stumbled.

"Even with one less leg, your beauty shines just as bright." He grinned at her again, knowing that this line was over the top, even for him. "May I ask where it is you're whisking me off to?"
PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:46 pm

As she walked with him in toe she smiled over at him with his compliments and she raised a brow when he asked where she was whisking him away to. She gave him a coyish smile. "Where would you like me to whisk you away to?" She said teasingly. She was feeling much better while in his company and it was a relief to her.

"I did have a waterfall in mind that's not to far away but there are OTHER options." She said with a playful wink. She was finally starting to come into herself a little more which was good. This male was good for her it seemed. He was brightening her day immensely.




Winter Wolf


PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:00 pm
Arak liked this female a lot. She was quick witted and kept up with him, mentally if not physically. He laughed a rare, carefree and totally uncovered laugh. It had been a long time since he had found a companion that was this easy to talk to. He felt like he could truly be himself around her, and he was relishing in the moment.

"Well, I suppose those other options sound like a place you could whisk a young, unsuspecting leopard like myself to." He looked over his shoulder at her playfully, batting his eyelashes in his best damsel in distress face.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 6:04 am
we can move this to a second roleplay smile

She laughed at his damsel in distress face and felt the feeling of warmth and joy return to her gaze as well. The attack was long gone from her mind for the most part and she watched the leopard with adoration almost. "Once I can use all four of my legs again I'll be sure to whisk you away to some unknown jungle fortress." She said with a small chuckle.

"For now though, walking is the best I can provide. I'm sure there are a few places we could go that would suit your fancy though." She said looking around for a moment. "But a lady never tells all her secrets though." She said giving him a wink as she moved down a winding path towards the waterfalls destination.  



Winter Wolf

[IC] Suka'Fumo Lands [IC]

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