Caradoc was a notorious work-a-holic. It almost appeared as if the experienced healer was always around the healing area or if not then he was out gathering herbs and other such necessities. Gruff and stern the lion truly seemed to have no time for socializing and while others may find time to play about he was focused on studying.

If he left for too long gods only knew how many mercs would be crying about their injuries. Always fighting and even hurting themselves while here at home... The lion shook his head as he sent another one off to rest, "If you want to keep that leg I suggest you actually listen this time and stay off of it."

Rolling his eyes at the obvious lack of care from the other feline Caradoc decided to just turn away. Perhaps a nice stroll would be an ideal way to take a break...he could always gather some herbs then as well. Much better than having to jump at every question or call for help.

Already out on the trails, Venani was sifting through an herb bush for just the right leaves. She’d only joined a short time ago, and was eager to impress the group. She was all sorts of new. New to the group, new to the sawbones, and new to feeling like she was part of something bigger than herself. The rogue-turned-pride-member was quite content with the change.

She certainly hadn’t been ready for her desire to make others proud of her... In particular, that stern-faced lion at the head of the healing division. She already knew his approval was a brief light in the hectic world of medics. So, out in forest she was, trying to pick out the best leaves for their herbal stock, even though, really, she wasn’t one for tromping about in the dirt...

Nosing through the brush Caradoc had to pause when he noticed some nearby noise. Is she going to jump me again? Frowning at the memory of his waterfall experience the lion turned on his paws to look around. Taking a moment to place some of the herbs in a pouch hanging around his neck Caradoc then cleared his throat.

"Hello?" Blinking he looked around some trees before brushing off the feeling. If someone was nearby then they would make themselves known. He was too focused on herbs at the moment.

Focused on her objective, Venani nearly jumped out of her fur at the voice. She froze and looked around. That... sounded like... ohgodsohgodsohgodsohgods!

She took a deep breath to compose herself, and quickly checked herself over to make sure she wasn’t covered in leaves or dirt. “Hello?” she called back, looking around again.

While he was clawing at the bark of one of the trees, a good moss for soaking up blood was growing there, Caradoc paused. So there was someone here? Adding to his collection Caradoc slowly turned around and made his way around the trees, "So someone is here."

Oh, there she was.

Noticing the other feline's light fur against the trees Caradoc nodded, "What are you doing out here....Venani?" That was her name right? One of his newer sawbones. One thing the lion made certain of was that he did at least try to remember the other healers in the pride. It would be a shame to not know who he was mentor too after all.

“Yes, there is~” she called back. That had to be Caradoc’s voice! She stood upright as the male came into view. Ohgodsohgodsohgodsohgods! He remembered her name!! “Yes. I am Venani. Is there anything I could help you with?”

Caradoc raised an eyebrow at the hybrid, "I didn't ask for assistance." He smiled faintly, "I was curious about what you were doing out here." If he remembered correctly this one was always bursting with energy to help out. Was that why she was here?

"I didn't tell anyone really that I was going to be here." He commented teasingly, "So did you come out here on your own? There's actually really good herbs out here and the moss is growing well."

Venani almost flinched, but managed a sweet smile instead. "Just because you did not asked doesn't mean I can't offer," she replied smoothly.

Her eyes widened slightly though, and started to stumble over her words. "I wasn't following you! There are just good herbs around here. I remembered you telling me- us- that. I really wasn't following you!"

Caradoc raised a brow. Surely the girl must be new since she didn't know who she was getting involved with. Any other sawbone had fled the scene when it came to offering Caradoc help. Too many herbs ruined...still the lion had to take a moment to look over the hybrid. If she was willing to help surely it was alright. It definitely woudl be a break from the flurry of questions.

The lion tilted his head towards her flustered replies, "Aye, aye. Don't worry about it." He chuckled quietly before moving on to pull some more moss from a tree, "If you remember the good herbs then you should go ahead and pick some. It'll help a lot since that's what I was here for."

Venani blew out her breath slowly. It was okay. It was okay... OH-I-WOULD-LOVE-TO-HELP!!! "I would be happy to help." Managing a little smile, she nodded and turned back to the leaves she'd been plucking. "I believe these are the ones you said were good for helping to reduce pain," she said, pointing to the small pile with her paw. "Would you confirm that I'm picking them properly?"

Placing more of the moss in his pouch Caradoc turned at the question. He was prepared to correct the hybrid's question when he turned, but instead nodded in approval as he spotted the leaves. "You are right, good job." He smiled warmly as he leaned closely to look at the herbs, unaware that his bigger frame easily slipped next to her's.

"Just be careful when you twist with your maw since the stems are important as well." He advised firmly, "Other than that these look good to go." He was about to comment more when sudden noise caught his attention. Great.

Blinking Caradoc looked up as another lioness ran towards him, "Caradoc!" She panted, "One of the mercs came back wiht a broken leg again...they need you to set the bone."

Frowning the lion looked back towards Venani, "Well so much for that lesson." Still Caradoc had a warm smile for her, "Thanks for the help. You can always gather more and feel free to ask me any future questions. You've done great so far."

With that said the lion nodded once more before taking off after the other feline towards his newest patient.

Venani was composed on the outside, but fluttering like a butterfly on the inside as Caradoc came over to inspect her work. She wanted to collapse with relief at the voice approval, but she managed to stand firm, chin raising slightly with pride.

It was a mix of disappointment and relief that hit her when the other female arrived, calling for Caradoc's help. She turned to thank Caradoc for the brief lesson, but his smile made her heart flutter again. She could die happy....... "Th-thank you," she finally stuttered out, watching the pair leave. She would get the best leaves for him!

Sabra Knight
Painted Moose
For the Pride! 83