Name: Rent Spencer
Gender: agender, uses female pronouns
Age: Apparently about 16

Faction: Undead
Race: Infected .. vine.. thing (I need a better term for this... but its based on the meta mobs/Creation vines)

Natural Ability: Vine Manipulation: Able to control the vines that make up her body and contort them any which say she wants, to some limitations. She can change her shape, form and spread herself out but only at the same volume and mass as she currently is.

- still a bitter and slightly disgruntled individual
- skeptical and weary about just about everything as she has no idea what is going on around her
- on the defensive
- picks things up quickly
- but can now actually be swayed in opinion (as I failed to do that in the meta) as she is willing to listen (with resting b***h face)

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Despite sounding annoying, getting an education seemed like the better option that the NSIB gave her given she was a fish out of water when she arrived and had no idea what was going on. Sure, maybe she could have just picked things up along the way if she got a job, and sounded more liberating, but how easy was that going to be? (Maybe she could just go for like a few days and drop out, haha!)

FEAR Ability:
(few ideas: infect things, poison things.. hit things with vines....)

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: white
Hair Colour/Style: Green and Viney with a few purple flowers on some of the longer strands. But can easily change that really.
Skin Colour: Though her skin tone is pretty much hunter green almost black, it is composed of many many vines that she is able to manipulate at will, so she has a few leafy green bits that snake around and peek through appendages.
Clothing Style/Colours: Rent dresses in punk-like style.
Extra: Not really. Flowers sometimes bloom?
References: bit of this and this and the black forms of the mobs from the meta.

Day Zero log

- Random tidbits:
. she couldn't remember the right word she had for her old name/nickname upon registration with the NSIB, and they figured she just meant 'rent' and not lease. And that's how she got her name.
. since she was getting a whole new name, Spencer just randomly popped into her head .. having some sort of connection with it.
. will be on her skellyphone way too much
. will most likely find herself an annoying job as well since she doesn't have a family to support her.