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It had been at least a week since Nebesa had decided to travel and to be honest, she felt kind of... odd. Not that she was homestick or anything, but her belly seemed to stretch further than it ever had before.

She was a lot more ravenous too.

Still, she moved along. She could do this! Travelling to where she wanted, being where she pleased. She could do it, but the normally cocksure lioness was suddenly nervous and unsure if she could continue her journey.

Toril had never been one for social outings which was probably why she spent so much time in the rogue lands. She had been out with her Captain and his band for the past few weeks, avoiding those that annoyed her back in the pride. She was getting better about talking to others; really, she was, but it still didn't mean she liked it. The others had been camped out for a while when Toril decided to branch out on her own. Just a little walk, nothing major, just something so she wouldn't have to deal with all the talking.

Coming over a cresting hill, Toril stopped to look about her, and found herself spotting a lioness instead. A chubby one, at that! "Hey you!"

The lioness was near shocked out of her little pity party by a voice that came from... somewhere. She found the source of the call when she looked up towards the top of the hill.

"Ah, Hello?" She greeted in turn, only a little confused by the call. She hesitated, walking forward to see the other better.

"It's a good day to die," Toril called out, her voice as loud and commanding as any Captain. That tone, coupled with the grin on her maw, made her out as a menace to any well meaning rogue. She moved forward, walking at a brisk pace to close the gap between the two of them. Perhaps I can ransom her? She looks well fed, so she must have a family close by. Someone would pay a nice sum to get something this cute back. That was the plan, anyway. Something quick and simple; one that would also bolster her reputation within the ranks.

"Wh-what?" Nebesa took a step back, suddenly uncertain. She could run, but the added weight would probably slow her down. The other lioness could probably outrun her easily.

She didn't quite know how to fight either. Her sister was the fighter, not her. She didn't want to die today.

"I just said hello." Toril chuckled. She shook her head, clucking her tongue at the outsider's ignorance. "That's how we greet each other in my pride; I'm not going to kill you." Not now, at least. The spotted lioness accessed the other, looking for little things that might get her more in the ransom game. That way her weight was distributed was curious. She was either being fed well, or...Toril grinned. Jackpot.

"What about you? Surely you have little sayings in your pride too? Or maybe even in your family? Pretty little thing like you wouldn't be out here by herself. Surely not."

"Oh..." Nebesa frowned. It didn't sound like any hello she had ever heard. Regardless, she took another half step back, just so the other lioness wasn't so close to her. "I'm... well, on my own now." The pride fell apart. It had been trying to recollect itself as she left. "I wanted to go on an adventure but I don't know anymore..." she flushed a bit at being called pretty, tho she was still quite unsure about the entire situation.

"Adventures are all well and good when you have others to share them with." So she was on her own? That was no good, at least not for ransoming. Still...Maybe there was something there. She dropped all semblance of niceness, and instead took it upon herself to claim the chit. "From now on you're not on your own; you're with me. I'm taking you back home where you'll be my Thrall, and serve me. Follow my commands and I'll treat you well. Disrespect me, and we'll see how far you get." She was hoping for a chase; she always was. Perhaps Toril was a little too bloodthirsty for her own good. "Questions?"

Nebesa trembled slightly as the other lioness' voice turned commanding. Once Toril asked her, though she forced herself to speak. "Yes, just one question..." she gave a small pause as she took another half step back. "What--" and she bolted, straight at the female before veering off to the side in an attempt to distract her and escape. She probably wouldn't make it very far, but damnit she would try. She just hopes the life stirring in her stomach would be safe.
Toril wasn't surprised to see the lioness run. The direction had been new, if not distracting, since Toril side stepped to avoid being rammed.Clever girl. She was quick to react, and within a matter of seconds Toril was giving chase. It wouldn't take her long to run down the new Thrall, but Toril didn't want the fun to end that quickly. She was nothing if not an endurance runner, and she doubted this one could keep up that pace for long. In time she would run her down, and then she could break her in. For her sake, Toril hoped she was a quick learner.