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Seaki: Chozi had started wheezing lately. Not a strong one but if he exerted himself too much he would start wheezing. It was loud and gross. It interfered with his job and interests. It was frustrating. He just wanted to dance and entice. No one would lay with him if he began wheezing in the middle. It was one of the stronger reasons he didn't visit Tikoto. He would probably cry, messy and disgusting, not appealing. So he wandered, skirting the edge of the pride, grumbling as he saw the guards a bit further off. He knew Celes had them keeping an eye on him, so he only toed along to border without quite leaving the lands.

nessiaing: Taime had been travelling for quite sometime. He didn't have a desitination in mind he just liked to walk about see the world. He had belonged to a pride but it had never felt like home to him. He had gone out in his pilgrimage and met others and it was then that he realized he belonged out here in the wild seeing the world.

Taime had gone back just so that his family wouldn't worry about him but now he was back out where he belonged. He felt at piece out here, not restless like he had always been in the pride. As he trotted along at a leisuraly pace he spotted someone else. He held back wondering if he should approach or not, not everyone wanted to talk like he did.

Seaki: Chozi had come across the guards as they made their rounds and he briefly spoke to them as they walked. He promised not to go too far out of the lands. Not out of their sight at least. He stayed, humming as he looked out into the rogue lands. It didn't take him long to spot a dark figure moving in the near-distance. At first he thought of Tikoto, but the bright green said no. "Hello," he called regardless. Company would be nice either way.

nessiaing: Taime smiled when the other male called out to him. Perfect he thought, he was due for a bit of a rest and it was nice to have someone to sit and chat with in the down time. He moved at a steady pace towards the hybrid.

"Hello there, I didn't mean to disturb you." he offered in appology. Taime knew that the other male had greated him first but perhaps he was just overly friendly and actually wanted to be left alone.

Seaki: Chozi nearly cheered when the other wandered towards him, but he gave a soft cough instead, reminding himself that the wheezing would return. "You're not disturbing me. I'm actually quite lonely. I could use some company if you're not opposed?" He asked , a little nervous. When others had found out he was sick, they had turned tail and ran, not wanting to obtain his illness. It wasn't contagious as far as he could tell though. "What brings you here?"

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nessiaing: Taime smiled pleased at the gretting. "Nothing brings me here and nothing takes me away." Taim said a coy smile on his lips. This was what he liked best about his no nomatic life, he was held accountable for nothing and didn't need to worry about being anywhere at a specific time or place. Some might be saddened by the fact they had no one who might notice that they were missing but Taime found it liberating.

"I am a traveller I go far and wide. I am going to walk ocean to ocean." Taime mused.

"How about you what brings your here?" Taime had noticed the other one weased a bit here and there, it wasn't really anything he gave a second thought to though.

Seaki: "Ooh, a traveler," Chozi hummed. Travelers alway had the best stories. The places they had gone always excited him. "I live here, just inside the wetlands. I promised my children I wouldn't stray far though," because Chozi often strayed far but he did not break a promise as well as he could. He sometimes left the lands while he was ill but not far and not on a day he promised to stay still. "What's it like, traveling on your own?" While he had been nomadic as an adolescent, his deep-seated depression hadn't made his travels enjoyable. He preferred having a home...

nessiaing: Taime smiled, he was a little shocked to hear that he had been aproaching a pride. He made a mental note to himself that she should take extra care to pay attention to where he was walking. One couldn't always know that they were coming into a pride's lands however there generally were several cues and signs.

"Ah travelling on my own is the most liberating thing I have ever done. Its wonderful." Taime was all about the upside of things. He never focused on the negative, even if there was a large negative side, noone got anywhere if they spent time wallowing in things that didn't go their way.

"Since I am on my own I can travel as quickly or slowly as I want. I get to rest where I want. Hunting is easy I only have to catch just enough for myself." he had began to ramble on, when someone got him going Taime was hard to quiet him down.

"Sounds like you have a family that really loves you." he said in responst to the fact the hybrid had promised his children he would stick around, it sounded absolutely suffocating to Taime.

Seaki: Chozi gave a pleased little huff. "I like having my home to return to," he told the lion. "I used to be a traveler like you, but I decided to settle down." Chozi's ears flicked, listening to see if anyone was calling him. "I love my family though, and I wouldn't trade them for the world."

nessiaing: Taime considered the other male's words. "Perhaps one day I will have a family and settle down.... though its hard to imagine." he admitted. His mind drifted thinking of the various females he had a spent a night with here or there, there was a chance that he did have a family, or at least offspring out there somewhere.

He gave his head a little shake, no point in worrying or thinking about what might be. He cast his eyes towards the sky it was already starting to get dark which meant Taime needed to find a place to spend the night.

"There wouldn't happen to be room for me in the pride... Just for the night of course?" Taime asked, he was reserved and polite in his request. As much as he didn't want to belong to a pride he did recognize that there was a certain safety in numbers which meant he would be able to get a good nights rest before he carried on his travels to go from ocean or ocean.

Seaki: Chozi gave a smile, yusing the chance to catch his breath to stop the wheezing. "Of course, I can offer you sancutary and escort you out in the morning." That, or one of his children." The pride was a little strict when it came to full-breeds.

"Just stick close, don't stray." He gestured into the pride.